GSAS Financial Aid and Billing

Students standing in from of a sign reading dinner for yemen during a fundraising event for the humanitarian student union

  1. Sign the Financial Responsibility Agreement
  2. Finance your Education
  3. Pay your Bill
  4. Workshop on sexual harassment and discrimination prevention
Date to Complete Financial Aid and Billing

As soon as possible

1. Sign the Financial Responsibility Agreement

A Financial Responsibility Agreement is a disclosure agreement between you and Fordham University that states that you agree to pay all charges that result from your registration and services you receive from the university. You will be asked to acknowledge that you understand that you are responsible to pay for all charges associated with your attendance and where applicable, residence costs at the university.  If you refuse to sign the form, your enrollment will be subject to cancellation since you are not agreeing to pay the charges which you incur as a result of the services you receive at Fordham.

You may read and sign the Financial Responsibility Agreement by logging onto


2. Finance your Education

The Office of Financial Services offers assistance in applying for loans and other need-based financial aid using the FAFSA. Please visit our Funding page and the Graduate Financial Aid page for more information about funding.

Contacting the Office of Student Financial Services
Phone 718-817-3800

Payment due date will be approximately three (3) weeks from the date on the invoice.

3. Pay your Bill

Your total tuition and fees will depend upon the number of credits for which you enroll. The Office of Student Accounts will begin releasing invoices on the dates below and will continue releasing new invoices leading up to the start of the semester on a rolling basis.  Email notifications will be sent to your Fordham email address alerting you of the invoice. The payment due date will be approximately three (3) weeks from the date on the invoice. 

See Paying Your Bill for details about billing and payments. 

We provide a variety of options, including loan programs and payment plans.

It is your responsibility as the student to ensure that all tuition and other charges are satisfied in a timely fashion. For assistance, email the GSAS Office of Academic Operations and Support at

Summer 2024
Invoicing begins May 2024 and continues through June 2024.

Fall 2024
Invoicing begins the 2nd week of July 2024 and continues through August 2024.

Early in your first semester

4. Workshop on sexual harassment and discrimination prevention

Students whose financial awards require them to fulfill duties, and who are compensated through payroll (including graduate assistants, teaching assistants, research assistants, teaching fellows, and hourly workers), are required by New York State and New York City law to complete a workshop on sexual harassment and discrimination prevention. If you are contacted about the course requirement, please plan to complete it in a timely manner.

You will be contacted via email in August with instructions on how to access and complete the course online. You will also receive a deadline for completion.