Genevieve O'Connor

Business faculty - Genevieve OConnor

Associate Professor
Faculty Director, Ignite Scholars Program
Joined Fordham: 2014

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 429,
New York, NY 10023

  • Genevieve E. O'Connor is an associate professor of marketing at Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University. She earned her Ph.D. from Rutgers University. Her publications have appeared in the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and Journal of Consumer Affairs. She has presented her research to organizations such as the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, and Frontiers in Service.

    Dr. O’Connor is a services marketing strategist who specializes in consumer well-being with a focus on healthcare and financial well-being. Drawing on more than a decade of industry experience with Fortune 500 companies, including 3M, U.S. Surgical and Boston Scientific, Dr. O’Connor conducts research and provides expert consultation for healthcare organizations. Dr. O'Connor, currently serves on two Boards; the Katrin Rohde Foundation and the International Advertising Association.

    • Ph.D.: Management, Rutgers University, 2014
    • Master's: Fordham University, 2010
    • Bachelor's: Comprehensive Science, Villanova University, 1997
    • Services Marketing
    • Healthcare Market Strategies
    • Product and Brand Management
    • Consumer Behavior
    • Consumer Well-Being
    • Alkire, Linda, Susan Myrden, Soren Kocher, and Genevieve E. O’Connor (2023), “Cultural Drivers of Health Engagement”, Journal of International Marketing, Special Issue, Customer Engagement in International Markets, 31(1): 90-105pp.
    • Nejad, Mohammad G., Genevieve O’Connor and Yuliya Komarova (2022) “Opinion Leadership, Behavioral Diffusion, and Consumer Well Being,” Journal of Personal Finance, 21(2), 101-116.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E, Susan Myrden, Linda Alkire, Kyung Wong, Soren Kocher, Jay Kandampully, and Jerome Williams, “Digital Health Experience: A Regulatory Focus Perspective”, Journal of Interactive Marketing. (Forthcoming)
    • Warmath, Dee, Casey Newmeyer, Genevieve E. O’Connor, and Nancy Wong, “Have I Saved Enough to Social Distance? The Role of Household Financial Preparedness in Public Health Readiness” Journal Consumer Affairs, Special Issue. (Forthcoming)
    • Newmeyer, Casey, Dee Warmath, Genevieve E. O’Connor, Nancy Wong (2021), “Is Savings Automation Helpful? It Depends on Whether You Have a Savings Habit,” Journal of Public Policy & MarketingSpecial Issue, 40(2): 285-297.
    • Alkire, Linda, Genevieve E. O’Connor, Susan Myrden, and Soren Kocher (2020), “Patient Experience in the Digital Age”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57 (November) 102221, selected to be part of the Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection:
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Genevieve E. O’Connorand Sven Tuzovic (2020), “Viewpoint: The Impact of Coronavirus on Service Ecosystems as Service Mega-Disruption, Journal of Services Marketing 34(6) 809-817.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E. and Laurel Cook (2020), “Reducing Referral Leakage: An Analysis of Health Care Referrals in a Service Ecosystem,” Journal of Services Marketing, 34(4) 513-528.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E. and Sertan Kabadayi (2019), “Examining Antecedents of Health Insurance Literacy: The Role of Locus of Control, Cognitive Style, and Financial Knowledge”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(1), 227-260.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E., Casey Newmeyer, Nancy Wong, Julia Belyavsky, Laurel Cook, Yuliya Komarova, L. Lin Ong, and Dee Warmath, (2019), Conceptualizing the Multiple Dimensions of Consumer Financial Vulnerability,” Journal of Business Research, 100 (July) 421-430.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2019), “Exploring the Interplay of Cognitive Style and Demographics in Consumers’ Financial Knowledge,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(2), 382-423.
    • Estelami, Hooman and O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2019), “The Effects of Cognitive Style, Shopping Experience and Consumer Demographics on Consumer Reactions to Quantity Surcharges,” Journal of Promotion Management, 25(2), 161-180.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2019), “Exploring the Antecedents of Financial Well-Being: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here,” Guest Editorial: International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 930-933.
    • O'Connor, Genevieve E. (2018), “The Relationship of Competition and Demographics to the Pricing of Health Insurance Premiums in Affordable Care Act (ACA) Era Health Insurance Markets (HIMs)”Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37(1), 88-105.
    • Haber, Julita, O’Connor, Genevieve E., and Nina Sarkar (2016) “Make Your Students Sweat: Fitness Integrated Learning in Business Education,”  Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 18(2), 39-48.
    • Nejad, Mohammad and  O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2016), “An Intersectional Approach to Evaluating Consumer Financial Literacy,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(4), 308-324.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2016), "Investigating the significance of insurance and income on health service utilization across generational cohorts,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21(1), 19-33.
    • Haber, Julita, O'Connor, Genevieve E. and Sarkar, Nina (2016), “Make Your Students Sweat: Fitness Integrated Learning in Business Education,” Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 18 (2), 39-48.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve E. (2014), “Emerging Promotional and Pricing Approaches in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23 (7), 572-580.