Marketing Research Activities
The Gabelli School of Business marketing faculty consistently share their research with the wider community by publishing in high-quality academic journals and books and participating in industry conferences. The listing below is a sample of the marketing area's recent research activities.
Aksoy, Lerzan, Sunmee Choi, Tarik Dogru, Tim Keiningham, Melanie Lorenz, Dan Rubin and Bruce Tracey, forthcoming, “Global Trends in Hospitality,” Journal of Business Research.
Lerzan Aksoy, Sandhya Banda, Colleen Harmeling, Timothy L. Keiningham and Anita Pansari, forthcoming, “Marketing’s Role in Multi-Stakeholder Engagement,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, Susan Myrden, Linda Alkire, Kyung Wong, Soren Kocher, Jay Kandampully, and Jerome Williams, forthcoming, “Digital Health Experience: A Regulatory Focus Perspective,” Journal of Interactive Marketing.
Dee Warmath, Casey Newmeyer, Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Nancy Wong, forthcoming, “Have I Saved Enough to Social Distance? The Role of Household Financial Preparedness in Public Health Readiness,” Journal Consumer Affairs, Special Issue.
Casey, Newmeyer, Casey, Dee Warmath, Genevieve E. O’Connor, Nancy Wong, forthcoming, “Is Savings Automation Helpful? It Depends on Whether You Have a Savings Habit,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Special Issue.
Ahir Gopaldas, Marina Carnevale, Richard Kedzior, and Anton Siebert, forthcoming, “Service Conversation: Advisory, Relational, and Transformative Approaches,” Journal of Services Marketing.Sven Tuzovic, Sertan Kabadayi, Stefanie Paluch, 2021, "To Dine or Not to Dine? Collective Wellbeing in Hospitality in the COVID-19 Era," the International Journal of Hospitality Management. 95, ISSN 0278-4319.
Silke Boenigk, Aaron A. Kreimer, Annika Becker, Linda Alkire, Raymond P. Fisk, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2021, “Transformative Service Initiatives: Enabling Access and Overcoming Barriers for People Experiencing Vulnerability,” Journal of Service Research.
Dobin Yim, Timothy Malefyt and Jiban Khuntia, 2021, “Is a picture worth a thousand views? Measuring the effects of travel photos on user engagement using deep learning algorithms,” Electron Markets - the International Journal on Networked Business. Williams, Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, and Lerzan Aksoy, 2021, "What’s the Right Customer Experience for Your Brand?" Harvard Business Review.
Anton Siebert, Ahir Gopaldas, Andrew Lindridge, and Claudia Simoes, 2020, “Loyalty Loops and Spiraling Roller Coasters: Tracing the Evolution of Smooth and Sticky Customer Journeys Across,” Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 45-66.
Russell Belk, Mariam Humayun, and Ahir Gopaldas, 2020, “Artificial Life,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40(2), 221-236.
Linda Alkire, Christine Mooney, Furkan Gur, Sertan Kabadayi, Maija Renko, and Josina Vink, 2020, “Transformative Service Research, Service Design and Social Entrepreneurship: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Wicked Problems,” Journal of Service Management, 31(1), 24-50.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Laurel Cook, 2020, “Reducing Referral Leakage: An Analysis of Health Care Referrals in a Service Ecosystem,” Journal of Service Marketing, 34(4), 513-528.
Genevieve E. O'Connor, Mohammad G. Nejad, and Hooman Estelami, 2020, “Exploring Antecedents of Unethical Business Decisions,” American Journal of Business Education, 13(2), 27-40.
Hooman Estelami, 2020, "The Effects of Need for Cognition, Gender, Risk Preferences and Marketing Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions," Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 22(1), 93-109.
Ahir Gopaldas, and Susanna Molander, 2020, “The Bad Boy Archetype as a Morally Ambiguous Complex of Juvenile Masculinities: The Conceptual Anatomy of a Marketplace Icon,” Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23(1), 81-93.
Lerzan Aksoy, Ian R. Hodgkinson, and Treasa Kearney, 2020, “Customer Experience Driven Business Model Innovation,” Journal of Business Research, 116, 431-440.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2020, “Examining Antecedents of Health Insurance Literacy: The Role of Locus of Control, Cognitive Style, and Financial Knowledge,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(1), 227-260.
