Marianne Cooper

Meet Marianne Cooper

Marianne Cooper, FCRH ’77

Marianne Cooper is a managing director on one of IBM’s largest global financial accounts. She is responsible for IBM’s business globally, driving the complete portfolio of solutions, products and services, P&L, and customer satisfaction. She is the partnership executive on the company’s accounts with Fordham University, the City of Los Angeles, and the City of New York.

Prior to this role, Cooper was vice president overseeing worldwide sales of IBM’s systems and technology group portfolio of solutions and products across all industries, with particular focus on the financial services sector, public sector, and communications sector. Cooper led the IBM sales and distribution operations for the public sector industries in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. She was responsible for sales, P&L, and support of the full range of the company’s information technology products, services, consulting offerings, and business solutions. Her organization worked with customers from the education, government, pharmaceuticals, and health care industries.

Cooper has held numerous vice presidential roles within the IBM sales and distribution organizations. She is the IBM senior location executive for the New York City area. She serves on the board of the United Way of NYC and on the Global Advisory Board for Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business.

Cooper has been recognized as a Women of Excellence and Achievement honoree by United Way of NYC and Women United in Philanthropy, and has been inducted into the YWCA Academy of Women Achievers.