ARS Nova Digital Showcase 2024

The Persecution of Influential Albanians during the Communist Regime: The Case
of the Group of Deputies

Exploring gene regions: ITS and Mat-k for identifying Brassica varieties via DNA

The The Effects of Fetal Bovine Serum Concentration on Cell Senescence in WS1,
BJ, IMR-90 & CCD-1070SK Skin and Lung Fibroblasts

Exploring gene regions: ITS and Mat-k for identifying Brassica varieties via DNA

A Potential Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Route to Highly Functionalized
Aromatic Rings: An Approach toward the A-Ring of Pancratistatin.

Work to Live or Live to Work? How Work Culture Has Influenced Workers' Rights in
France and the United States

The Three2Six Program in Johannesburg: Teaching English to the Children of
Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Other Migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa

Afrofuturism: The Black Body as an Immortal Canvas of Storytelling, Resistance,
and Mysticism

Racism: Psychological and Spiritual Impacts on Young Adults and Their Sense of

The Formylation of Primary and Secondary Amine Hydrochloride Salts with
Triethyl Orthoformate

The Effect of Marijuana Use on Appetite: A Literary Review of Cannabinoid
Hyperemesis Syndrome and the Endocannabinoid System

Crown and Tiara: An Instance of Papal-Royal Collusion in Combating Noble
Prerogatives in Thirteenth-Century Portugal

Balancing Act: Exploring the Link Between Role Demand and Mental Distress Among
Among Ethnic Minority Undergraduates