Sertan Kabadayi, Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Sven Tuzovic, 2020, “Viewpoint: The Impact of Coronavirus on Service Ecosystems as Service Mega-Disruption, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(6) 809-817.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Laurel Cook, 2020, “Reducing Referral Leakage: An Analysis of Health Care Referrals in a Service Ecosystem,” Journal of Services Marketing, 34(4) 513-528.Sertan Kabadayi, Kejia Hu, Yuna S.H. Lee, Lydia Hanks, Matthew Walsman, and David Dobrzykowski, 2020, “Fostering Older Adult Care Experiences to Maximize Well-Being Outcomes: A Conceptual Framework,” Journal of Service Management, 31(5), 953-97.
Robert Morais, and Dawn Lerman, 2020, “The Brand Language Brief: A Pillar of Sound Brand Strategy,” Journal of Brand Strategy, 8(3), 265-281.
Timothy Malefyt, and Peter Johnson, 2020, “Women's Softball and the Collaborative Spirit of Magic,” Journal of Business Anthropology, 9(2): 317-339.
Linda Alkire, Genevieve E. O’Connor, Susan Myrden, and Soren Kocher, 2020, “Patient Experience in the Digital Age”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57. (November) 102221, selected to be part of the Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection:, Lerzan, Hooria Jazaieri, Yuliya Komarova, Katherine Milligan, Jeffrey Nesteruk and Raj Sisodia (2019). “Reimagining the Change Maker: From Exalting Heroes to Engaging Our Humanity,” Humanistic Management Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, 239-259.
Aksoy, Lerzan, Helene Duneigre, Loic Guilloux and Sikaar Keita (2019), “Viewpoint: Service Research Priorities – Bridging the Academic and Practitioner Perspectives,” Journal of Services Marketing.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, Sertan Kabadayi, 2019, “Examining Antecedents of Health Insurance Literacy: The Role of Locus of Control, Cognitive Style, and Financial Knowledge,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(2).
Shannon Coffey, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2019, “Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Bi-national Products: Effects of Country-of-Brand, Country-of-Manufacture, and Trusting Beliefs,” Journal of Global Marketing.
Edward C. Malthouse, Alexander Buoye, Nathanial Line, Dahlia El-Manstrly, Tarik Dogru, and Jay Kandampully, 2019, “Beyond reciprocal: The role of platforms in diffusing data value across multiple stakeholders,” Journal of Service Management, 30, 507-518.
Charles M. A. Clark, Alexander Buoye, Timothy Keiningham, Jay Kandampully, Mark Rosenbaum, and Anuar Juraidini, 2019, “Some Foundational Factors for Promoting Human Flourishing,” Human Management Journal, 4(2), 219-233.
Sertan Kabadayi, 2019, “Understanding Employee Sabotage while Serving Refugees: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey,” Journal of Services Marketing, 31(7), 946-958.
Sertan Kabadayi, Linda Alkire, Garrett M. Broad, Reut Livne-Tarandach, David Wasieleski, and Ann Marie Puente, 2019, “Humanistic Management of Social Innovation in Service (SIS): an Interdisciplinary Framework,” Humanistic Management Journal, 4(2), 159-185.
Sertan Kabadayi, Faizan Ali, Hyeyoon Choi, Herm Joosten, and Can Lu, 2019, “Smart Service Experience in Hospitality and Tourism Services: A Conceptualization and Future Research Agenda,” The Journal of Service Management, 30(3), 326-348.
Michael Pirson, Lerzan Aksoy, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2019, “Social Innovation and the Future of Business and Business Education,” Humanistic Management Journal, 4(2), 119-124.
Lerzan Aksoy, Linda Alkire, Sunmee Choi, Peter Kim, and Lu Zhang, 2019, “Social Innovation in Service: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda,” The Journal of Service Management, 30(3), 429-448.
Hooman Estelami, and Zixin Mao, 2019, “An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Tuition for Online MBA Programs,” American Journal of Business Education, 12(1), 1-9.
Hooman Estelami, Nicole N. Estelami, and John Litchmann, 2019, “Determinants of Prices for the Performing Arts,” The Journal of Promotion Management, 25(6), 890-906.
Jenna Florendao, and Hooman Estelami, 2019, "The Role of Cognitive Style, Gullibility, and Demographics on the Use of Social Media for Financial Decision Making," Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 24(1), 23-37.
