Resources and Links
The following are useful resources for information on jobs in the marketing industry.
- American Marketing Association
- ANA Educational Foundation
- LinkedIn Jobs
Glossary of Acronyms
- CMO: Chief Marketing Officer
- CRM: Customer Relationship Management
- CSO: Chief Sustainability Officer
- CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
- DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance
- KPI: Key Performance Indicator
- PPC: Pay-Per-Click
- PR: Public Relations
- R&D: Research and Development
- SEM: Search Engine Marketing
- SEO: Search Engine Optimization
The Research Team
Mohammad G. Nejad, PhD, Marketing Area Chair ([email protected])
Aida Lahood, Marketing Area Program & Creative Manager ([email protected])
Graduate Students/Researchers: Ahmad Sharifi, Arjun Trivedi, Amelia Semler, and Rashi Shah.
We thank the following individuals for reviewing and contributing to this brochure:
Hooman Estelami, Ph.D.; Russell Nathan ‘21; Jennifer O’Neil; Ankur Jaluria ’15; Ancy Joseph; Timothy Malefyt, Ph.D.; Linda Luca, Deep Bhandari, Ph.D.; Jonathan Zile ’15; Caroline Dahlgren ‘11, ‘14; and Anthony DeFrancesco.
Special thanks to the Gabelli School Marketing and Communications Team, Paola Curcio-Kleinman, Pamela White, and Wayne Anderson.
Note: We acknowledge that a report like this is not exhaustive of all jobs and domains, and some positions may overlap across multiple marketing domains. For example, marketing jobs within retail firms may span all nine domains, and there may be cross- functional teams, such that some individuals may perform more than one job. This report seeks to include the most frequently posted positions in each category and synthesizes other positions within these roles. This has been necessary to maintain the report at a manageable length and keep it useful to readers.