Dawn Lerman

Business faculty - Dawn Lerman

Professor & Executive Director, Center for Positive Marketing
Special Advisor to the Provost on Strategy
Joined Fordham: 2000

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 404,
New York, NY 10023

Email: lerman@fordham.edu
Website: www.centerforpositivemarketing.org

  • Dawn Lerman focuses on the field of consumer behavior with particular emphasis on consumer language processing. Her work has been published in a variety of academic journals and books and has been presented at both academic and industry conferences. She is also a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Business Research andInternational Marketing Review.

    Prior to joining Fordham, Dr. Lerman served as a press attaché in the public relations department of a major political lobby in Paris and as a marketing and business development analyst at The Ferolie Group, a leading New York-area food broker. While at Ferolie, Dr. Lerman managed a number of major brands manufactured by corporations such as Van Den Bergh Foods, Kraft, Apple & Eve, McCormick and the James River Corporation, and she played a key role in a variety of new product introductions.

    More recently, Dr. Lerman has served as a consultant in areas related to market research, new product introductions, branding and marketing strategy development. She also conducts in-house seminars on topics ranging from linguistic considerations in brand communications to the branding of industrial products.

    • Ph.D.: Business, Baruch College (CUNY)
    • Master's: M.B.A. in Marketing and International Business, New York University; M.Phil. in Business, Baruch College, CUNY
    • Bachelor's: B.A. in French Language and Literature, Brandeis University
    • The role of language in marketing and consumer behavior
    • Psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural approaches to branding, advertising, and the consumer experience
    • Bilingualism and cross-cultural aspects of language processing within a consumer context
    • Morais, Robert and Dawn Lerman (2020), “The Brand Language Brief: A Pillar of Sound Brand Strategy,” Journal of Brand Strategy, 8 (3), 265-281.
    • Lerman, Dawn and Santiago Meja (2018), “Positive Marketing, Virtue and Happiness,” in The Routledge Handbook of Positive Communication, José Antonio Muñiz Velázquez and Cristina M. Pulido, eds, New York, Routledge.
    • Lerman, Dawn, Robert Morais and David Luna (2017), The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategy and Tactics. New York: Routledge. 
    • Carnevale, Marina, David Luna and Dawn Lerman (2017), “Brand Linguistics: A Theory-Driven Framework for the Study of Language in Branding,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (2), 572-591.
    • Kachersky, Luke and Dawn Lerman (2013)"Reframing Marketing: Bridging the Gap Between Marketing's Intentions and Lay Perceptions," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30 (7) , 544-552 .
    • Carnevale, Marina, David Luna and Dawn Lerman (2013), "Does Brand Spelling Influence Memory? The Case of Auditorily Presented Brand Names," Journal of Consumer Psychology. 23 (1), 36-48.
    • Shrum, L.J., Tina Lowrey, David Luna, Min Liu, and Dawn Lerman (2012), "Sound Symbolism Effects Across Languages: Implications for Global Brand Names."International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29 (3), 275-279.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Dawn Lerman (2011), "Made in China But Sold at FAO Schwarz: Country of Origin Effects and Trusting Beliefs," International Marketing Review, 28 (1), 102-126.
    • Scelzo, Tracy and Dawn Lerman (2009), "Little Emperors Grown Up: A Case Study of Cosmetic Usage," 10 (2), Young Consumers, 110-119.
    • Lerman, Dawn, Rachel Maldonado, and David Luna (2009) “A Theory-Based Measure of Acculturation: The Revised Cultural Life Style Inventory,” 62 (4), Journal of Business Research, 399-406.
    • Lerman, Dawn B. (2007), “Phonology, Morphology, and Semantics: Towards a Fuller Conceptualization of Brand Name Meaning,” Tina M. Lowrey (ed.), Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
    • Sen, Shahana and Dawn Lerman (2007), “Why Are You Telling Me This?  An Examination into Negative Consumer Reviews on the Web,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21 (4), 76-94.
    • Lee, Julie Ann, Ellen Garbarino and Dawn Lerman (2007), “The Interaction of Country Level Uncertainty Avoidance and Product Uncertainty on Consumer Perceptions,”International Marketing Review, 24 (3), 330-349.
    • Lerman, Dawn (2006), “The Relationship Between Consumer Politeness and Complaining Behavior,” Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (2), 92-100.
    • Luna, David, Dawn Lerman, and Laura Peracchio (2005), “Structural Constraints in Code-Switched Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (December), 416-423.