ITO Recent Research
The Gabelli School of Business information, technology, and operations faculty consistently share their research with the wider community by publishing in high-quality academic journals and books and participating in industry conferences. The listing below is a sample of the information systems area's recent research activities.
Evangelos Katsamakas, and Aditya Saharia, forthcoming, “Digital innovation to transform customer Experience,” Int. J. Strategic IT Applications.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and V. Raghupathi, forthcoming, "Leveraging the Web For Corporate Sustainability Disclosure," Information Resources Management Journal.
Icheng Robert Chiang, and Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li, forthcoming, “Competition through Exclusivity in Digital Content Distribution,” Production and Operations Management.
Icheng Robert Chiang, M.A. Nunez, and L. Kuo, forthcoming, “Managing Risk-Adjusted Resource Allocation for Project Time-Cost Tradeoffs,” Annals of Operations Research.
Apostolos Filippas, John Horton, and Richard Zeckhauser, forthcoming, “Owning, using and renting: Some simple economics of the “sharing economy,” Management Science.
Icheng Robert Chiang, W. Gu, C. Wang, S. Dai, and L. Wei, forthcoming, “Optimal Construction Strategies for Reverse Logistics Networks: A Multi-criteria Decision Approach for the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry,” Resources Policy.
Anteneh Ayanso, Dawit Demissie, and Mengesha Nigusse, forthcoming, "Profiles and Evolution of E-government Readiness in Africa: A Segmentation Analysis,” International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC).
Sarah J. Wu, forthcoming, "Assessing the Individual and Synergistic Effects of Quality Management Practices on Operations Performance," International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Viju Raghupathi, Yilu Zhou, and Wullianallur Raghupathi, 2020, “Exploring Big Data Analytic Approaches to Cancer Blog Text Analysis,” International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 14(4), 1-20.
Pinar Ozturk, Jie Ren, and William Yeoh, 2019, “Online Crowdsourcing Campaigns: Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Process Model,” The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(3), 266-276.
Jie Ren, and J. V. Nickerson, 2019, “Arousal, Valence and Volume: How the Influence of Online Review Characteristics Differs with Respect to Utilitarian and Hedonic Products,” European Journal of Information Systems, 28(3), 272-290.
Nan Wang, and Evangelos Katsamakas, 2019, “A Network Data Science Approach to People Analytics,” Information Resources Management Journal, 32(2), 28-51.
Siegrist C. and Evangelos Katsamakas, 2019, “Decision Support System for Rooftop Solar in the Bronx,” Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 9(1), 45-77.
Evangelos Katsamakas, and Mingdi Xin, 2019, “Open source adoption strategy,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 36.
Evangelos Katsamakas, and Madany H., 2019, “Effects of User Cognitive Biases on Platform Competition,” Journal of Decision Systems, 28(2), 138-161.
Andreas Heusler, Dominik Molitor, and Martin Spann, 2019, “How Knowledge Stock Exchanges can increase student success in Massive Open Online Courses,” PLoS ONE, 14(9).
Philipp Naegelein, Martin Spann, and Dominik Molitor, 2019, “The Value of Product Presentation Technologies on Mobile vs. Non-Mobile Devices: A Randomized Field Experiment,” Decision Support Systems, 121, 109-120.
Yi Tang, Yilu Zhou, and Marshall Hong, 2019, “News Co-Occurrences, Stock Return Correlations, and Portfolio Construction Implications,” Journal of Risk Financial Management, 12, 45.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2019, "Exploring science and technology led innovation: a cross-country study," Journal of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 8(5), 1-45.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2019, "Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure on the Web: An Exploratory Study," Information Resources Management Journal, 32(1), 1-27.
Xu Han, Niam Yaraghi, and Ram Gopal, 2019, “Catching Them Red-Handed: Optimizing the Nursing Homes’ Rating System,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 10(2).
Shasha Deng, Yili Zhou, Pengzhu Zhang, and Ahmed Abbasi, 2019, “Using Discussion Logic in Analyzing Online Group Discussions: A Text Mining Approach,” Information and Management, 56(4), 536-551.
Michael A. Pirson, and Dongli Zhang, 2019, “Survival of the Misfittest - Stakeholder Enactment as Performance Buffer for Contingency Misfits,” American Journal of Management, 19(2), 72-86.
Evangelos Katsamakas, 2018, “Effects of Quality Improvement and Upgrading on Software Market Disruption,” International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 9(4), 1-15.
Jie Ren, William Yeoh, Mong Shan Ee, and Aleš Popovič, 2018, “Online consumer reviews and sales: Examining the chicken‐egg relationships,” The Journal of the Associations for Information Science and Technology, 69(3), 449-460.
Ahmed Abbasi, Yilu Zhou, Shasha Deng, and Pengzhu Zhang, 2018, “Text Analytics to Support Sense-Making in Social Media: A Language-Action Perspective,” MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 427-464.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, Viju Raghupathi, and Yilu Zhou, 2018, "Legal Decision Support: Exploring Big Data Analytics Approach to Modeling Pharma Patent Validity Cases," IEEE Access, 6, 41518-41528.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2018, “An Empirical Study of Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Visual Analytics Approach,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), 431.
Nicholas Georgantzas, 2018, “On Business-enterprise Organization: “A Praxis Research,” Human Systems Management, 37(3), 257-270.
Nicholas Georgantzas, 2018, “Humanizing HSM to benefit human systems,” Human Systems Management, 37(1), 1-5.
