Current Student Spotlight
Amanda Bush, BS ’20, MS ‘21
What is your Gabelli School story?
I started out as an undergraduate Gabelli School student, and I have had the best experience as a Gabelli student in both my undergraduate and graduate years. I was a part of one of the social innovation cohorts sophomore year, and I have taken advantage of many of the unique classes the Gabelli School offers, such as Sustainability and Finance and Accounting Research Seminar, which focused on sustainability. I believe Gabelli does a great job teaching a “business with a purpose” curriculum, and I have enjoyed learning this from many accomplished, knowledgeable professors.
What motivated you to study accounting for both your undergrad and Masters's program?
I have always been a numbers person, and I was able to gain a bit of exposure to accounting through working at my dad’s business in high school. Having started his own company, my dad encouraged me to pursue an accounting degree because he understood how important it was to business. After Dr. Porco taught me in my introductory financial accounting course sophomore year that accounting is the “language of business”, I knew that accounting would be a smart, stable path for me to pursue.
What will you be doing following the completion of your MS degree?
I will be starting as a full-time associate in the Audit Financial Services sector at KPMG in the early fall this year, and my goal is to be all done with my CPA exams by the time I start!
Can you talk about the research you have conducted for sustainability practices?
During both semesters of my Master’s program, I have had the opportunity to assist in leading a major project being completed by SASB, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. The SASB is working on a globalization project in order to ultimately help make its US-based standards more globally applicable and relevant. Fordham was engaged to assist in the research for this project, and I have served as a team supervisor both semesters. SASB has prepared over 400 questions related to its standards across a variety of industries, and our job has been to answer each question and research the applicability of each question for 11 different countries/regions. It was extremely valuable to become familiar with professional research through this project, and I was able to leave with many interesting takeaways from the specific global research.
What classes have had the most impact on you as a student?
The SASB tutorial that I was able to participate in has been one of the most impactful courses I’ve taken. This class provided me with great real-world exposure to the sustainability accounting field while also allowing me to develop my leadership and management skills. As a team supervisor, I had the responsibility of managing a group of undergraduate students, which involved providing them with directions and oversight and reviewing their submissions in order to give valuable feedback. The role that I took on in this project really helped prepare me for future supervision of team members at KPMG. Additionally, I have always been interested in sustainable accounting, and working directly with the SASB on this major research project really solidified my interest in the field. I’m not sure what exactly my future career holds, but I hope to incorporate ESG and sustainability into my accounting path eventually!
What are some associations and societies that you are a part of?
As a graduate student, I’m a peer advisor for the MSA/MST programs and have held Graduate Assistant positions both semesters. As an undergraduate, I was a University Ambassador for the Rose Hill Society, an Orientation Leader, a Gabelli School of Business Freshman Advising Mentor, and a member of Beta Alpha Psi. However, with CPA studying being my main priority this year, I have not gotten involved with as many associations at the graduate level.
Past Student Spotlight
Kaylee Wong, BS ’20, MS ‘21
What is your Gabelli School story?
When I came to Fordham in 2016, I had no idea what area of business I wanted to pursue. Through the guidance of upperclassmen, professors and advisors, I found my way to the accounting program. Every professor I have had has helped shape my career and goals. Within the graduate program I have found the ability to explore more specific areas of accounting, particularly sustainable accounting. As I graduate this May, I am looking forward to using this knowledge I have gained through Fordham's partnership with SASB as well as GRI trainings I have received from Gabelli to enlighten my career in accounting.
What motivated you to study accounting for both your undergrad and master’s program?
Through the sophomore curriculum, I had my first exposure to accounting classes. I found myself really enjoying them. Shortly after, I participated in two case competitions with Big Four accounting firms which solidified my interest in the field. For graduate school, I was excited by the courses that focus on an international lens such as International Accounting and International Taxation. I have found that the professors at the graduate level are as welcoming and helpful as I experienced as an undergraduate. I have also found that the accounting program pairs well with preparation for the CPA exam.
What will you be doing following the completion of your MS degree?
Following completion of my M.S. degree I will be starting full-time at Deloitte in the mergers and acquisitions advisory practice.
Can you talk about the research you have conducted for sustainability practices?
As an undergraduate, I had two sustainability research opportunities. The first was through the partnership with SASB to complete Disclosure Gap Analysis (DGAs) to determine how well companies are disclosing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data in alignment with the SASB standards. I also completed my honors thesis research on a connection between ESG reputation and credit rating. During my time in the M.S. program, I have worked on the continued partnership with SASB to work on updating SASB standards through a globally applicable lens. I have also participated in extensive ESG research through an internship with the Governance & Accountability Institute.
What classes have had the most impact on you as a student?
My sustainability courses with Dr. Porco have been extremely enlightening to begin to learn more about the growing industry of sustainable accounting. I have also enjoyed my audit courses with Professor Ulto, which provided a great mix of textbook learning with practical experience through case work
What are some associations and societies that you are a part of?
PCAOB Scholar, NYSCPA Superior Scholars Program