Harry Newman

Accounting and Taxation
Joined Fordham: 1996
General Information:
45 Columbus Avenue, Room 509,
New York, NY 10023
Email: hnewman@fordham.edu
Harry Newman, a professor of accounting and taxation, holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Toronto and a master's and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He has received fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and from both of his degree-awarding institutions.
- Ph.D.: Northwestern University
- Master's: Northwestern University
- Bachelor's: University of Toronto
- Managerial Accounting
- Influence of TARP Regulations on Executive Compensation Plans and Corporate Governance of "Exceptional Assistance" Recipients (with J. Bannister and E. Peng)International Journal of Disclosure & Governance, Volume 9, No. 4 2012: 285-300.
- Tests for Relative Performance Evaluation Based on Assumptions Derived From Proxy Statement Disclosures (with J. Bannister and J. Weintrop) Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (August, 2011).
- Temporal Changes in the Choice of Financial Performance Metrics in Executive Compensation (with J. Bannister and M. Cho) Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Volume 16, No. 1, Spring 2010.
- Disclosure Biases in Proxy Performance Graphs: The Influence of Performance and Compensation Committee Composition (with J. Bannister) Review of Accounting and Finance, Volume 5, No. 1 2006: 30-44.
- Analysis of Corporate Disclosures on Relative Performance Evaluation (with J. Bannister) Accounting Horizons, September 2003: 235-246.
- Managing Pro forma Stock Option Expense under SFAS 123 (with H. Mozes and S. Balsam) Accounting Horizons, March 2003: 31-45.
- The Impact of Ownership Structure on the Structure of Compensation Committees,Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, June/July 2000: 653-678.
- Does the Composition of the Compensation Committee Influence CEO Compensation Practices? (with H. Mozes), Financial Management, Autumn 1999: 41-53.
- Cross-Sectional Differences in Corporate Compensation Structures (with J. Bannister),Journal of Managerial Issues, Summer 1998: 223-239.
- Do Financial Analysts Decompose Past Earnings when Making Future Earnings Forecasts? (with J. Bannister), Managerial Finance, Volume 24, No. 6 1998: 10-23.
- Accrual Usage to Manage Earnings Toward Financial Analysts' Forecasts (with J. Bannister), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, November 1996: 259-278.
- Protect Your Company's Earnings Forecasts from Litigation (with J. Bannister and P. Chalos), Management Accounting, March 1995: 32-35.
- Management Earnings Forecasts, Earnings Management, and Legal Liability (with J. Bannister), in S.A. Butler (ed.), Asset Valuation. Norman Oklahoma: Center for Economic and Management Research, University of Oklahoma, 1994: 1-21.
- Negligence Versus Strict Liability in a Principal-Agent Model (with D. Wright), Journal of Economics and Business, November 1992: 265-281.
- The Influence of Accounting-Based Bonus Plans on Resource Allocation Decisions,Journal of Managerial Issues, Summer 1991: 156-174.
- The Use of Employment Contracts for Reducing the Likelihood of Tanker Spills in the Oil and Gas Industry (with D. Wright), Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal, Spring 1991: 91-104.
A reprint of an edited version of the article entitled, "Reducing the Likelihood of Tanker Spills: Employment Contracts" appears in Oil and Gas Law and Taxation Review, Fall/Winter 1991: 215-219. - Strict Liability in a Principal-Agent Model (with D. Wright), International Review of Law and Economics, December 1990: 219-231.
- Selection of Short-Term Accounting-Based Bonus Plans, The Accounting Review, October 1989: 758-772.
- Agency Control Mechanism Effectiveness and Decision Making in an Executive's Final Year with a Firm (with S. Butler), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, September 1989: 451-464.
- An Analysis of the Stock Price Reaction to Sudden Executive Deaths: Implications for the Managerial Labor Market (with W.B. Johnson, R.P. Magee, and N.J. Nagarajan),Journal of Accounting and Economics, April 1985: 151-174.