Hoori Rafieian

Hoori Rafieian

Assistant Professor
Gabelli School of Business
Joined Fordham: 2020

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 432,
New York, NY 10023

Email: hrafieiankoopaei@fordham.edu
Website: hooriraf.com

  • Hoori Rafieian is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Gabelli School of Business. Hoori received her Ph.D. in Marketing from Drexel University. She has an MBA in finance and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. Prior to joining Fordham, Hoori was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Hoori's research investigates different aspects of consumer judgment and decision making. Her work examines how consumers’ pursuit of goals influences their choice, and how these goals motivate them to use different cues in the environment to evaluate their progress. Within this area of research, Hoori is mainly working on motivation when it comes to consumer health, happiness, and general well-being, with implications for marketers and policymakers.

    • Ph.D. Marketing - Drexel University
    • M.B.A. Finance - Tehran School of Economic Sciences, Iran
    • B.S. Mathematics - Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
    • Judgment and Decision Making
    • Goals and Motivation
    • Political Activism and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Rafieian, H., Huang, Y., & Kahn, B. E. (2023). The Effect of Pursuing Self-Regulatory Goals on Variety Seeking. Journal of Consumer Research, ucad044.
    • Rafieian, Hoori, and Marissa A. Sharif (2022), “It’s the Effort That Counts: Exerting Self-Control to Choose a Goal-Consistent Action Increases Goal Progress Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing Research
    • Kahn, Barbara E., and Hoori Rafieian (2022), "More than just the spice of life: Using variety as a signal for change and diversification," Consumer Psychology Review, 5(1), 87-106.
    • “Do Consumers Use Tipping to Monitor Service? Role of Power and Embarrassment (2020)”, with Anubhav Aggarwal, Jeonggyu Lee, and Daniel Korschun, (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services)
    • “Antecedents, moderators, and consequences of political CSR in the context of MNEs (2019)”, with Daniel Korschun in L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and C.N. Leonidou (eds.) Socially Responsible International Business: Critical Issues and the Way Forward, Edward Elgar.