Sertan Kabadayi

Sertan Kabadayi

Professor of Marketing and Director of Teaching Excellence
Joseph Keating SJ, Distinguished Professor in Business
Joined Fordham: 2005

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 402,
New York, NY 10023


  • Sertan Kabadayi is a professor of marketing at Gabelli School of Business. He holds a Ph.D. in marketing from Baruch College of the City University of New York and has been a part of the Fordham business faculty since 2005.

    Dr. Kabadayi conducts research primarily in the services and transformative service areas, with an emphasis on consumer and societal wellbeing. Furthermore, he is doing research related to refugees and refugee integration into host countries. He has presented his research at various conferences and has had his work published in a variety of academic journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management,
    and Psychology & Marketing.

    He currently serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Services Marketing and Journal of Creating Value. He is also Editorial Board Member of Journal of Service ManagementJournal of Service Theory and Practice and Psychology and Marketing.

    Dr. Kabadayi has received numerous awards over the years for his dedication and service to students and faculty:

    • 2018 Gabelli School of Business, Dean’s Award for Impact     
    • 2015 Gabelli School of Business, Faculty Service Award
    • 2013, 2012 The Marketing Area Excellent in Teaching Award
    • 2011 The Gladys and Henry Crown Award for Faculty Excellence
    • 2011 The Stanley Fuchs Faculty Award
    • 2004 Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business Dean’s Office Teaching Excellence Award
    • Ph.D.: Marketing, Baruch College, City University of New York
    • Master's: M.B.A. in Marketing, Yeditepe University, Istanbul- Turkey
    • Bachelor's: Political Science and International Relations, Bosphorus University, Istanbul - Turkey
    • Transformative Service Research (TSR) 
    • Consumer and Societal Wellbeing
    • Refugee Services
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Reut Livne-Tarandach, and Michael Pirson (2023), “A Dignity-Vulnerability Framework to maximize wellbeing outcomes by Transformative Service Initiatives (TSIs)”, Journal of Services Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/JSM-03-2023-0110.
    • Tikkanen, Hannu, Linda Alkire, Sertan Kabadayi, Hang T.M. Vu (2023), “Who is responsible for well-being? Exploring responsibilization in Transformative Service Research,” AMS (Academy of Marketing Science) Review, available online, DOI: 10.1007/s13162-023-00266-2
    • Eslami, Hossein, Sertan Kabadayi and Alcheikh Edmond Kozah (2023), “The Role of Market-Based Transformative Service Initiatives in Service Inclusion of Refugees,” Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 7, pp. 836-850.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Rodoula Tsiotsou (2022), “Editorial: A Triple A-Framework for Serving Humanity with Service Research”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 36 No.7, pp.865-872.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Greer Jason-DiBartolo, (2021), “An Exploratory Study of How Business Schools Approach AACSB’s Societal Impact Standard,” the Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 97  No. 8, pp.521-530.
    • Gallan, Andrew, Sertan Kabadayi, Faizan Ali, Anu Helkkula, Luorong Wu, and Ye Zheng, (2021), “Transformative Hospitality Services: A Conceptualization and a Roadmap for Hospitality Organizations” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 134 No.6, pp. 171-183.
    • Boenigk, Silke, Becker, Annika; Kreimer, Aaron A; Alkire, Linda; Fisk, Raymond and Sertan Kabadayi (2021), “Transformative Service Initiatives: Enabling Access and Overcoming Barriers  for People Experiencing Vulnerability”, Journal of Service Research. Vol. 24 No.4. pp. 542-562.
    • Tuzovic, Sven, Sertan Kabadayi and Stefanie Paluch (2021), “To Dine or Not to Dine? Collective Wellbeing in Hospitality after COVID-19International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 95, No.4, pp. 147-159.
    • Boenigk, Silke; Fisk, Raymond; Sertan Kabadayi; Alkire, Linda; Cheung, Lilliemay; Corus, Canan; Ferreira Santos, Marcos; Finsterwalder, Jörg; Kreimer, Aaron A. ; Luca, Nadina; Omeira, Mansour; Paul, Pallab; Smidt, Nina, (2021), “Rethinking Services and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Framework,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 40 No.2, pp. 165-183.
