Graduate Student Advisory Council

Leadership That Works for You

The Student Advisory Council is comprised of eight officers who are dedicated to ensuring that your experience here affords the support, intellectual stimulation, and fun that are the hallmark of a Gabelli School of Business graduate education. Take the time to get acquainted. Want to participate in being a part of next year’s Council? Be on the lookout for information about elections toward the end of each Spring semester.

Want to reach out to SAC, email:

2024-2025 Officers

Harsh Thakkar

SAC President
Harsh Thakkar

Cara Denton

SAC Vice President, Full-Time MBA Students
Cara Denton

Bethany Bengtson

SAC Vice President, PMBA/EMBA
Bethany Bengtson

Nida Ahmad

SAC Vice President, International Students
Nida Ahmad

Timothy Niedermeyer

SAC Vice President, Events
Timothy Niedermeyer

Nikita Ralhan

SAC Vice President Master’s Students
Nikita Ralhan

Vanshika Mahajan

SAC Vice President Master’s Students
Vanshika Mahajan

Rahul Marathe

SAC Treasurer
Rahul Marathe