The Responsible Business Fellowship for Gabelli Students

Students at desk discussing

The Responsible Business Center unites educators, executives, researchers, nonprofits, and students around the idea that responsible business practices can align Jesuit values with stakeholder interests.  

With this goal, the Responsible Business Center awards annual financial fellowships to Gabelli undergraduate and graduate students whose career interests focus on responsible decision-making as related to modern business, exploring the intersection of profitability and ethical issues. 

In addition to fellowship funding, Responsible Business Center Fellows have the opportunity to elevate their personal brand and thought leadership through published one-on-one interviews, speaking opportunities and spotlights on the RBC website. The five fellows will work as a team on multiple research projects, resulting in white papers and presentations. The research findings will be presented by the team representing Gabelli at the Responsible Business Center’s Annual Spring Summit. 

Learn more about our 2023-2024 Responsible Business Center Fellows

Please send any questions to Dr. Kate Kennon [email protected]