GSAS Alumni Dissertation Fellowship
Deadline to apply: January 9, 2025
Alumni Dissertation Fellowships allow students to devote full-time work to their dissertations. Students must complete their dissertation during the fellowship year. Failing to complete the dissertation in the fellowship year will compromise future awards for their department. The Alumni Dissertation Fellowship is the last of the internally administered prestigious awards for advanced doctoral students. Once a student has received an Alumni Dissertation Fellowship, s/he will not be eligible for other GSAS academic year awards (i.e., Graduate Assistantship, Research Assistantship, Teaching Fellowship, Research Fellowship, or Senior Teaching Fellowship). The support will be offered on a competitive basis and will reward students who have already submitted proposals for fellowships, published articles and/or book reviews, presented papers at conferences.
Award Information
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Alumni Dissertation Fellowship provides a 12-month stipend and tuition scholarship. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.
Doctoral students in good standing with satisfactory academic progress according to the guidelines established by the graduate school are eligible for this award. A student may apply for this award only after the department has accepted the proposal and the Dean has approved the dissertation title and dissertation committee. A student may apply for only one of the three academic-year merit awards for advanced students (Research Assistantship, Senior Teaching Fellowship, or Alumni Dissertation Fellowship). Although a student may also apply for a Summer Fellowship, a student cannot simultaneously be awarded a 12-month merit award (i.e., the Alumni Dissertation Fellowship and some of the Research Fellowships) and a Summer Fellowship.
Application Materials
You will be able to access the application on - My Pages - Students - Electronics Forms - GSAS Distinguished Fellowships. The link provided in the portal will bring you to the distinguished fellowships application. Please note, for doctoral students who are still completing coursework this semester, if you would like your fall 2024 earned credits to be included on the application, please submit your application in January when your fall grades have been posted. All applications must be submitted by January 9, 2025.
- A 300 - 500 word statement that addresses the dissertation’s contribution to the scholarly field, indicates the status of the dissertation research and writing, and outlines a timetable for completion. Remember that your application will be reviewed by faculty members outside your department, who will not know the stages of and time requirements for a dissertation in your field
- Curriculum Vitae
- Dissertation Proposal
A letter of recommendation from your mentor is also required. Please ask your mentor to assess the status of your dissertation research and writing and to provide an honest appraisal of the likelihood of dissertation completion during your award year. The student should arrange for the mentor or adviser to submit a letter of recommendation electronically directly to the Department and copy by the January 9, 2025 deadline.
Review and Selection Process
Applications will first be submitted to the student’s department. Committees within each department will discuss and rank the applications. The members of the Distinguished Fellowships Committee (DFC) will read all applications and the DFC will make its recommendations to the Dean. Students are notified of financial awards in the first week of April.