Esther Solomon

Associate Professor
Leading People and Organizations
Joined Fordham: 1984

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 400,
New York, NY 10023


  • Esther Solomon is an associate professor in the leading people and organizations area at the Gabelli School of Business. She has expertise in the application of Facet Analysis and multi dimensional scaling in organizational research. Her research areas include dimensions of social cognition in leadership, corporate governance processes, stakeholder dynamics and organizational change. She is the president of the Facet Theory Association.

    Professor Solomon has consulted with organizations including the U.S. Olympic Committee,Deutsche Bank, Republic National Bank, Discount Bank, and Citibank. She has designed and conducted team-building and leadership-development seminars,extending advanced process management methodologies in financial services.

    • Ph.D.: University of Jerusalem
    • Master's: M.A., University of Jerusalem
    • Bachelor's: B.A., Pierce College, American University, Athens, Greece
    • Corporate Governance Processes and top management teams
    • Leadership of Organizational Change
    • Theory construction through Facet Design and Multivariate Analysis
    • Stakeholder Dynamics
    • Process Management in Health Care and Financial Services
    • Facet Theory in Organizational Research, Book, Routledge Publishing, (2021). ISBN - HBK 978-0-367-77627-5
    • Corporate Governance and Paradoxical Tensions: Leadership Dynamics though Facet Theory. International Studies of Management and Organization, 49, 320-339. With M. Huse, (2019)
    • Guest Editor’s Introduction: Facet Theory in Organizational Research. Special Issue on Facet Theory. International Studies of Management and Organization, 49, 233-246. (2019).
    • Organizational Learning, Integrity, and Value through Process-Oriented Innovations. Human Systems Management, 37, 81-94. (2018)
    • CEO Influence in the Boardroom: Comparing Perceptual Structures Using Facet Analysis. In Roazzi, A., Souza, B.C.; Bilsky, W. (Eds.) Searching for Structure in Complex Social, Cultural and Psychological Phenomena. Editora Universitária/UFPE, Brazil, 158- 172, with M. Huse (2013).
    • Interrupting Oppression and Sustaining Justice: Overview of the Project on Sustaining Justice.  Website of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, Teachers College - Columbia University, 1-6. with Coleman, P. T. (2006)
    • The Dynamics of Corporate Change: Managerial Evaluation of Stakeholder Characteristics.  Human Systems Management, 20, 3, 257-265 (2001)
    • Opportunities and Challenges in Hospital Governance: Facet Analysis of Interviews with Trustees”. In Facet Theory: Analysis and Design.  J. Hox, P.G. Swanborn, G. J. Mellenbergh (Eds.)  University of Amsterdam, SETOS, Zeist.  249-258 (1995)
    • Strategic Mindsets in Subsidiaries and Parents of US and Japanese Multinational Companies.  Management International Review, 32, 4, 327-343. with M. Kriger (1992)
    • Grouped Versus Randomized Format:  An Investigation of Scale Convergent and Discriminant Validity using LISREL Confirmatory Factor Analysis.  Applied Psychological Measurement, 13, 19-32. with Schriescheim, C., and Kopelman, R. (1989)
    • Motivational and Stressful Properties of Jobs: Integration of Research Trends Through Facet Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 21, 333-356 (1986).
    • Private and Public Sector Managers:  An Empirical Investigation of Job Characteristics and Organizational Climate.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 2, 247-259 (1986).