Domen Bajde, and Ahir Gopaldas, 2019, “What Makes a Good Paper? Analytic and Continental Ideals in Consumer Culture Theory,” Qualitative Market Research, 22(3), 270-77.
Allard Van Riel, Jie Zhang, Lee McGinnis, Mohammad G. Nejad, Paul Phillips, and Milos Bujisic, 2019, “A Framework for Sustainable Service System Configuration: Exploring Value Paradoxes with Examples from the Hospitality industry,” Journal of Service Management, 30(3), 349-368.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, Casey Newmeyer, Nancy Wong, Julia Belyavsky, Laurel Cook, Yuliya K. Loureiro, L. Lin Ong, and Dee Warmath, 2019, “Conceptualizing the Multiple Dimensions of Consumer Financial Vulnerability,” Journal of Business Research, 100, 421-430.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, 2019, “Exploring the Interplay of Cognitive Style and Demographics in Consumers’ Financial Knowledge,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(2), 382-423.
Hooman Estelami, and Genevieve E. O’Connor, 2019, “The Effects of Cognitive Style, Shopping Experience and Consumer Demographics on Consumer Reactions to Quantity Surcharges,” Journal of Promotion Management, 25(2), 161-180.
Luke Kachersky, and Ryall Carroll, 2019, “Service Fundraising and the Role of Perceived Donation Efficacy in Individual Charitable Giving,” Journal of Business Research, 99, 254-263.
Francis Petit, 2019, “Lou Carnesecca: Lessons for Today’s Executive that Goes beyond Basketball,” Journal of Sports and Games, 1(2), 23-29.
Albert N. Greco, and Jaclyn Simson, 2018, “The Price and New Title Output of Scholarly Books: 2009-2016,” Publishing Research Quarterly, 34(2), 218-237.
Albert N. Greco, 2018, “The Scholarly Publishing Community Should Support Changes to U.S. Copyright Law,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 49(2), 248-259.
Ahir Gopaldas, and Anton Siebert, 2018, “Women over 40, foreigners of color, and other missing persons in globalizing mediascapes: understanding marketing images as mirrors of intersectionality,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 21(4), 323-346.
Julia A. Fehrer, Sabine Benoit, Lerzan Aksoy, Thomas L. Baker, L., Simon J. Bell, Roderick J. Brodie, and Malliga Marimuthu, 2018, “Future scenarios of the collaborative economy: Centrally orchestrated, social bubbles or decentralized autonomous?” Journal of Service Management, 29(5), 859-882.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, 2018, “The Relationships of Competition and Demographics to the Pricing of Health Insurance Premiums in Affordable Care Act–Era Health Insurance Markets,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 37(1), 88-105.
Hooman Estelami, 2018, “Incidence and Magnitude of Quantity Surcharges and Quantity Discounts in Online Shopping,” The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 52(3), 517-539.
Marina Carnevale, Ozge Yucel‐Aybat, and Luke Kachersky, 2018, “Meaningful stories and attitudes toward the brand: The moderating role of consumers' implicit mindsets,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 17(1), 78-89.
Mohammad G. Nejad, and Katayon Javid, 2018, “Subjective and objective financial literacy, opinion leadership, and the use of retail banking services,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(4), 784-804.
Timothy L. Keiningham, Roland T. Rust, Bart Lariviere, Lerzan Aksoy, and Luke Williams, 2018, “A roadmap for driving customer word-of-mouth,” The Journal of Service Management, 29(1), 2-38.
Alexander J. Buoye, Luke Williams, and Jay Weiner, 2018, “WAR: What Else Is It Good For? A Comparison of Maximum Difference Scaling, Adaptive Choice-based Conjoint, Constant Sum Scaling and Wallet Allocation Rule Utilities,” Journal of Creating Value, 4(1), 61-81.
Yuliya K. Loureiro, Kelly L. Haws, and William O. Bearden, 2018, “Businesses Beware: Consumer Immoral Retaliation in Response to Perceived Moral Violations by Companies,” Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 184-200.
Marina Carnevale, Yuliya K. Loureiro, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2018, “Customer Value Creation for Risky Products: The Role of Brand Trust and Trusting Beliefs,” Journal of Creating Value, 4(1), 1-21.
Francine E. Petersen, Heather J. Dretsch, and Yuliya K. Loureiro, 2018, “Is It Always Better to Give Consumers a Reason to Indulge?” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35, 170-84.
