GSE Accreditation and Competencies
This page contains data and reports on GSE teacher education and educational leadership, student, and alumni pass rates as required by Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965.
If you need additional information, please contact the Dean's Office at 212-636-6406.
C&T CLAIR ELAP PES - Satisfaction with experience at GSE
- Program
- Faculty
- Preparation for practice
- Contribution of program to knowledge, skill, personal development
- Ratings of Effectiveness
- Various aspects of teaching
- Tools for the profession
- Skills needed for the profession
- Personal and Workplace information
- Satisfaction with experience at GSE
- Instruction
- Curriculum
- Advising
- Personal and Workplace information
- Satisfaction with experience at GSE
- Program
- Faculty
- Curriculum
- Preparation for practice
- Contribution of program to knowledge, skill, personal development
- Ratings of Internship Experience
- Ratings of Effectiveness
- Various aspects of educational leadership
- Tools for the profession
- Skills needed for the profession
- Satisfaction with experience at GSE
- Instruction
- Curriculum
- Advising
- Ratings of Preparation
- Specific experiences
- Content
- Skills
- Professional practices
- Personal and Workplace information
Survey Completion Rates N % C&T 1,223 13 CLAIR 6 86 ELAP 490 19 PES 432 18 Where are They? C&T CLAIR ELAP PES School 85% 60% (N=3) 62% 51% Post-Secondary Institution 4% 40% (N=2) 9% 6% Company - - 8% - Service Organization - - - 25% Educational District 2% - 18% - Other 9% - 3% 18% Total Surveyed (N) 147 5 89 77 Mean Ratings C&T CLAIR ELAP PES Satisfaction a = .94
i = 16
n = 189
a = .94
i = 44
n = 5
a = .96
i = 15
n = 112
a = .94
i = 18
n = 98
Contributions of Program a = .93
i = 7
n = 198
- a = .92
i = 7
n = 114
- Program Effectiveness/Preparation a = .99
i = 60
n = 159
- a = .98
i = 40
n = 86
a = .98
i = 57
n = 72
- Satisfaction with experience at GSE
Snapshot of Educator Program Enrollment and Completion (2016) Asian Black Latino White Master's Enrollment in Education Programs 4% 17% 17% 49% Master's Completers in Education Programs 5% 10% 8% 59% Education Master's Degree Recipients (2016) White Unknown Black Latino Asian Multiracial Amer. Indian Women (N) 105 - 19 15 9 5 0 Men (N) 22 - 3 3 1 3 0 All (N) 127 32 22 18 10 8 0 All (%) 59 15 10 8 5 4 0 Diversity Facts:
- Each year Fordham graduates grow more diverse and representative of students they serve.
- Ed Trust reported in 2016 that 27% of our completers were persons of color (POC's).
- In 2018, 45% of our graduates were POC's.
- In NYC DOE Schools the percentage of persons of color (POC's) was 46%, compared to NYC DOE’s 39% (2013-2015).
Where do program completers teach in New York State?
90% of 2012-2015 program completers who took teaching jobs in NYS public schools were employed in the same region as their teacher preparation programs.
Top Five NY Work Locations: Currently Employed Master's Program Completers New York City Department of Education - New York City 67% Charter schools - New York City 23% Low-need districts - Mid-Hudson 4% Average-need districts - Mid-Hudson 2% Low-need districts - Nassau-Suffolk 2% Are program completers employed after graduation?
2015 Master’s Program Completers Employed in NYS Public Schools (2016-17) Special Education (Elementary & Early Childhood) 55% Elementary & Early Childhood 55% Overall 52% Do program completers remain in the classroom?
Percent of 2012-13 Master's program completers who took jobs in NY public schools, and remained in the classroom for three continuous years: Special Education (Middle/Secondary) 57% English (Middle/Secondary) 55% Sciences (Middle/Secondary) 50% Social Studies (Middle/Secondary) 49% ESOL/Bilingual 47% Special Education (Elementary & Early Childhood) 46% Overall 40% Elementary & Early Childhood 33% GSE Employment Facts:
Fordham is proud of its record number of graduates hired in NYC schools that serve underserved youth:
- Approximately 37% employed in the Bronx, vs. 29% across NY DOE Schools Average*
- 33% in high needs Manhattan schools, vs.18% across NY DOE Schools Average*
- Hired in NYC at a higher rate than other teacher education programs, 46% vs. 36%*
- 47% of those graduates, vs. 42% NYC DOE Schools Average*, are filling positions in identified shortage areas. (*2013-15 data)
Grad Effectiveness/Impact Data
Overall Teacher Effectiveness Rating: Most Recent Two-Year Average of 2012-2016 Master's Program Completers
Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective Fordham University <1% 8% 77% 14% New York City <1% 7% 78% 14% Statewide <1% 6% 68% 26% Student Achievement Growth Rating (Most Recent Two-Year Average of 2012-2016 Master's Program Completers) Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective Fordham University 4% 9% 76% 10% New York City <1% 9% 79% 9% Statewide 4% 9% 78% 8% Effectiveness/Impact Facts
- 91% of our completers are employed in NYS schools and achieved an effective or highly effective rating when evaluated by their administrators (2016).
