GSAS Senior Teaching Fellowship

Deadline to apply: January 9, 2025

The Senior Teaching Fellowship (STF) provides support for those students who have already completed a teaching fellowship in the department. Students who have completed a Graduate Teaching Assistantship assignment in which the level of teaching responsibility was sufficient to demonstrate the exemplary nature of the student's teaching ability may also apply.

The application for a Senior Teaching Fellowship must include evidence of teaching effectiveness. Evidence can be provided through the submission of the current teaching evaluation instrument approved by the Arts and Sciences Council (SEEQ). However, recognizing that SEEQs are an imperfect instrument, students may opt instead to submit department evaluations of their service as Graduate Teaching Assistants and/or Teaching Fellows, if available. Departments are encouraged to complete these evaluations for each student at the end of each semester. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships.

Award Information
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Senior Teaching Fellowship provides an academic year stipend and tuition scholarship. For programs based on 12-month financial aid packages, a 12-month stipend is provided. For updated stipend rates, please see Stipends and Scholarships. Responsibilities of Senior Teaching Fellows include teaching two courses per year at Fordham College under faculty supervision.

Doctoral students in good standing with satisfactory academic progress according to the guidelines established by the graduate school are eligible for this award. A student may apply for only one of the three academic-year financial aid awards for advanced students (Research Assistantship, Senior Teaching Fellowship, or Alumni Dissertation Fellowship). Each of these awards can be held only once by a student, except for students enrolled in the Doctoral Certificate in Medieval Studies, who can hold a second STF. A student may apply for a Summer Fellowship. Funds must be used to assist in the student's progression toward completion of degree.

Application Materials
You will be able to access the application on - My Pages - Students - Electronics Forms - GSAS Distinguished Fellowships. The link provided in the portal will bring you to the distinguished fellowships application. Please note, for doctoral students who are still completing coursework this semester, if you would like your fall 2024 earned credits to be included on the application, please submit your application in January when your fall grades have been posted.  All applications must be submitted by January 9, 2025

The following files should be uploaded as one PDF (preferred) or one WORD document.  The file name should begin with the student's last name_first name_Dept_Fellowship name - (e.g., Doe_Jane_HIST_RF).

  1. Statement of Teaching Philosophy (Recommended: 2-3 pages, double-spaced)
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. SEEQ scores for each course taught or a copy of your department's evaluation of your service as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and/or a Teaching Fellow

A Teaching Mentor’s Recommendation Report is also required. This report should incorporate information obtained through observation of the applicant’s teaching. The student should arrange for the mentor to submit the report electronically to the Department/Program and copy by the January 9, 2025 deadline.

Review and Selection Process
Applications will first be submitted to the student’s department. Committees within each department will discuss and rank the applications. The members of the Distinguished Fellowships Committee (DFC) will read all applications and the DFC will make its recommendations to the Dean. Students are notified of financial awards in the first week of April.