Marina Carnevale, David Luna, and Dawn Lerman, 2017, “Brand linguistics: A theory-driven framework for the study of language in branding,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(2), 572-591.
Eileen Fischer, Ahir Gopaldas, and Daiane Scaraboto, 2017, “Why papers are rejected and how to get yours accepted: Advice on the construction of interpretive consumer research articles,” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20(1), 60-67.
Andreas Buja, Nermin Eyuboglu, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2017, “Multiple channel complexity: Conceptualization and measurement,” Industrial Marketing Management, 65, 194-205.
Nicole Benevento, Albert N. Greco, Toniann Pasqueralle, Clara Rodriguez, Francesca Russo, Alana M. Spendley, Kelly Sullivan, Yiming Sun, and Robert M. Wharton, 2017, “Who Publishes More Books in U.S. English Departments, Men or Women?” Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(1), 357-372.
Albert N. Greco, 2017, “The Kirtsaeng and SCI-HUB Cases: The Major U.S. Copyright Cases in the Twenty-First Century,” Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(3), 238-253.
Albert N. Greco, 2017, “Book Publishers Should Support Changes in the Office of the Copyright and the Register of the Copyright Office,” Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(2), 117-125.
F. Bernardo, Ahir Gopaldas, and Eileen Fischer, 2017, “The construction of qualitative research articles: a conversation with Eileen Fischer,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 20(4), 297-305.
Hooman Estelami, 2017, “The Pedagogical and Institutional Impact of Disruptive Innovations in Distance Business Education,” American Journal of Business Education, 10(3), 97-108.
Hooman Estelami, and Mohammad G. Nejad, 2017, “The impact of cognitive style, entrepreneurial attitudes and gender on competitive price responses,” Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(7), 759-770.
Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, and Fabienne Cadet, 2017, “Operationalizing Relative Customer Value,” Journal of Creating Value, 3(2), 184–192.
Lerzan Aksoy, Timothy L. Keiningham, Alexander John Buoye, and Joan Ball, 2017, “Linking satisfaction to credit card decisions: an application of the Wallet Allocation Rule,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(2), 205-219.
Werner Kunz, Lerzan Aksoy, Yakov Bart, Kristina Heinonen, Sertan Kabadayi, Francisco V. Ordenes, Marianna Sigala, David Diaz, and Babis Theodoulidis, 2017, “Customer engagement in a Big Data world,” The Journal of Services Marketing, 31(2), 161-171.
Marina Carnevale, Lilac Nachum, and Helaine Korn, 2017, “Why does MNE performance vary across countries? An inquiry into the competitive value of MNE assets,” International Business Review, 26(6), 1196-1207.
Marina Carnevale, Yuliya K. Loureiro, and Sertan Kabadayi, 2017, “Customer Value Creation in Multichannel Systems: The Interactive Effect of Integration Quality and Multichannel Complexity,” Journal of Creating Value, 3(1), 1-18.
Elisabeth Brüggen, Jens Hogreve, Maria Holmlund, Sertan Kabadayi, and Martin Löfgren, 2017, “Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda,” Journal of Business Research, 79, 228-237.
Nermin Eyuboglu, Sertan Kabadayi, and Andreas Buja, 2017, “Managing Multichannel Complexity,” Industrial Marketing Management, 65, 194-205.
Sertan Kabadayi, and Peter Stokes, 2017, “Comments by Guest Editors on the Special Issue of Value Creation Conceptualization,” Journal of Creating Value, 3(2), 9-11.
Timothy L. Keiningham,, Joan Ball, Sabine Benoit, Helen L. Bruce, Alexander J. Buoye, Julija Dzenkovska, Linda Nasr, Yi-Chun Ou, and Mohamed Zaki, 2017, “The Interplay of Customer Experience and Commitment,” Journal of Services Marketing, 31(2),148-160.
Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Alexander J. Buoye, and Joan Ball, 2017, “Choosing the Less Satisfying Option: Investigating Customers’ Lender Selection Decisions,” Review of Business, 37(2), 46-58.
Bart Larivière, Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Atakan Yalçin, Forrest V. Morgeson III, and Sunil Mithas, 2016, “Modeling Heterogeneity in the Satisfaction, Loyalty Intention, and Shareholder Value Linkage: A Cross-Industry Analysis at the Customer and Firm Levels,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53(1), 91-109.
