Kevin T. Jackson
Law and Ethics
Joined Fordham: 1991
General Information:
45 Columbus Avenue, Room 524,
New York, NY 10023
Kevin Jackson is respected as a leading world scholar in business ethics and legal philosophy. His research papers have been published in top-tier journals, among them Business Ethics Quarterly, Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and Law and Philosophy.
Dr. Jackson is the author of three books. His Charting Global Responsibilities: Legal Philosophy and Human Rights was presented as a gift to His Holiness the Dalai Lama by the U.S. State Department. The Dalai Lama praised it for its "fascinating chapters, felicitous expositions and fundamental thinking," noting that "it is critical that [reading] this volume become a high-priority task of avant-garde jurists."
Another book, Building Reputational Capital, incorporates insights from Dr. Jackson's practical law experience. It represents a significant contribution to the scholarship on how reputation intertwines with political, legal, economic and moral issues — particularly in the global public realm — and offers strategies for corporations and business people seeking to protect and increase their intangible assets.
Dr. Jackson's most recent book, Virtuosity in Business, calls on business leaders and executives to expand their thinking by appreciating the profound relevance to business and economics of areas normally reserved for the liberal arts, such as philosophy and music.
A professor of law and ethics at Gabelli School of Business and academic director of the graduate division's Three-Continent Master's in Global Management, Dr. Jackson also is a senior fellow with the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, New Jersey. In 2011, he was awarded the Daniel Janssen Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Dr. Jackson taught at Georgetown University in 1990 and 1991, at Peking University in 1999 and 2000, and at Princeton University from 2006 through 2008. He has delivered seminars on business ethics and legal philosophy for organizations and leaders worldwide, and he has been a frequent commentator on the CBS Evening News, CNN, Fox News and National Public Radio.
Inspired by the piano teacher he had in his youth, Gray Perry, a protégé of Isidor Philipp, Dr. Jackson remains devoted to music through piano performing, composing and improvising.
- Doctorate: University of Maryland, College Park
- Juris Doctor: College of Law, Florida State University
- Master's: Florida State University
- Bachelor's: Florida State University
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Human Rights
- Philosophy of Law
- Corporate Governance
- Soft Law
- Business Ethics
- Natural Law
- International Law
- Ethics and Economics
- Sustainability
- Virtue Ethics
- International Strategy
- Global Economic Governance
- Virtuosity in Business: Invisible Law Guiding the Invisible Hand (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).
- Building Reputational Capital: Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play That Improve the Bottom Line (Oxford University Press, 2004). Chinese translation Xinhua Publishing House, 2006.
- Charting Global Responsibilities: Legal Philosophy and Human Rights (East-West Press, 1997; University Press of America, 1994).
Articles and Book Chapters
- "Rethinking Economic Governance: A Naturalistic Cosmopolitan Jurisprudence," Volume 36, Issue 1, Boston College International & Comparative Law Review (2013).
- "Collaborative Governance and International Economic Relations" Volume 9, Issue 3,Manchester Joural of International Economic Law, pp. 235-258 (2012).
- "Cura Personalis and Business Education for Sustainability," 31(2) Business and Professional Ethics Journal 265-288 (2012).
- "Moral Virtue, Philanthropy and the Market," in A. Tencati & F. Perrini, eds., Business Ethics and Corporate Sustainability (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011).
- "The Scandal Beneath the Crisis: Getting a View From a Cultural-Moral Mental Model," 33(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 735-778 (2010).
- "Global Corporate Governance: Soft Law and Reputational Accountability" 35(1)Brooklyn Journal of International Law 41-106 (2010).
- "China Aviation Oil Scandal," in S. Matulich & D. Currie, eds., Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership (New York: Taylor and Francis Group, 2009).
- "Natural Law, Human Rights and Corporate Reputational Capital in Global Governance," 8(4) Corporate Governance 440-455 (2008).
- "A New Mindset for Business Education: Cultivating the Ethics-Economics Interface," S. Gregg & J. Stoner, eds., Rethinking Business Management: An Examination of the Foundations of Business Education (Princeton: The Witherspoon Institute, 2008).
- "Breaking Down the Barriers: Bringing Initiatives and Reality into Business Ethics Education." 30(1) Journal of Management Education 65-89 (2006).
- "Towards Authenticity: Taking a Sartrean Perspective on Business Ethics." 58 Journal of Business Ethics 307-325 (2005).
- "La Filantropia Delle Società e la Giustizia Internationale." ("Corporate Philanthropy and International Justice.") 6 Ars Interpretandi 93-113 (2001).
- "Normative Systemization for Integrating Human Rights into International Business Ethics." 12 Archive für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie 111-142 (2001).
- "Systematizing Norms: Toward a Moral Jurisprudence Theory of Business Ethics." 10(2) Business Ethics Quarterly 451-481 (2000).
- "The Polycentric Character of Business Ethics Decisionmaking in International Contexts." 23 Journal of Business Ethics 123-143 (2000).