Marina Carnevale

Marina Carnevale - Business faculty

Associate Professor of Marketing

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 433,
New York, NY 10023


  • Marina Carnevale is an associate professor of marketing at Gabelli School of Business. She holds a Ph.D. from Baruch College of the City University of New York and a graduate degree with honors in business administration from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. She recently spent a semester at the University of Oxford as a visiting scholar and studied digital marketing at London Business School. 

    Professor Carnevale's research focuses primarily on two areas of consumer behavior: brand management and the role of language in sensory marketing and in consumers' interactions with artificially intelligent devices. Professor Carnevale serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Consumer Psychology and as an ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Marketing Research, among others. Her work has been published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Services MarketingJournal of Brand Management, Journal of Product and Brand ManagementJournal of Applied Social Psychology, and she regularly presents her work at major marketing conferences. In addition, she has worked in consumer goods for Kraft Foods and the publishing industry, and consulted in the realm of healthcare for Express Scripts.

    • Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing), City University of New York, Baruch College
    • MPhil. in Business, Baruch College, City University of New York
    • Laurea Business Administration (equivalent to BS and MS), marketing major, Bocconi University
    • Sensory Marketing
    • Brand Linguistics; Psycholinguistic Approach to Branding and Other Marketing-relevant Topics
    • Consumer-brand Relationships; Brand Management
    • Carnevale, Marina and Luke Kachersky (2022) “The influence of interpersonal relationships on brand-related behaviors for gifted brands,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 00, 1–17.
    • Carnevale, Marina, Rhonda Hadi, David Luna, and Ruth Pogacar (forthcoming), “Follow Your Nose When it Sounds Right: How Brand Names Influence Consumer Responses to Product Scents,” Journal of Business Research.   
    • Carnevale, Marina & Kachersky, Luke. (2022). The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships on Brand‐related Behaviors for Gifted Brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 10.1002/jcpy.1312.
    • Ahir Gopaldas, Marina Carnevale, Richard Kedzior, and Anton Siebert, “Service Conversation: Advisory, Relational, and Transformative Approaches,” Journal of Services Marketing. Forthcoming
    • Carnevale, Marina, Yuliya Komarova, and Sertan Kabadayi (2018), "Customer Value Creation for High Risk Products: The Role of Brand Trust," Journal of Creating Value, 4(1), pp. 1-21.
    • Carnevale, Marina, Ozge Yucel-Aybat, and Luke Kachersky (2018), “Meaningful Stories and Attitudes toward the Brand: The Moderating Role of Consumers’ Implicit Mindsets,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(1): e78-e89. 
    • Carnevale, Marina, Lilach Nachum, and Helaine Korn (2017), “Why Does MNE Performance vary across Countries? An Inquiry into the Competitive Value of MNE Assets,” International Business Review, 26(6), pp. 1196-1207.
    • Carnevale, Marina, David Luna, and Dawn Lerman (2017), “Brand Linguistics: A Theory-Driven Framework for the Study of Language in Branding,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24 (2), pp. 572-591.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Yuliya Komarova, and Marina Carnevale (2017), “Customer Value Creation in Multichannel Systems: The Interactive Effect of Integration Quality and Multichannel Complexity,” Journal of Creating Value, 3 (1), p 1-18. 2017 Best Paper Award for the “Value Creation in Services” special issue.
    • Kachersky, Luke and Marina Carnevale (2015), “Effects of Pronoun Brand Name Perspective and Positioning on Brand Attitude,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24 (2), pp.157–164.
    • Carnevale, Marina, Ozge Yucel-Aybat, and Lauren Block (2014), "The Added Value of Contextual Motivations on Consumer–Brand Relationships of Self-Gifts," Journal of Brand Management, Special issue on Consumer-Brand Relationships, 21, pp. 396–407. Best Competitive Paper Winner, 3rd International Consumer Brand Relationship Conference.
    • Kachersky, Luke, Sankar Sen, Hyeong Min Kim, and Marina Carnevale (2014), “Buyer Beware of Your Shadow: How Price Moderates the Effect of Incidental Similarity on Buyer Behavior,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, pp. 643–649.
    • Luna, David, Marina Carnevale, and Dawn Lerman (2013), "Does Brand Spelling Influence Memory? The Case of Auditorily Presented Brand Names,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23 (1), pp. 36-48.
    • Carnevale, Marina, David Luna, and Dawn Lerman (2010), "Hear is the Thing: Auditory Processing of Novel NonWord Brand Names" in Sensory Marketing: Research on the Sensuality of Products, Aradnha Krishna (ed), Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis, pp.183-198.