Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society) at Rose Hill

Scientific Research Society

Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, actively promotes the promise of science and technology. Founded in 1886

Male student filling test tube - SM
at Cornell University, the society fosters interaction among science, technology and society; encourages appreciation and support of original work in science and technology; and honors scientific research accomplishments.

Membership is drawn from the following disciplines:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

Membership in Sigma Xi is by invitation. The most promising young scientists and students with demonstrated research potential are invited to join as associate members. Full membership is conferred upon individuals who have demonstrated noteworthy achievements in research.

Undergraduates who have completed research projects are nominated for associate membership by their major departments. The board of directors of the Fordham University chapter of Sigma Xi reviews the applications and invites qualified students to join the society. The initiation ceremony is held in May.

The Fordham chapter sponsors lectures in the scientific disciplines throughout the academic year.