    • Aras, Ela G., Sertan Kabadayi, Emir Ozeren, and Erhan Aydin (2021), “Right to Health and Access to Healthcare for Refugees in Turkey: A Qualitative Investigation”, Journal of Services Marketing. Vol. 35 No. 7, pp. 962-976.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Greer Jason-DiBartolo, (2021), “An Exploratory Study of How Business Schools Approach AACSB’s Societal Impact Standard,” the Journal of Education for Business.
    • Finsterwalder, Jörg , Sertan Kabadayi, Raymond P. Fisk and Silke Boenigk (2020), "Creating hospitable service systems for refugees during a pandemic: leveraging resources for service inclusion", Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 247-263.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, O'Connor, Genevieve, and Tuzovic, Sven (2020) “Viewpoint: The impact of coronavirus on service ecosystems as service mega-disruptions” Journal of Services Marketing34(6), pp. 809-817.
    • Tuzovic, Sven and Sertan Kabadayi (2020), “The influence of social distancing on employee well-being: A conceptual framework and research agenda”, Journal of Service Management. Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 145-160.
    • Hazée, S.Van Vaerenbergh, Y.Delcourt, C. and Kabadayi, Sertan. (2020), "Service delivery system design for risk management in sharing-based product service systems: a customer-oriented approach", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 40 No. 4, pp. 459-479.
    • Boukis, Achilleas and Sertan Kabadayi,(2020) “A classification of resources for employee-based value creation and a future research agenda”, European Management Journal, Vol. 38 No. 6, pp. 863-873.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Kejia Hu, Yuna S.H. Lee, Lydia Hanks, Matthew Walsman, and David Dobrzykowski, (2020), “Fostering Older Adult Care Experiences to Maximize Well-Being Outcomes: A Conceptual Framework,” Journal of Service Management, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 953-977.
    • O’Connor, Genevieve and Sertan Kabadayi (2020), “Health Insurance Literacy Exposed: Examining the Role of Locus of Control, Cognitive Style, and Financial Knowledge,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 54 No.1, pp. 227-260
    • Alkire (née Nasr), L.Mooney, C.Gur, F.A.Sertan Kabadayi, Renko, M. and Vink, J. (2020), "Transformative service research, service design, and social entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact", Journal of Service Management, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 24-50. 
    • Kabadayi, Sertan (2019), “Understanding Employee Sabotage while Serving Refugees: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey,” Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 33 No. 7, pp. 946-958.
    • Pirson, Michael, Lerzan Aksoy and Sertan Kabadayi. 2019. “Social Innovation and the Future of Business and Business Education”, Humanistic Management Journal, 4 (2), 119-124.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Genevieve O’Connor (2019), “Exploring the Antecedents of Financial Well-Being: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here”, Guest Editorial at the Special Issue on Financial Well-Being at the International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(4), 930-933.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Faizan Ali, Hyeyoon Choi, Herm Joosten, Can Lu (2019), “Smart Service Experience in Hospitality and Tourism Services: A Conceptualization and Future Research Agenda,” Journal of Service Management, Vol. 30(3), pp. 326-348.
    • Carnevale, Marina, Yuliya Komarova, and Sertan Kabadayi (2018), "Customer Value Creation for High Risk Products: The Role of Brand Trust," Journal of Creating Value, Vol. 4(1), pp. 1-21.
    • Eyuboglu, Nermin, Sertan Kabadayi, and Andreas Buja (2017), “Managing Multichannel Complexity,” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 65, pp. 194-205.
    • Bruggen, E., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., and Lofgren, M. (2017), “Financial Well-Being: A Conceptualization and Research Agenda,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 79 (October), pp. 228-237.
    • Kunz, W., Aksoy, L., Bart, Y., Heinonen, K., Kabadayi, S., Ordenes, F.V., Sigala, M., Solis, D.D., and Theodoulidis, B. (2017), “Customer Engagement in a Big Data World- A Strategic Framework from both Company and Customer Perspective,” Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 161-171.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Yuliya Komarova, and Marina Carnevale, (2017), “Customer Value Creation in Multichannel Systems: The Interactive Effect of Integration Quality and Multichannel Complexity,” Journal of Creating Value, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 1-18.  2017 Best Paper Award for the “Value Creation in Services” special issue.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan (2016) “Customers’ Disatisfaction with Banking Channels and their Intention to Leave Banks: The Moderating Effect of Trust and Trusting Beliefs,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 194-208.
