GSAS Distinguished Fellowships

Female Grad Student at Conference Table - SM

Research Fellowship

Deadline to apply: January 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
The Research Fellowship offers support for students who wish to work closely with faculty mentors to develop their own dissertation research projects or to learn methods or procedures that they will use on their own dissertation research. 

The grant is awarded on a competitive basis and will reward students who have presented papers at conferences, published articles or book reviews, and submitted proposals for external fellowships.  For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.

Senior Teaching Fellowship

Deadline to apply: January 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
The Senior Teaching Fellowship provides support for those students who have already completed a teaching fellowship in the department. Students who have completed a Graduate Teaching Assistantship assignment in which the level of teaching responsibility was sufficient to demonstrate the exemplary nature of the student's teaching ability may also apply.

The application for a Senior Teaching Fellowship must include evidence of teaching effectiveness. Evidence can be provided through the submission of the current teaching evaluation instrument approved by the Arts and Sciences Council (SEEQ). However, recognizing that SEEQs are an imperfect instrument, students may opt instead to submit department evaluations of their service as Graduate Teaching Assistants and/or Teaching Fellows, if available. Departments are encouraged to complete these evaluations for each student at the end of each semester. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.

Alumni Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline to apply: January 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
The Alumni Dissertation Fellowship is the final award an excellent doctoral candidate would receive.  The student may apply for this award only after the department has accepted the proposal and the dean has approved the dissertation title and committee. The support will be offered on a competitive basis and will reward students who have already submitted proposals for fellowships, published articles and/or book reviews, presented papers at conferences.

The fellowship allows the student to devote full-time work to the dissertation and is meant to enable him or her to complete it during the fellowship year. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.

Summer Research Fellowship

Deadline to apply: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
The Summer Research Fellowship provides support to students who wish to devote the summer to improving their professional credentials beyond the normal expectations of their program, which could include but are not limited to preparing proposals to apply for prestigious fellowships, articles for publication, conference papers, training, and workshops. Students are not allowed to hold a Summer Fellowship more than two out of five years.

Any doctoral or master's student may apply, regardless of whether he or she has been nominated for one of the larger awards. However, students cannot hold both a 12-month merit award, such as an Alumni Dissertation Fellowship, the Renaissance Society of America Fellowship, and some Research Fellowships, as well as a Summer Fellowship. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.