Stanley Veliotis

Business faculty - Stanley Veliotis

Associate Professor and Area Chair
Accounting and Taxation
Joined Fordham: 2007

General Information:
441 E. Fordham Rd,
Hughes Hall 524, New York, NY 10458

Phone: 718-817-1861

  • Stan Veliotis received his Ph.D. in 2007 and then joined the Gabelli School of Business faculty, teaching taxation and accounting. He also is the chair of the Accounting and Tax Area and a co-director of the Center for Professional Accounting Practices.

    Before entering academia, Professor Veliotis worked at law firms on business litigation, corporate, and tax matters, and at two of the Big Four accounting firms. He spent nearly a decade in the Big Four, specializing in the taxation of international employee compensation, including stock compensation plans extended beyond a parent company’s home country and expatriate issues. His law and CPA licenses have remained continuously active. He also holds the certified equity professional designation (currently inactive).

    Professor Veliotis has presented at workshops and seminars held by the American Taxation Association, American Accounting Association, Global Equity Organization, National Association of Stock Plan Professionals, and large accounting and tax firms. Empirical research areas in which Professor Veliotis has published include the effect of tax law on taxpayer and market behavior, insider trading, and earnings management. His policy research includes various inefficiencies of the tax law.

    Stanley Veliotis Curriculum Vitae

    • Ph.D.: University of Connecticut
    • Master's: LLM, New York University School of Law
    • J.D.: Fordham University School of Law
    • Bachelor's: Baruch College, CUNY
    • Tax Effects on Taxpayer and Market Behavior
    • Tax Policy
    • Insider Trading and Earnings Management
    • Director & Officer Liability and Corporate Tax Avoidance, with S. Khan, S. Park, J. Wald, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2023)
    • Fictitiously Overstating Taxable Income, University of San Francisco Law Review (2021)
    • “Law vs. Accounting Firms: Competing Over Three Decades of Change,” with Danielle Green, Tax Notes (2021)
    • “Equating U.S. Tax Treatment of Dividends and Capital Gains for Foreign Portfolio Investors,” American Business Law Journal (2019)
    • “Do Tax-Motivated Wash Gain Sales Pass Economic Muster?” The Tax Lawyer (2018)
    • “Mirroring ASC 740 in the Federal Financial Statements,” Tax Notes, (2017)
    • “Insiders’ Sales and Meeting-or-Beating Earnings Expectations Under Rule 10b5-1 Plans,” with John Shon, Management Science (2013).
    • “The Effect of Taxes on Conventional Preferred Stock: Evidence from the 2003 JGTRRA Dividend Tax Reduction,” with Amy Dunbar, Journal of the American Taxation Association (2012)
    • “December Effect: Strategic Prepayments of Deductible State Tax Payments,” with John Shon, Journal of the American Taxation Association (2010)
    • “Rule 10b5-1 Trading Plans and Insiders' Incentive to Misrepresent,” American Business Law Journal (2010)