Iftekhar Hasan

University Professor and E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in International Business and Finance
Joined Fordham: 2011
Program Director, PhD Program
General Information:
45 Columbus Avenue, Room 511,
New York, NY 10023
Email: ihasan@fordham.edu
Iftekhar Hasan holds the title of University Professor at Fordham University and serves as the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in Finance; academic director of the Ph.D. program; and co-director of the Center for Research in Contemporary Finance at the Gabelli School of Business. He is a scientific advisor at the Central Bank of Finland, a fractional faculty member at the University of Sydney, and a research fellow at the Wharton Financial Institutions Center and the IWH Institute in Halle, Germany. He is the editor of the Journal of Financial Stability.
Professor Hasan's research interests include financial institutions, corporate finance, capital markets, and emerging economies, focusing on interdisciplinary questions and public policy issues. He has been involved with numerous academic research grants from governmental, national, and international science foundations and organizations in the U.S. and abroad. Professor Hasan has more than 475 publications in print, including 16 books and edited volumes, and more than 365 peer-reviewed journal articles in influential academic outlets in finance (JFE, JFQA, RoF, JB, JMCB), accounting (JAR, RAST, CAR), economics (EJ, JME, JIE, JEG, JCE, EER), international business (JIBS), management (SMJ, JoM, HRM, RP, JBE), operation research (MS, EJOR), and information systems (JIMS, IEEE). Concerning his impact on academic research, he ranks among the top financial economists in the profession, based on the citation index as reported by Google Scholar.
Professor Hasan has held visiting scholar/faculty positions at several universities around the world, including the University of Rome, Italy; the University of Strasbourg, France; Carlos III University, Madrid; EPFL at Lausanne, Switzerland; University of Cambridge, U.K.; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; the University of Limoges, France; National Taiwan University at Taipei; the University of Romania at Bucharest; Xi’an Jiaotong University, China; Soochow University, China; University Utara Malaysia; the University of Sydney, Australia; Melbourne Business School, Australia; University of Twente, Netherlands; and NYU's Stern School of Business.
Professor Hasan also has been a consultant or a visiting scholar for numerous international organizations, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency of the U.S. Treasury, the Banque de France, Development Bank of Japan, and the Italian Deposit Insurance Corporation. He has been serving on the Advisory Boards of the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; UNS, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo, Indonesia; Business School of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon; and Montpellier Business School, France.
A Fulbright scholar and a Fulbright selector, Professor Hasan also is a recipient of “Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar” in China; “Louis Bachelier Fellow” in France; Universitas Sebelas Maret Award in Indonesia; “Shimomura Fellow” in Japan; “Bursa Malaysia Chair” in Malaysia; “Distinguished Fellow” of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society; and received honorary doctorate degrees, and the “Doctor Honoris Causa” award from the Romanian American University in Bucharest and the University of Vaasa in Finland.
- Ph.D.: University of Houston
- M.S.S.: University of Houston
- B.S.S.: University of Dhaka
- Financial institutions
- Corporate finance
- Capital markets
- Emerging markets
- Network and machine learning
Selected recent publications
- “Market Feedback Effect on CEO Pay: Evidence from Peers’ Say-on-pay Voting Failures,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, with A. Cheng, F. Tang, and j. Xie, 2025.
- “The Effects of Antitrust Laws on Horizontal Mergers: International Evidence,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,59, 3267-3298, with C.Y. Chung, J.H., Hwang, I.Q. Kim, I. 2024
- “Financial Technologies and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission,” European Economic Review, 161, 104650, with B. Kwak and X. Li, 2024.
- “Church Membership and Economic Recovery: Evidence from the 2005 Hurricane Season,” Economic Journal, 134, 3306-3332, with S. Manfredonia and F. Noth, 2024.
- “The Geography of Information: Evidence from the Public Debt Market,” Journal of Economic Geography, 23, 91-138, with B. Francis, M. Waisman, 2023.
- “Institutions and Corporate Reputation: Evidence from Public Debt Markets,” Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 165-189, with X. Gu and H. Lu, 2023.
- “Social Capital, Trusting, and Trustworthiness: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 1409-1453, with Q. He, and H. Lu, 2022.
- “Gender, Credit, Firm Outcomes,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 359-389, with M. Delis, M. Iosifidi, and S. Ongena, 2022.
- “Do Activist Hedge Funds Target Female CEOs? The Role of CEO Gender in Hedge Fund Activism,” Journal of Financial Economics, 141(1), 372-393. with B. Francis, Y. Shen, and Q. Wu, 2021.
