John Finnerty

Finance and Business Economics
Joined Fordham: 1987
General Information:
45 Columbus Avenue, Room 601,
New York, NY 10023
John Finnerty is the managing principal of Finnerty Economic Consulting. Before assuming this role, he served as managing principal of Analysis Group, partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, director at Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, and general partner at McFarland Dewey & Co.
- Ph.D.: Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School
- Master's: B.A., M.A., Economics, Cambridge University
- Bachelor's: B.A., Mathematics, Williams College
- Corporate finance
- Fixed income securities
- Derivative instruments and hedging
- Project finance
- Tuition prepayment plans
- Regulatory Uncertainty and Financial Contagion: Evidence from the Hybrid Capital Securities Market, Financial Review (forthcoming).
- A Review of Recent Derivatives Litigation, Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, (forthcoming)
- A Closer Look at Correction for False Discovery Bias When Making Multiple Comparisons, Journal of Forensic Economics, December 2009.
- Corporate Financial Management, 4th ed., 2011; Project Financing: Asset-Based Financial Engineering, 2nd ed., 2007
- Corporate Financial Management, 3rd ed., 2006; Project Financing: Asset-Based Financial Engineering, 2nd ed,; Convertible Securities in Merger Transactions and the Resolution of the Double-Sided Asymmetric Information Problem, (working paper with An Yan)