GSAS Co-tutelle for Doctoral Students

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) is delighted to announce the launch of its Co-tutelle initiative for advanced doctoral students.
A Co-tutelle is an individually tailored contractual arrangement comprising joint doctoral research supervision between two institutions on behalf of a matriculated doctoral student.
Co-tutelles are designed to augment and support scholarly cooperation between researchers and doctoral students, as well as enhance doctoral student mobility as required by the scope and focus of the student’s doctoral research and dissertation project. The result of a completed Co-tutelle is that each partnering institution awards a separate doctoral degree in relation to a single dissertation.
Co-tutelles are an increasingly common arrangement for doctoral research around the world, as they facilitate inter-institutional collaboration and exchange; expose doctoral students to new research methods and resources; and diversify the mentoring and professional development a doctoral student experiences on her/his academic journey.