Alexander Buoye, Yuliya Komarova Loureiro, Sertan Kabadayi, Mohammad G. Nejad, Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, and Jason Allsopp, 2016, “Is Share of Wallet Exclusively about Making Customers Happy or Having More Customers? Exploring the Relationship between Satisfaction and Double Jeopardy,” Journal of Service Management, 27(4), 434-459.
Alexander Buoye, Lerzan Aksoy, Timothy L. Keiningham, and Joan Ball, 2016, "Relative Value and Customer Choice in Loan Decisions: An Application of the Wallet Allocation Rule," Journal of Creating Value, 2(1), 92-108.
Alexander Buoye, 2016, "An Examination of Relative Satisfaction and Share of Wallet: Investigating the Impact of Country and Customer Characteristics," Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26(3), 297-314
Hooman Estelami, Peter DeMaeyer, and Nicholas Estelami, 2016, “Determinants of Extended Warranty Prices for Consumer Durables,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25(7):687-699.
Hooman Estelami, 2016, “An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Online Course Efficiency Perceptions on Student Evaluation of Teaching Measures,” American Journal of Business Education, 9(2), 67-82.
Estrella Diaz, David Martin-Consuegra, and Hooman Estelami, 2016, "A Persuasive-based Latent Class Segmentation Analysis of Luxury Brand Websites," Electronic Commerce Research, 16(3), 401-424.
Ahir Gopaldas, Bernardo Figueiredo, and Eileen Fischer, 2016“The Construction of Qualitative Research Articles: A Conversation with Eileen Fischer,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 1-9.
Ahir Gopaldas, 2016, “A Front-to-Back Guide to Writing a Qualitative Research Article,” Qualitative Market Research, 19(1), 115-121.
Ahir Gopaldas, 2016, “Therapy,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 19(3), 264-268.
Julita Haber, Genevieve Elizabeth O’Connor, and Nina Sarkar, 2016, “Make Your Students Sweat: Fitness Integrated Learning in Business Education,” Journal Applied Business and Economics, 18(2), 39-48.
Sertan Kabadayi, 2016, “Customers’ Disatisfaction with Banking Channels and their Intention to Leave Banks: The Moderating Effect of Trust and Trusting Beliefs,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(3),194-208.
Sertan Kabadayi and Banu Yilmaz, 2016, “Turkish Shopping Center Visitors; A Segmentation Study,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 26(4), 456-476.
Malefyt, Timothy de Waal, and Maryann McCabe, 2016, “Women’s Bodies, Menstruation, and Marketing ‘Protection’; Relocating Agency Consumer Practices and Advertising Campaigns,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 19(6), 555-575
Mohammad G. Nejad, Mehdi Amini, and Daniel L. Sherrell, 2016, “The Profit Impact of Revenue Heterogeneity and Assortativity in the Presence of Negative Word-of-Mouth,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 656-673.
Mohammad G. Nejad, 2016, “On the Contributions and the Validity of an Agent-Based Simulation Model of Innovation Diffusion,” European Journal of Marketing, 50(3/4), 647-657.
Mohammad G. Nejad and Genevieve O’Connor, 2016, “An Intersectional Approach to Evaluating Consumer Financial Literacy,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(4), 308-324.
Mohammad G. Nejad and Sertan Kabadayi, 2016, “Optimal Introductory Pricing for New Financial Services,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(1), 34-50.
Mohammad G. Nejad, 2016, “Research on Financial Services Innovations: A Quantitative Review and Future Research Directions,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(7), 1042-1068.
Mohammad G. Nejad, 2016, “Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in Financial Services,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(1), 2-8.
Genevieve E O'Connor, 2016 “Investigating the Significance of Insurance and Income on Health Service Utilization across Generational Cohorts,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(1), 19-33.
Alberto N. Greco, and Alana M. Spendley, 2016, “The Price of University Press Books 2012-2014,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 47(2), 106-120.
Albert N. Greco, 2016, “The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Scholarly Journals,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 48(1), 17-39.
Albert N. Greco, Amy Brand, and Robert M. Wharton, 2016, “Demographics of Scholarly Publishing and Communication Professionals,” Learned Publishing, 29(2), 97-101.
