Research Centers

Eleven specialized centers capture two core values of the Fordham business faculty: conducting cutting-edge research and disseminating it to the widest audience possible. Our centers are active on a national scale, providing insights for university peers and working professionals, and on the smallest scale possible, for the direct benefit of Fordham students. The centers sponsor special events and conferences that encourage collaboration and draw attention to the work of the business faculty. Learn about the mission, research, and activities of each center using the links below.
- Center for Communications
- Center for Digital Transformation
- Center for Humanistic Management
- Center for Positive Marketing
- Center for Professional Accounting Practices
- Center for Research in Contemporary Finance
- Frank J. Petrilli Center for Research in International Finance
- Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis
- Gabelli Sports Business Initiative
- Global Healthcare Innovation Management (GHIM) Center
- O’Shea Center for Credit Analysis and Investment
- Responsible Business Center