- 86% of our completers positively impacted student achievement in underserved schools and communities.
Summary for GSE Completers:
Equity is important
Impact is High
Effectiveness is High
Moving toward more diversity
Longevity in high needs schools
Hired at a high rate in shortage areas
Committed to social justice
EdTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by more than 600 teacher preparation programs in some 40 states to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom.
Developed by educators for educators, edTPA is the first such standards-based assessment to become nationally available in the United States. It builds on decades of work on assessments of teacher performance and research regarding teaching skills that improve student learning.
It is transforming the preparation and certification of new teachers by complementing subject-area assessments with a rigorous process that requires teacher candidates to demonstrate that they have the classroom skills necessary to ensure students are learning.
- edTPA Assessment Results (2018-2019)
Between September 1 and August 31, the New York State Education Department collects data on all students enrolled in or completing teacher or educational leader preparation programs. This data is used for three purposes.
- Federal Reporting Requirements for Title II, Section 207, of the Higher Education Act: Title II reporting requires pass rate data for program enrollees and completers in New York State teacher preparation programs.
- Teacher and Educational Leader Preparation Program Profiles
- To Ensure Institutional Accountability (as described in Commissioner’s regulations Part 52.21 (b) (2) (iv))
We are required to provide data for all candidates who are enrolled or have completed a NYS teacher preparation and/or NYS educational leader preparation program during the current collection period. These data are then compared with testing records and certification records, to create the required Title II reports and the NYS Teacher and Educational Leader Preparation Program Profiles.
Assessment Pass Rates Report
This table indicates pass rates by assessment for the five Title II reporting groups (1-5) indicated under “Group” in key for description.
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Alternative Program Assessment Pass Rates (2018-19)
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Traditional Program Assessment Pass Rates (2018-19)
- Westchester Campus Traditional Program Assessment Pass Rates (2018-19)
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Alternative Program Assessment Pass Rates (2017-18)
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Traditional Program Assessment Pass Rates (2017-18)
- Westchester Campus Traditional Program Assessment Pass Rates (2017-18)
Summary Pass Rates Report
This table indicates summary pass rates for program completers. See key for description.
Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended in 2008, requires that each institution of higher education (IHE) or organization that conducts a traditional or alternative teacher preparation program submit annual reports containing key requirements and characteristics of their programs to their respective states. New York State has opted to use the Institutional and Program Report Card reporting system (IPRC) in order to collect these reports.
Section 205(a) of Title II requires each IHE to report annually on:
- Basic aspects of its teacher preparation program, such as admissions requirements; number of students enrolled by gender, ethnicity and race; information about supervised clinical experience; the number of students prepared by academic major and subject area; and the number of program completers;
- Goals for increasing the number of teachers trained in shortage area and assurances about aspects of teacher training;
- How well groups of students perform on initial state licensing and certification assessments;
- Approval or accreditation of the teacher preparation program and whether the program is under a designation of “low-performing;” and
- Information about preparing teachers to use technology, to participate as a member of individualized education program teams and to teach students with disabilities or who are limited English proficient.
Title II IPRC Reports
- Lincoln Center Traditional Programs (2018-19)
- Westchester Traditional Programs (2018-19)
- Lincoln Center Traditional Programs (2016-17)
- Lincoln Center Alternative Programs(2016-17)
- RH_LC Alternative Report Card AY 2015-2016.pdf (2015-16)
- RH_LC Traditional Report Card AY 2015-2016.pdf (2015-16)
- Westchester Campus Traditional Programs
- Title_II_WC_Traditional(2015-16)
- Rose Hill/Lincoln Center Alternative Program (2014-15)
- Rose Hill/Lincoln Center Traditional Program (2014-15)
- Westchester Campus Traditional Programs (2014-15)
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Alternative Program (2012-2013)
- Lincoln Center/Rose Hill Traditional Program (2012-2013)
- West Chester Campus (2012-2013)
- Rose Hill/Lincoln Center Alternative Program (2011-2012)
- Rose Hill/Lincoln Center Traditional Program (2011-2012)
- Westchester Campus Traditional Programs (2011-2012)