Anders Gustafsson, Lerzan Aksoy, Michael Brady, Janet McColl-Kennedy, Nancy J. Sirianni, Lars Wittel, and Nancy V. Wunderlich, 2015, “Conducting Service Research That Matters,” Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 425-429.
Lerzan Aksoy, Bart Lariviere, Jens Hogreve, Chiara Orsinger, and Andrea Ordanini, 2015, “Using Relative Measures in Service Research,” Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 448-452.
Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, Carly M. Frennea, Lerzan Aksoy, and Vikas Mittal, 2015, “A Five-Component Customer Commitment Model: Implications for Repurchase Intentions in Goods and Services Industries," Journal of Service Research, 18(4), 433-450.
Alexander Buoye, Lerzan Aksoy, Timothy L. Keiningham, Bart Lariviere, Luke Williams, and Ian Wilson, 2015, “Does Loyalty Span Domains? Examining the Relationship between Consumer Loyalty, Other Loyalties and Flappiness,” Journal of Business Research, 68(12), 2464-2476.
Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, Bruce Cooil, Edward C. Malthouse, Lerzan Aksoy, Arne De Keyser, and Bart Lariviere, 2015, “Perceptions Are Relative: An Examination of the Relationship between Relative Satisfaction Metrics and Share of Wallet,” Journal of Service Management, 26(1), 2-43.
Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, and Joan Ball, 2015, "Competitive Context Is Everything; Moving from Absolute to Relative Metrics," Global Economics and Management Review, 20(2), 18-25.
Ahir Gopaldas, 2015, “Creating Firm, Customer, and Societal Value: Toward a Theory of Positive Marketing,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2446-2451.
Ahir Gopaldas and Glenna DeRoy, 2015, “An Intersectional Approach to Diversity Research,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 18 (4), 333-364.
Hooman Estelami, 2015, “Cognitive Catalysts of Distrust in Financial Services Markets: An Integrative Review,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20(4), 246-257.
Hooman Estelami, 2015, “The Effects of Survey Timing on Student Evaluation of Teaching Measures Obtained Using Online Surveys,” Journal of Marketing Education, 37(1), 54-64.
Hooman Estelami, and Nicholas Estelami, 2015, “Impact of Violent Content on the Pricing of Media Products,” Journal of Promotion Management, 21(2), 246-266.
Peter M. Johnson, 2015, “Creativity in a Real-Time World: Improvisation and the Culture of Creativity,” Journal of Business Anthropology, 4(2), 266-274.
Luke Kachersky and Marina Carnevale, 2015, “Effects of Pronoun Brand Name Perspective and Positioning on Brand Attitude,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(2), l57-164.
Yuliya Komarova Loureiro and Kelly L. Haws, 2015, “Positive Affect and Malleable Mental Accounting: An Investigation of the Role of Positive Affect in Flexible Expense Categorization and Spending,” Psychology and Marketing, 32 (6), 670-77.
Yuliya Komarova Loureiro and Laura Gonzalez, 2015, “Competition against Common Sense: Insights on Peer-to-Peer Lending as a Tool to Allay Financial Exclusion,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33 (5), 605-23.
Dawn Lerman and Hersh Shefrin, 2015, “Positive Marketing: Introduction to the Special Section,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2443-2445.
Timothy D. de Waal Malefyt, 2015, “The Senses in Anthropological and Marketing Research: Investigating a Consumer-Brand Ritual Holistically,” Journal of Business Anthropology, 4(1), 5-30.
Maiyauu McCabe and Timothy de Waal Malefyt, 2015, “Creativity and Cooking: Motherhood, Agency and Social Change in Everyday Life,” Journal of Consumer Culture, 15(1) 48-65.
Mohammad G. Nejad, Mehdi Amini, and Emin Babakus, 2015, “Success Factors in Product Seeding: The Role of Homophily,” Journal of Retailing, 91(1), 68-88.
Anil Bilgihan, and Mohammad G. Nejad, 2015, “Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism Industries,” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 6(3), 198-202.
Genevieve E. O'Connor, 2015, “The Impact of Insurance Coverage on Consumer Utilization of Health Services: An Exploratory Study,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(3), 276-297.
Alberto N. Greco, 2015, “Academic Libraries and the Economics of Scholarly Publishing in the Twentieth-First Century: Portfolio Theory, Product Differentiation, Economic Rent, Perfect Price Discrimination, and the Cost of Prestige,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 47(l), 1-43.
