M.S. in Health Administration Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Academic Year

Tuition: $36,678

Suggested Funding Opportunities

This one year program consists of 3 terms and students are charged in three installments:

Term Tuition
Fall $16,759
Spring $16,759
Summer $3,160

Additional Fees Fees
General Fee (per term) * $221
Technology Fee (per term) * $340
International Service Fee $70
Health Insurance ** Fall term: $1,661
Spring term (includes summer): $2,944
Late Payment Fee (monthly) $15 or 1.5% on outstanding balance,
whichever is greater

* The Enrollment Deposit will cover the General Fee and Technology Fee for the fall semester.  
** Health insurance is mandatory for all full-time students. For students who do not have health insurance coverage, Fordham University offers a Student Health Plan to all eligible students and the annual cost of $4,605.

Our Office of Financial Services provides a variety of options that can make your education more affordable, including loan programs and payment plans.

Suggested Funding Opportunities

Many of our current students and alumni have received tuition reimbursement from their employer to assist with the cost of a graduate degree. We recommend students explore all options, this includes reviewing HR benefits with a current employer.

Current members of National Association of Latino Healthcare Executives (NALHE) and National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) are considered for additional scholarship opportunities at the point of acceptance.

Our Office of Financial Services provides a variety of options that can make your education more affordable, including loan programs and payment plans.