Your Impact
Thank you! Your support has a significant impact on Fordham students.

Fordham students are known for their perseverance, compassion, and leadership. Your gifts provide them with opportunities to put these qualities into practice and reach their full potential.
The accomplishments of our students during the 2023–2024 academic year demonstrate the extent to which your generosity affects the lives of Fordham scholars—through travel opportunities, extracurricular activities, community projects, internships, and all that Fordham and New York City have to offer. Your gifts are more than financial—they empower our students and ensure that Fordham is a home away from home, where they thrive as their unique selves.
Thank You, Donors!
Fordham students express their gratitude and share how your support has personally impacted their lives.

Without scholarship support, I would not have had the privilege to be a part of my beloved rowing team and help lead the squad toward our goals this year. I would not have expanded my thinking, shaped by a diverse course load that allowed me to see the city in a whole new way, and I would not go forth with these abilities and fond memories as I am so fortunate to be able to do now. I know this to be the case for many of my peers here and throughout Fordham’s campuses. To all of you, our donors and supporters, we are so very appreciative of what you have and continue to make possible. It has been a great privilege to have the opportunity to discover and accomplish my goals at and soon beyond Fordham.
- Brooke Gould, GABELLI ‘24Why I Give: Anthony Carter, FCRH ’76
Fordham graduate and trustee Anthony Carter, FCRH ’76, reflects on his time as a student and the personal significance of giving back and supporting the Fordham community.