Blockchain at Fordham
Advisor: Professor I-Cheng Robert Chiang; Associate Professor and Area Chair, Information Systems
Twitter: @blockchainatfu
Instagram: @blockchainatfordham
Who we are:
Blockchain at Fordham is an undergraduate club focused on blockchain education on campus. Members participate in weekly seminars, industry panels, speaker events, office tours, and group projects. The goal is to promote an environment of collaborative learning where members are continually learning from each other, building up a shared understanding of blockchain and the industry.
Mission statement:
Our mission is to educate, engage, and inspire learning and collaboration in blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies.
What we do:
Blockchain at Fordham provides tools and a framework for a path to blockchain education. The club holds weekly meetings, breaking down complex topics and use cases to a non-technical level all members can understand. These weekly meetings also serve as a platform for members to present blockchain or cryptocurrency topics they have researched and would like to teach to other club members. Blockchain at Fordham also holds panels and speaker events with industry professionals to share their experience in the tech field and provide career advice to attendees. We aim to create an environment of collaborative learning where students are inspired to further each other’s understanding of the technology to benefit the overall club.