Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, Mattering and Justice
In the Jesuit Tradition, Of Service to All

As a Catholic university in the Jesuit tradition, Fordham aims to form individuals who are intellectually capable and committed to building a more just world. This mission is rooted not only in the Gospel but also in the nearly 500-year history of the Jesuits and in the long tradition of Catholic social teaching which invites us to:
- Reflect on our responsibility to uphold the dignity and worth of each person as
created by God - Promote the common good
- Work toward a more just and compassionate society
As Jesus urged his followers to welcome the stranger, Fordham welcomes students, faculty, and staff from every background and faith. We embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging principles as central to our mission—and part of our commitment to promote understanding, solidarity, and a sense of duty toward others and our broader community.
Gabelli School Diversity Mission Statement
The diversity mission of the Gabelli School of Business is to create a sense of belonging while remaining consistent with GSB’s core mission of empowering positive global change and developing students into compassionate business leaders. Our charge is weaving community engagement and global citizenship into the fabric of our academic programs and campus life. This will ensure that we remain inclusive and accepting of diverse points of view, lifestyles, and personal choices that make all members of our community unique.
Gabelli School Diversity Vision Statement
The Gabelli School of Business will be recognized as the worldwide leader in socially conscious business education. It will be acknowledged as a hub of inclusivity that fosters academic and social growth in all students. Companies around the world will see GSB as a recruiting pool of diverse and talented social changemakers. We will maintain a climate of inclusion where all community members feel like they belong. The school will leverage its rigorous academics, global outlook, New York City location, and Jesuit heritage to educate students in all business disciplines with the mindsets and capabilities that enable business to move society forward.
At the Gabelli School, we view diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging not only as critical elements that support the workforce and help modern businesses thrive, but also as values that help express our deep fundamental respect for humanity.
- Lerzan Aksoy, Ph.D., Dean, Gabelli School of Business
Diversity - Within the Gabelli School community… we define the term as individual or group differences and similarities (i.e. values, personalities, abilities, race/ethnicity, cultures, genders, faiths, socio-economic statuses, ranks, sexual orientations, etc.).
Equity - Within a DEI context, the term equity refers to fair, just and symmetrical policies and practices that guard against anything that would keep members of a given community from having equal access to all of the rights and privileges afforded to all people within that community. This includes but it is not limited to creating opportunities for groups who have historically underrepresented.
Inclusion - Within a DEI context, the term inclusion refers to a campus climate this is maintained at the leadership level where all stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, alumni, community and corporate partners, etc.) have a deep sense of belonging and are able to bring their full selves into the community without feeling like they are in an outgroup.
Belonging - The feeling of security and support a person feels, irrespective of their background, where there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and positive identity within the context of a broader more diverse group of individuals. It means bringing your authentic self to work or school and still feeling socially embraced.
Mattering - The feeling that others depend on us, are interested in us, view us as extension of them by way of the human race or experience us as an ego extension. It means that peers and colleagues are concerned with our respective fates.
Justice - The right to be treated and the responsibility to treat others with fairness and equity, the duty to challenge prejudice, and to uphold the laws, policies and procedures that promote justice in all respects.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business
441 E. Fordham Rd.
Hughes Hall - Fifth Floor, Suite 533
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone: 718-817-0459 | Fax: 718-817-4999 | Email: gsbdei@fordham.edu