Visiting Scholars

Jan W. Dash, PhD
To help ensure a livable world, Jan promotes climate change risk management. He is the editor of the Climate Change Encyclopedia (2021, World Scientific), and the founder of Climate CARO, motivating universities to train MS students for a new business profession – climate change risk and opportunity officer. Jan is lead climate advisor to the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, and also did the math behind the Bloomberg Climate Clock that won a 2016 NY Press Club Award. He is editor of the Climate Portal, a collection of extensive information on climate change and global warming. Jan also spoke on a panel at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference.
Jan was a leader in quantitative finance and risk management. As a director, he managed PhD quant/risk groups at Bloomberg LP, Citigroup, and other leading firms. He was visiting research scholar at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business and adjunct professor at the Courant Institute (NYU). His book, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, A Physicist’s Approach, was originally published in 2004.
In his previous career as a physicist, Jan was directeur de recherche at the Centre de Physique Théorique (CNRS, Marseille, France). He published over 60 scientific papers.