Sarah Jinhui Wu

Information, Technology, and Operations
Joined Fordham: 2006
General Information:
463 Faber Hall,
Bronx, NY
113 West 60th Street,
New York, NY 10023
Sarah Wu joined the operations area at the Gabelli School of Business in 2006 and is now a professor and area chair. She teaches operations management to undergraduate and graduate students, and she teaches in the university's freshman enrichment program.
Professor Wu earned her Ph.D. in operations management from Michigan State University, where she completed a minor in logistics and supply-chain management. She is a member of the Decision Sciences Institute and the Production and Operations Management Society.
- Ph.D.: Operations Management, Michigan State University
- Master's: Mphil Economics, City University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor's: B.A. International Economics, Peking University
- Operations Strategy
- Operations Capability
- Closed Loop Supply Chain Operations
- New Product Development Interface
- Chiang, Robert and Sarah J. Wu (2016). “Supplier Involvement and Contract Design during New Product Development”. IEEE-Transaction on Engineering Management, 63 (2), 248-258. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2016.2518960.
- Wu, Sarah J., and Raghupathi, Wullianallur (2015) “The Strategic Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Delivery of Sustainability: A Country-Level Study”, Journal of Global Information Management, 23 (3), 92-115. DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2015070105.
- Wu, Sarah J. (2015) “The Impact of Quality Culture on Quality Management Practices and Performance in Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32 (8), 799-814, Aug. 2015.
- Zhang, Dongli and Wu, Sarah J. (2014) “Achieving Successful Business in China: Assessing the Changing Chinese Culture”. Journal of Asian-Pacific Business. 15 (4), 307-323.
- Raghupathi, Wullianallur, Wu, Sarah J. and Raghupathi, Viju (2014). The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Global Sustainability: A Review. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 2 (1), 123-145.
- Wu, Sarah J. and Zhang, Dongli (2013). "Analyzing the Effectiveness of Quality Management Practices in China." International Journal of Production Economics, 144 (1), 281-189.
- Lai, Mike, Wu, Sarah J., and Wang, Christina (2013). “Did Reverse Logistics Practices Hit the Triple Bottom Line in Chinese Firms?” International Journal of Production Economics, 146 (1), 106-117.
- Steven A. Melnyk, Thomas J. Page, Sarah Jinhui Wu, Laird A. Burns (2012). "Would You Mind Completing this Survey: Assessing the State of Survey Research in Supply Chain Management," Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 18 (1), 35-45.
- Wu, Sarah J., Melnyk, Steven A., and Swink, Morgan (2012). "An Empirical Investigation of the Combinatorial Nature of Operational Practices and Operational Capabilities: Compensatory or Additive?" International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32 (2), 121-155
- Wu, Sarah J. and Raghupathi, Wullianallur (2012). "A Panel Analysis of the Strategic Association between Information and Communication Technology and Public Health Delivery." Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14 (5): e147, Sep-Oct.
- Raghupathi, Wullianallur and Wu, Sarah J. (2011). "The Relationship Between Information and Communication Technologies and Delivery of Public Health: A Country-Level Study." Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 28 (1), 99-116.
- Raghupathi, Wullianallur and Wu, Sarah J. (2011). "The Relationship Between Information and Communication Technologies and Country Governance: An Empirical Study." Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 28 (1), 181-198.
- Wu, Sarah J., Zhang, Dongli, Schroeder, Roger G. (2011). "Customization of quality practices: the impact of quality culture," International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28 (3), 263 – 279.
- Wu, Sarah J., Melnyk, Steven A., and Flynn, Barbara B. (2010). "Operational Capabilities: A Secret Ingredient." Decision Sciences, 41 (4), 721-754.
- Wu, Sarah J. and Ragatz, Gary (2010). "Evaluating the Total Effect of Early Supplier Involvement on Project Team Effectiveness: Collaboration and Interaction,"International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 5 (3), 239-259.
- Flynn, Barbara B., Wu, Sarah J., Melnyk, Steven A. (2010). "Operational Capabilities: Hidden in Plain View," Business Horizon, 53 (3), 247-256, May-June.
- Wu, Sarah J. and Ragatz, Gary (2010). "The Role of Integrative Capabilities in Involving Suppliers in New Product Development: A Knowledge Integration Perspective," International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 19 (1/2), 82- 101.
- Wu, Sarah J. and Closs, David (2009). "Integrating Return Parts Planning in Purchasing Decision: A Simulation Model," The International Journal of Logistics Management, 20 (1), 57-78.
- Wu, Sarah J., Melnyk, Steven A., and Calantone, Roger (2008). "Assessing the Core Resources in the Environmental Management System from the Resource Perspective and the Contingency Perspective," IEEE - Transactions on Engineering Management, 55 (2), 304-315, May.
- Wong, Clement Yuk Pang, Wu, Sarah J., and Zhang, Anming (2006). "A Model of Trade Liberalization in Services," Review of International Economics, 14 (1), 158-178.