Alberto N. Greco, Chelsea Aiss, 2015, “University Presses in the Twenty-first Century: The Potential Impact of Big Data and Predictive Analytics on Scholarly Book Marketing,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 46(2), 105-140.
Timothy L. Keiningham, Forrest V. Morgeson III, Lerzan Aksoy, and Luke Williams, 2014, “Service Failure Severity, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Share: An Examination of the Airline Industry,” Journal of Service Research, 17(4), 415-431.
Lerzan Aksoy, 2014, “Linking Satisfaction to Share of Deposits: An Application of the Wallet Allocation Rule,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 32(1), 28-42
Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, Sunil Gupta, and Lerzan Aksoy, 2014, “The Fligh Price of Satisfaction,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(3), 37-46.
Alexander Buoye, Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Edward C. Malthouse, and Bart Lariviere, 2014, “The Cumulative Effect of Satisfaction with Discrete Transactions on Share of Wallet,” Journal of Service Management, 25(3), 310-333.
Marina Carnevale, Ozge Yucel-Aybat, and Lauren Block, 2014, “The Added Value of Contextual Motivations on Consumer—Brand Relationships of Self-Gifts,” Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 396-407.
Hooman Estelami, 2014, “An Ethnographic Study of Consumer Financial Sophistication,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 13(5), 328-341.
Hooman Estelami, 2014, “Determining the Drivers of Student Performance in Online Business Courses,” American Journal of Business Education, 7(1), 79-91.
Ali Dehghanpour and Hooman Estelami, 2014, “The Interplay of External Punishment and Internal Rewards. An Exploratory Study of Insurance Fraud,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 19(4), 253-264.
Ahir Gopaldas, 2014, “Marketplace Sentiments,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (4), 995-1014.
Sertan Kabadayi and Katherine Price, 2014, “Consumer-Brand Engagement on Facebook: Liking and Commenting Behaviors,” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 8(3), 203-223.
Jua, Sunkyu, Sertan Kabadayi and Sungmin Ryu, 2014, “Evolution of Trust in Exchange Relationships,” Journal of Marketing Thought, 1(3), 11-22.
Luke Kachersky, Sankar Sen, Hyeong Min Kim, and Marina Carnevale, 2014, “Buyer Beware of Your Shadow: How Price Moderates the Effect of Incidental Similarity on Buyer Behavior,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44(10), 643-649.
Laura Gonzalez and Yuliya Komarova Loureiro, 2014, “When Can a Photo Increase Credit? The Impact of Lender and Borrower Profile on Online Peer-to-Peer Loans,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2, 44-58.
Robert J. Morais and Timothy de Waal Malefyt, 2014, “Ethics in Business Anthropology: Crossing Boundaries,” Journal of Business Anthropology, 3(1), 1-10.
Mohammad G. Nejad, Daniel L. Sherrell, and Emin Babakus, 2014, “Influentials and Influence Mechanisms in New Product Diffusion: An Integrative Review,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(2), 187-208.
Genevieve E. O’Connor, 2014 “Emerging Promotional and Pricing Approaches in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market.” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23 (7), 572-580.
Albert N. Greco, forthcoming, “The Business of Scholarly Publishing: Managing in Turbulent Times,” Published by Oxford University Press.
Hooman Estelami, 2019, “Marketing Strategy: Scientific Methods, Tools, and Techniques for Achieving Strategic Marketing Success,” Published by Bahar Books.
Hooman Estelami, 2019, “Simplified Business Research Methods: A Concise Guide to Tackling Common Business Research Questions,” Published by Bahar Books.
Dawn Lerman, and Santiago Mejia, 2019, “Positive Marketing, Virtue, and Happiness,” The Routledge Handbook of Positive Communication. Ed. by Jose Antonio Muniz-Velazquez and Cristina Pulido. New York: Routledge.
Hooman Estelami, 2018, “Cases in Financial Services Marketing,” Published by Bahar Books.
Dawn Lerman, 2017, “Refocusing Business Education: A Human-Centered Approach,” in Ethics of Anthropology in Business: Explorations in Pedagogy, Practice and Theory, Timothy Malefyt and Robert Morais, eds, New York, Routledge.
Dawn Lerman, Robert Morais, and David Luna, 2017, “The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategy and Tactics,” New York: Routledge.