Dean Leistikow

Dean Leistikow

Finance and Business Economics
Joined Fordham: 1987

General Information:
45 Columbus Avenue, Room 608,
New York, NY 10023


  • Dean Leistikow, a professor of finance, joined the Gabelli School of Business in 1987. A former economist with the U.S. Department of Energy and Department of Health and Human Services, Professor Leistikow holds a Ph.D. and M.A. from Brown University and a B.S. from the University of Iowa. He has won best-paper honors three times at different academic conferences.

    • Ph.D.: Brown University
    • Master's: M.A., Brown University
    • Bachelor's: B.S., University Iowa
    • Investment Analysis
    • Options and Futures
    • “Ultra Treasury Bond Futures,” with Ren-Raw Chen and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Journal of Fixed Income, Winter 2023, jfi.2022.1.150; DOI:
    • "Dynamic Conditional Bias-Adjusted Carry Cost Rate Futures Hedge Ratios" (with Yi Tang and Wei Zhang), Journal of Risk and Financial Management15(1), 12; 2022, Accepted 2021.
    • "Spot Asset Carry Cost Rates and Futures Hedge Ratios" (with Ren-Raw Chen and Yuewu Xu), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Forthcoming. Accepted 12/2021.
    • “Carry Cost Rate Regimes and Futures Hedge Ratio Variation,” (with Ren-Raw Chen), The Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12, June 2019, 78; doi:10.3390/jrfm12020078.
    •  Futures Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio Determination: An Ex-ante Analysis (with Ren-Raw Chen and Andrew Wang), North American Journal of Economics and Finance, February 2019,
    •  “Stochastic Portfolio Theory and the Low Beta Anomaly” (with Robert Ferguson and Anna Agapova), The European Journal of Finance, 25 (2019, issue 5), 415-434.
    •  “Chasing Performance and Identifying Talented Investment Managers,” (with Robert Ferguson, Anna Agapova, and Joel Rentzler), The Journal of Investing, 27, Spring 2018, 52-64.
    •  “A Continuous Return Model for the Low Volatility and Low Beta Anomalies,” (with Robert Ferguson and Anna Agapova), The Journal of Investing, 26, Fall 2017, 107-120.
    •  “What’s The Big Deal About Risk Parity?” (with Robert Ferguson, Anna Agapova and Danny Meidan), The Journal of Asset Management, 18(5), 341-346, DOI: 10.1057/s41260-016-0037-0.
    • "Chicken Little Gets It Wrong Again," (with Robert Ferguson and Anna Agapova), The Journal of Portfolio Management 3 (Spring 2014), 8-9, 77-86.
    • “Carry Costs and Futures Hedge Calculations,” (with Bob Ferguson and Steve Raymar), Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 6 (2013), 1-34.
    • "Abnormal Stock Returns, for the Event Firm and its Rivals, Following the Event Firm’s Large One-Day Stock Price Drop," (with Susana Yu), Managerial Finance 37 (2011), 151 - 172.
    • “Arithmetic and Continuous Return Mean-Variance Efficient Frontiers,” (with Bob Ferguson, and Susana Yu), Journal of Investing, 18 (Fall 2009), 62-69.
    • “Which explains an equity indexes’ return better, the change in its own implied volatility or that for a broader index?” (with Susana Yu), Journal of Investment Management, 7 (Third Quarter 2009), 66-80.
    • “The Effect of Value Estimation Error on Portfolio Growth Rates,” Journal of Investing, (with Bob Ferguson, Susana Yu and Joel Rentzler), Journal of Investing, 18 (summer 2009), 69-75.
    • “VIX Signaled Switching for Style-Differential and Size-Differential Short-term Stock Investing,” (with Susana Yu), forthcoming in Finance Letters, (expected to be in volume 5, issue 6, December 2007, original document is 23 pages long).
    • “Closed-end Fund Discounts and the Expected Investment Performance Hypothesis," (with Bob Ferguson), The Financial Review, 39 (May 2004), 179-202.
    • “Investment Management Fees: Discriminating Among Good and Bad Managers and Long-Run Incentives in the Presence of Talent,” (with Bob Ferguson) Journal of Investment Management, 1 (Fourth Quarter 2003), 47-72.
    • “Is the Insurance Business Viable,” (with Bob Ferguson and John Powers), Financial Analysts Journal, 59 (May/June 2003), 30-41.
    • “Valuing Investment Management Fees, Active Management, and Closed-end Fund Discounts,” (with Bob Ferguson), Financial Analysts Journal, 57 (May/June 2001), pp. 52-62.
    • "Problems with Health Insurance," (with Bob Ferguson), Financial Analysts Journal, 56 (November/December 2000), pp. 14-29.
    • "Futures Hedge Profit Measurement, Error-Correction Model vs Regression Approach Hedge Ratios, and Data Error Effects," (with Bob Ferguson), Financial Management, 28 (Winter 1999), pp. 118-125, 147.
    • “Search for the Best Financial Performance Measure: Basics Are Still Better,” (with Bob Ferguson), Financial Analysts Journal, 55 (May/June 1999), pp. 16-19.
    • "Are Regression Approach Futures Hedge Ratios Stationary?" (with Bob Ferguson), The Journal of Futures Markets, 18 (October 1998), pp. 851-866.
    • “Search for the Best Financial Performance Measure: Basics Are Better,” (with Bob Ferguson), Financial Analysts Journal, 54 (Jan/Feb 1998), pp. 81-85.
    • "Investment Management Fees: Long-Run Incentives," (with Bob Ferguson), The Journal of Financial Engineering, 6 (March 1997), pp. 1-30.
    • “Unearned Performance Fees," Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (with Bob Ferguson), 23 (September 1996), pp. 1033-1042.
    • "On the Risk of Stocks in the Long-Run: A Comment," Financial Analysts Journal (with Bob Ferguson), 52 (March/April 1996), pp. 67-68.
    • "The Impact of Shifts in Uncertainty on Spot and Futures Price Change Serial Correlation and Standardized Covariation Measures," The Journal of Futures Markets, 13 (December 1993), pp. 873-887.
    • "The Behavior of Equity and Debt Risk Premiums," The Journal of Portfolio Management (with John Finnerty), 19 (Summer 1993), pp. 73-84.
    • "College Tuition Prepayment Programs: Description, Investment Portfolio Composition, and Contract Pricing," The Journal of the Midwest Finance Association (with John Finnerty), 21 (1992), pp. 165-174.
    • "The Relative Responsiveness to Information and Variability of Spot and Futures Prices," The Journal of Futures Markets, 10 (August 1990), pp. 377-396.
    • "Announcements and Futures Price Variability," The Journal of Futures Markets, 9 (December 1989), pp. 477-486.