Nicholas Georgantzas, 2018, “Play with Societal Structure to Improve Societal Process,” Human Systems Management, 37(4), 361-378.
Yong He, Hongfu Huang, Dong Li, Chunming Shi, and Sarah J. Wu, 2018, “Quality and Operations Management in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review,” Journal of Food Quality.
Nicholas Georgantzas, and Evangelos Katsamakas, 2017, “M&A and corporate-governance dynamics,” Human Systems Management, 36(3), 221-228.
Ioannis Karakatsanis, Wala AlKhader, Francis MacCrory, Armin Alibasic, Mohammed Omar, Zeyar Aung, and Wei L. Woon, 2017, “Data mining approach to monitoring the requirements of the job market: A case study,” Information Systems, 65(C), 1-6.
Mark S. Silver, 2017, “How You Store Information Affects How You Can Retrieve It: A Fundamental Principle for Business Students Studying Information Systems and Technology,” American Journal of Business Education, 10(4), 127-142.
Philip Napoli, Bozena I. Mierzejewska, Dobin Yim, Henry C. Lucas, and Abrar Al-Hasan, 2017, “Evaluating Strategic Approaches to Competitive Displacement: The Case of the U.S. Newspaper Industry,” Journal of Media Economics, 30(1), 19-30.
Jiban Khuntia, Dobin Yim, Mohan Tanniru, and Sanghee Lim, 2017, “Patient empowerment and engagement with a health infomediary,” Health Policy and Technology, 6(1), 40-50.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2017, “Economic Growth and Climate Change: An Exploratory Country-Level Analytics Study,” International Journal of Green Computing, 8(1), 1-22.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2017, “Preventive Healthcare: A Neural Network Analysis of Behavioral Habits and Chronic Diseases,” Healthcare, 5(1), 8.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, and Viju Raghupathi, 2017, “Innovation at country-level: association between economic development and patents,” Journal of Innovation Entrepreneurship, 6(4).
Dorothy E. Klotz, and Thomas A. Wright, 2017, “A Best Practice Modular Design of a Hybrid Course Delivery Structure for an Executive Education Program,” Journal of Innovative Education, 15(1), 25-41.
Changyue Luo, Dongli Zhang, Biao Luo, and Jia Ge, 2017, “Ambidextrous strategy and firm performance: The Moderating Effects of Organizational Slack and Organizational Life Cycle,” Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 1-11.
I. Robert Chiang and Jinhui Wu, 2016, “Supplier Involvement and Contract Design during New Product Development,” lEEE-Transaction on Engineering Management, 63(2), 248-258.
N. Georgantzas and E. Katsamakas, 2016. How Service Customers Tidy their Service Quality Perceptions. Human Systems Management, 35(2), 129-139
Frank MacCrory, Vidyanand Choudhary, and Alain Pinsonneault, 2016, “Research Note - Designing Promotion Tournaments to Mitigate Turnover of IT Professionals,” Information Systems Research, 27(3), 648-660.
I. Karakatsanis, W. AlKhader, F. MacCrory, A. Alibasic, M. Omar, Z. Aung, and W. Woon, 2016, “Data Mining Approach to Monitoring the Requirements of the Job Market: A Case Study,” Information Systems 65(1): 1-6.
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2016, "Exploring Cost and Quality of Medicare in the United States Using Analytics," International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 11(2), 1-18.
I. Robert Chiang and Jhih Hua Jhang-Li, 2015, “Resource Allocation and Revenue Optimization for Cloud Service Providers,” Decision Support Systems, 77, 55-66.
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2015, “A Neural Network Analysis of Treatment Quality and Efficiency of Hospitals,” Journal of Health & Medical Informatics, 6(6).
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2015, “Benchmarking Hospital Performance Using Health Analytics,” Journal of Health & Medical Informatics, 6(2).
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2015, “An Empirical Analysis of the Status of Country-level Public Health,” Health Policy and Technology, 4(2), 156-167.
Jie Ren, 2015, “Exploring Creativity in Crowdsourcing,” Journal of Business Anthropology, 4(2), 284-292.
Abha Kumar, Aditya Saharia, Evangelos Katsamakas, and Glenn A. Bixby III, 2015, “Enterprise 2.0 Implementation at Vanguard: Enabling Collaboration and Mobility,” International Journal of Strategic IT Applications, 6(3), 23-34.
Sarah J. Wu and Wullianallur Raghupathi, 2015, “The Strategic Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Delivery of Sustainability: A Country-Level Study,” Journal of Global Information Management, 23(3),92-115.
I. Robert Chiang and Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li, 2014, “Delivery Consolidation and Service Competition among Internet Service Providers,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(3), 254-286.
Evangelos Katsamakas, 2014, “Value Network Competition and Information Technology,” Human Systems Management, 33(1-2), 7-17.
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2014, “An Unstructured Information Management Architecture Approach to Text Analytics of Cancer Blogs,” International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 9(2), 17-34.
Wullianallur Raghupathi, Sarah J. Wu, and Viju Raghupathi, 2014, “The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Global Sustainability: A Review,” Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 2(1), 124-145.
Wullianallur Raghupathi and Viju Raghupathi, 2014, “Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Promise and Potential," Health Information Science and Systems, 2(1).
Jie Ren, Jeffery V. Nickerson, Winter Mason, Yasuaki Sakamoto, and Bruno Graber, 2014, “Increasing the Crowd’s Capacity to Create: How Alternative Generation Affects the Diversity, Relevance and Effectiveness of Generated Ads,” Decision Support Systems, 65, 28-39.