A View From the Top: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation

We need innovative thinking in these transformative times. Hear from our panelists on how they’ve led change in their respective industries with courage, grace, and savvy.

May Adrales

Moderator: May Adrales, Director of the Theatre Program, Fordham University

Kathleen Adams

Kathleen Adams, FCRH '10, GSAS '12, Vice President, Digital Director, EvolveMKD; Co-owner, Angel of Harlem Bar/Restaurant

Gloria Athanis

Gloria Athanis, MC '81, Owner, Partner, Healthful Habits LLC - Phyter

Linda Dunham

Linda Dunham, PCS '82, President, Dunham Management Corp.; Owner/Operator, McDonald's restaurants 

Lauren Sweeney

Lauren Sweeney, FCRH '12, Co-founder, CEO, DeliverZero