- “Quid pro quo? Political ties and sovereign borrowing,” Journal of International Economics, 133, 103523, with G. Ambrocio, 2021.
- “Gender and Innovation: Evidence from CTOs,” Research Policy, 50(9): 104327, with Q. Wu, N. Kobeissi, L. Li, and W. Dbouk, 2021.
- “Do Banks Value Borrowers' Environmental Record? Evidence from Financial Contracts,” Journal of Business Ethics, 174, 687–713, with IJ. Chen, CY. Lin and N. Vy., 2021.
- “Financing Choice and Local Economic Growth: Evidence from Brazil,” Journal of Economic Growth, 26(3): 329-357, with TC Silva, and B. Tabak, 2021.
- “Investor Relations and IPO Performance,” Review of Accounting Studies, 25(2): 474-512, with S. Chahine, G. Colak, and M. Mazboudi, 2020.
- “Democracy and Credit,” Journal of Financial Economics, 136(2), 571-596, with M. Delis and S. Ongena, 2020.
- “The Influence of Bondholder Concentration and Temporal Orientation on Investment in R&D,” Journal of Management, 47(3): 683-715, with J. O’Brien, P. Ye, and C. Carnes, 2020
- “Foreign Ownership, Bank Information Environments, and the International Mobility of Corporate Governance,” Journal of International Business Studies, 50(9), 1566-1593, with Y. Fang, W.S. Leung, and Q. Wang, 2019.
- “Employee Treatment and Contracting with Bank Lenders: An Instrumental Approach for Stakeholder Management,” Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4), 1029-1046, with B. Francis, L. Liu, and H. Wang., 2019.
- “On the Effect of Business and Economic University Education on Political Ideology: An Empirical Note,” Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3), 809-822, with M. Delis and M. Iosifidi., 2019.
- “State Enforceability of Non-Compete Agreements: Regulations That Stifle Productivity,” Human Resource Management. 57(1), 341-354, with S. Anand, P. Sharma, and H. Wang, 2018.
- “Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Financial Performance: The Mediating Role of Productivity,” Journal of Business Ethics 149, 671–688, with N. Kobeissi, L. Liu, and H. Wang, 2018.
- “Social Capital and Corporate Tax Avoidance,” Journal of Accounting Research, 55(3), 629-668, with C. Hoi, Q. Wu, and H. Zhang, 2017.
- “Effect of Board Directors from Countries with Different Genetic Diversity Levels on Corporate Performance,” Management Science, 63 (1), 231-249, with M. Delis, C. Gaganis, and F. Pasiouras, 2017.
- “Social Capital and Debt Contracting: Evidence from Bank Loans and Public Bonds,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52, 1017-1047, with C. Hoi, Q. Wu, H. Zhang, 2017.
- “Relative Peer Quality and Firm Performance,” Journal of Financial Economics 122, 196-219, with B. Francis, S. Mani, and P. Ye, 2016.
- “Urban Agglomeration and CEO Compensation,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51(6), 1925-1953, with B. Francis, K. John, and M. Waisman, 2016.
- “Gender Differences in Financial Reporting Decision Making: Evidence from Accounting Conservatism,” Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(3), 1285–1318, with B. Francis, JC Park, and Q. Wu, 2016.
- “Small Banks and Local Economic Development,” Review of Finance, 19(2), 653-683, with H. Hakenes, P. Molyneux, and R. Xie, 2015.
- “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Effect of Tax Avoidance on the Cost of Bank Loans,” Journal of Financial Economics, 113, 109-130, with C. Hoi, Q. Wu, and H. Zhang, 2014.
- “Institutional Development and Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from China,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 42, 92-108, with L. Song and P. Wachtel, 2014.
- “Bank Regulations and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence,” Review of Finance, 18, 1811-1846, with M. Delis, and P. Kazakis, 2014.
- “State Antitakeover Statutes and Voluntary Disclosure.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48 (2), 637-668, with Y. Zhao and A. Allen., 2013.
- “Global Equity Offerings, Corporate Valuation &Subsequent International Diversification,” Strategic Management Journal, 32, 787-796, with N. Kobeissi and H. Wang), 2012.
- “Effect of State Antitakeover Laws on the Firm’s Bondholders,” Journal of Financial Economics, 96(1), 127-154, with B. Francis, K. John, and M. Waisman, 2011.