    • Nejad, Mohammad G. and Sertan Kabadayi, (2016), “Optimal Introductory Pricing for New Financial Products,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol 21 No. 1, pp. 34-50.
    • Sertan Kabadayi and Banu Yilmaz, (2016), “Turkish Shopping Center Visitors: A Segmentation Study”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 456-476.
    • Buoye, Alexander, Yuliya Komarova, Sertan Kabadayi, Mohammad Nejad, Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, and Jason Allsopp, (2016), “Is Share of Wallet Really All About Market Share? Exploring the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and the Double Jeopardy Rule” Journal of Service Management, Vol. 27 No.4, pp. 434-459.  2016 Robert Johnston Highly Commended Paper Award, Journal of Service Management.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, and Katherine Price (2014), “Consumer-Brand Engagement on Facebook: Liking and Commenting Behaviors,” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 203-223.
    • Jun, Sunkyu, Sertan Kabadayi and Sungmin Ryu (2014), “Evolution of Trust in Exchange Relationships,” Journal of Marketing Thought, Vol. 1 No.3; pp.11-22.
    • Ruth N. Bolton, A. Parasuraman, Ankie Hoefnagels, Nanne Migchels, Sertan Kabadayi, Thorsten Gruber, Yuliya Komarova Loureiro, and David Solnet (2013), "Understanding Generation Y and Their Use of Social Media: A Review and Research Agenda", Journal of Service Management, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 245 – 267.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Luke Kachersky (2012),"The Role of Wireless Service Provider Trust on Consumer Acceptance of SMS Advertising" International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 31-50.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan (2012) "Choosing the Right Multiple Channel System to Minimize Transaction Costs," Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 40 (July), pp. 763-773.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Reetika Gupta (2011), "Managing Motives and Design to Influence Web Site Revisits", Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 2/3, pp. 153-169.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Dawn Lerman (2011), "Made in China but Sold at FAO Schwarz: Country of Origin Effect and Trusting Beliefs," International Marketing Review. Vol. 28, No. 1, 102-136.
    • Moynihan, Brynn, Sertan Kabadayi and Mark Kaiser (2010), "Consumer Acceptance of SMS Advertising: A Study of American and Turkish Consumers," International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No.4, 392-410.
    • Gupta, Reetika and Sertan Kabadayi (2010) “The Relationship between Trusting Beliefs and Web Site Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Consumer Motives and Flow”Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 2, 166-185.
    • Sertan Kabadayi (2008), “Adding Direct or Independent Channels to Multiple Channel Mix,” Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Vol. 2, No.2, 66-80.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan, Nermin Eyuboglu, and Gloria Thomas (2007) “The   Performance    Implications   of Designing Distribution Channels to Fit with Strategy and Environment”Journal of Marketing, 71 (October), 195-211.
    • Ryu, Sungmin, Sertan Kabadayi and Christina Chung, (2007) “The Simultaneous Use of   Control    Mechanisms: The Moderating Role of Long Term Orientation,” Journal of Business Research, 60: 681-689.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan. and Sungmin Ryu (2007), “The Protection of the Trustor Through the Use of Control Mechanisms and its Performance Implications,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 22(4):260-271.
    • Kabadayi, Sertan and Reetika Gupta (2005), “Web site Loyalty: An Empirical    Investigation of Its Antecedents,” International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2(4): 321-345.
    • Eyuboglu, N. and S. Kabadayi (2005), “Dealer- Manufacturer Alienation in a  Multiple   Channel System: The Moderating Effect of Structural Variables,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 12(3): 5-26.

    Book Chapter:

    • Tsiotsou, R.H., Kabadayi, S., and Fisk, R. P.  (2023) - 'Advocating Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals: A Transformative Service Research (TSR) Approach,' in a Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Olivier Furrer, Chloé Baillod, Jie Yu Kerguignas, Mikèle Landry (eds), Edward Elgar.