Financing Your Graduate Education
Investing in Your Future
Earning a graduate degree offers a broad array of advantages in a global employment market that has become more competitive than ever before. From acquiring the knowledge and skills to change or advance your career, to increasing your earning potential, to providing an opportunity to network and build the critical connections you need for success, it is an investment that will broaden your horizons and equip you for the opportunities ahead.
At the Gabelli School of Business, we are here to help you navigate the intricacies of financing your graduate education, providing the guidance to make well-informed decisions so you can concentrate on what matters most—your education.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are set each year by Fordham University. To view current rates, please visit the University’s website. Be sure to read the information carefully as rates are different for new students and continuing students.
Have Questions? We’re here to help!
Sign up for an Admission Counseling Session with a member of the Admissions team,
email: or call: 1+212-636-6200.
Ways to Finance Your Education
Graduate students who are enrolled at the Gabelli School of Business can finance their education through a variety of sources including, but not limited to, student loans, scholarships, and graduate assistantships, as well as financial aid that is coordinated through the University’s Office of Student Financial Services. Many of the options are affordable to both domestic and international students though some may differ in their criteria for qualification.
We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the ways in which to finance your degree.
A Successful Admissions Story and So Much More!
Ben Kaufman, GABELLI ’22
Account Manager, Netflix

Ben Kaufman completed an undergraduate degree in economics and had worked for a number of years in the digital marketing space before applying to the Gabelli School’s Full-time M.B.A. program. Once admitted, he was fortunate enough to receive a Dean’s Premier Scholarship and was deeply grateful for the financial support it provided. “It helped to reduce my cost of living expenses and earning a graduate degree, as did the income I received from being a graduate assistant.” Kaufman was a research GA assigned to Professor Hooman Estelami, Ph.D., and developed a relationship with him that extended well beyond his time at the Gabelli School. “While earning my degree, I helped edit his books and took on general responsibilities to support his research,” Kaufman noted. “Once I graduated, we remained in touch, and he has been incredibly supportive in helping me to address challenges as they arose in my career. He also helped me to explore my options and offered guidance as I was searching for my current role.” The mentoring Kaufman received, combined with the opportunity to lower the cost of earning his M.B.A., illustrate the deep commitment the Gabelli School has in providing an outstanding, affordable graduate education.
If you are a prospective or current graduate student and have questions after exploring the pages in this section, please contact Office of Graduate Admissions at
If you are a prospective undergraduate student, please visit Fordham University’s undergraduate financial aid page instead.