Evangelos Katsamakas

Business faculty - Evangelos Katsamakas

Information, Technology, and Operations
Joined Fordham: 2004

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 410,
New York, NY 10023

Email: katsamakas@fordham.edu

  • Evangelos “Evan” Katsamakas is professor of information systems at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. He served as area chair from July 2012 until June 2018, leading the growth of department curriculum, enrollments, and faculty positions.

    Professor Katsamakas’ research analyzes the strategic and economic impact of digital technologies focusing on digital transformation, networks and platforms, data science, business analytics, and fintech. His research interests include economic theory and analytical modeling, machine learning, and computational modeling of complex business systems. Professor Katsamakas’ research has appeared in Management Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, System Dynamics Review, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Information Resources Management Journal, Electronic Commerce Research, and in multiple other scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. His research on digital innovation received the 2016 SIM Best Paper Award. Professor Katsamakas is an associate editor of the European Journal of IS, one of top journals in information systems. He served as guest editor of the special issue of  System Dynamics Review published in fall 2008 on the dynamics of information systems.

    Professor Katsamakas has taught many graduate and undergraduate business school courses including Business Tech & Analytics, Business Analytics Integrated Project, Data Mining, Text Analytics, Systems Analysis and Design, E-business Strategies and Applications, Cloud Computing, and Tech Startups. He received the 2018 Dean’s Award for Teaching Innovation for his contribution to curriculum innovation. Professor Katsamakas holds a PhD from the Stern School of Business, New York University, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and a computer science and engineering degree from the University of Patras, Greece.

    • Ph.D.: MPhil & Ph.D., Stern School of Business, NYU
    • Master's: MSc, London School of Economics
    • Bachelor's: Computer Science and Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
    • Digital Innovation & Tech Startups
    • Digital economics & strategy
    • Platforms
    • Quantitative modeling
    • Data science
    • Game theory
    • Bakos Y. and Katsamakas E. 2008. Design and ownership of two-sided networks: Implications for Internet platforms. Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(2), 171-202.
    • Economides N. and Katsamakas E. 2006. Two-sided competition of proprietary vs. open source technology platforms and implications for software industry. Management Science, 52(7), 1057-1071.
    • Jiang Y. and Katsamakas E. 2010. Impact of e-book technology: Ownership and market asymmetries in digital transformation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(5), 386-399.
    • Janamanchi B., Katsamakas E., Raghupathi W., Gao W. 2009. State and profile of open source software projects in health and medical informatics. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 78(7), 457-472.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2008. Information systems research with system dynamics. System Dynamics Review, 24(3), 247-264.
    • Kumar A, Saharia A, Katsamakas E, Bixby G. 2015. Enterprise 2.0 implementation at Vanguard: Enabling collaboration and mobility, IJSITA 6(3), 23-34.
    • Katsamakas E. 2014. Value network competition and information technology. Human Systems Management, 33(1-2), 7-17.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2012. Prominent causal paths in a simple self-organizing system. International J. of IT and Systems Approach, 5(2), 25-40.
    • Georgantzas N., Katsamakas E., Solowiej D. 2010. Exploring dynamics of Giddens’ globalization. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 27(6), 622-638.
    • Katsamakas E. and Georgantzas N. 2010. Open source disruptive-innovation strategy. Human Systems Management, 29(4), 217-229
    • Economides N. and Katsamakas E. 2006. Linux vs. Windows: A comparison of application and platform innovation incentives. In The Economics of Open Source Software Development, Elsevier Press, 207-218.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2009. Disruptive Internet-service innovation diffusion. Human Systems Management, 28(4), 163-181.
    • Katsamakas E., Janamanchi B., Raghupathi W., Gao W. 2009. A classification analysis of the success of open source health information technology projects. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 4(4), 19-36.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2008. Tampering dynamics: SD-SPC insight. Human Systems Management, 27(2), 89-108.
    • Katsamakas E. 2007. Knowledge processes and learning options in networks: Evidence from telecommunications. Human Systems Management, 26(3), 181-192.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2007. Disruptive innovation strategy effects on hard-disk maker population: A system dynamics study. Information Resources Management Journal, 20(2), 90-107.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2014. Modeling a simple self-organizing system. In Systems and Software Development, Modeling and Analysis. IGI Global Publishing, Chapter 5, 134-148.
    • Katsamakas E., Janamanchi B., Raghupathi W., Gao W. 2011. Open source health information technology projects. In New Technologies for Advancing Healthcare and Clinical Practices, IGI Global Publishing, Chapter 18, 308-325.
    • Georgantzas N. and Katsamakas E. 2008. Information technology industry dynamics: Impact of disruptive innovation strategy. In Best Practices and Conceptual Innovations in Information Resources Management, IGI Global Publishing, Chapter XIII, 231-250.
    • Katsamakas E. 2009. A Review of The Science of Leonardo. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 11(4), 104-105.
    • Jiang Y. and Katsamakas E. 2010. Effects of e-book technology on book retailing. Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii (8 pages)
    • Georgantzas N., Katsamakas E., Solowiej D. 2009. Giddens’ globalization: Dynamic implications, Proceedings of the 27th International Conf. of the System Dynamics Society, July 26, Albuquerque, NM (22 pages)
    • Cooper J., Katsamakas E., Saharia A. 2013. Business value of IT Consumerization, CIO Insight, October.
    • Georgantzas N., Katsamakas E. et al. Beijing 2008 ad dynamics. Proceedings of the 26th International Conf. of the System Dynamics Society, July 20-24, Athens, Greece (19 pages)
    • Katsamakas E. and Georgantzas N. 2007. A system dynamics model of open source software development. Proceedings of the 25th International Conf. of the System Dynamics Society, July 30, Boston
    • Katsamakas E. and Georgantzas N. 2007. Why most open source development projects do not succeed? Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, May 20-25, Minneapolis, Min.
    • Katsamakas E. 2005. The evolution of electronic commerce infrastructure. Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Business, December 10th, Las Vegas.
    • Katsamakas E. 2005. Competing value networks, incomplete contracts and IT. Proceedings of the HICSS 38, January 3-6 2005, Big Island, Hawaii.