GSE Counseling Psychology (Ph.D.) Curriculum
Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program Curriculum
Students entering with a bachelor’s degree will need to complete the requirements of the Mental Health Counseling master’s degree en route to the Ph.D., which includes coursework, fieldwork, and the Master’s Comprehensive Exam.
Review the courses and requirements in the following areas: psychology core; ethics and legal standards; doctoral research core; philosophical, historical, and multicultural core; career development; psychological assessment; psychological Intervention; consultation and supervision; and comprehensive exams.
Research Apprenticeship
Students complete a year-long research apprenticeship with a faculty sponsor and attend interdisciplinary research seminars once a semester. These research apprenticeship projects often serve as pilot projects for subsequent dissertation work.
Read directions on how to browse course schedules and descriptions and review a list of courses. See sample course sequences below.
Sample Course Sequence for Students with a Bachelor's Degree (114 credits)
- All students entering with a B..A . must complete their Master’s in Mental Health Counseling en route to the Ph.D.
- Students must complete prerequisite courses in Foundations of Counseling; Clinical Instruction; Counseling Theory; Clinical Instruction in Theory; Groups Module; Careers Module; and Assessment in Counseling prior to beginning the Master’s Field Experience.
- The Master’s Field Experience must be completed prior to beginning the Doctoral Practicum. See descriptions in the GSE Bulletin for prerequisites and corequisites.
- Students may complete some prerequisite courses in the summer before the first year.
YEAR 1 (36 or 42 credits)
Fall (15 credits)
- Social and Ethical Responsibility in Counseling Psychology
- Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services
- Foundations in Professional Counseling and Consultation
- Clinical Instruction in Counseling Process
- Assessment in Counseling
- Quantitative Research Methods I
(Prepare applications (but do not submit) for master’s externship sites for 600-hour field experience for the following fall semester. Consult advisor, Externship Guidelines, and Director of Field Placements.)
Spring (15 credits)
- Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services
- Quantitative Research Methods II
- Career Counseling
- Practicum in Career Counseling
- Counseling Theory and Practice
- Clinical Instruction Application of Theory to Practice
- Permanent Matriculation (0 credit, register after 12-15 credits completed)
(Submit applications for master’s externship sites for 600-hour field experience for the following fall semester. Consult advisor, Externship Guidelines, and Director of Field Placements.)
Summer Session I (May-June) (6 credits)
- Multicultural Issues in Professional Psychology
- History & Systems of Psychology
Summer Session II (July-August) (6 credits)
- Group Counseling
- Pre-Practicum in Groups
YEAR 2 (30-33 credits)
Fall (12 credits)
- Field Experience in Mental Health Counseling I
- Qualitative and Single Case Design Research Methods I
- General Psychopathology
- Personality Assessment
Spring (15 credits)
- Intelligence Assessment: Child/Adult
- Neurobiological Bases of Behavior
- Field Experience in Mental Health Counseling II
- Counseling Program Development and Evaluation
- Qualitative and Single Case Design Research Methods II
- Research Apprenticeship (IRB must be approved) (0 credit)
(Submit applications to externship sites for doctoral practicum for following fall-spring. Consult advisor, Externship Guidelines, and Director of Field-Based Experience and Accountability. Identify a research apprenticeship advisor and start developing a proposal; if possible, obtain IRB approval.)
Summer Session I (3 credits)
- Master’s Comps (0 credit)
- Theories of Family Counseling and Assistance
To receive a master’s degree, you must have passed the Master's Comps and apply for graduation from the Mental Health Counseling Program.
(Finalize Research Apprenticeship proposal or collect data if IRB is approved.)
YEAR 3 (18 credits)
Fall (9 credits)
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology I: Humanistic
- Psychometric Theory
- Social Psychology
- Research Apprenticeship (0 credit)
Spring (9 credits)
- Research Apprenticeship (study should be submitted by deadline) (0 credit)
- Doctoral Practice in Counseling Psychology II: Cognitive/Behavioral
- Psychology of Career Development
- Psychology of Cognition and Affect
(Submit applications to externship sites for doctoral practicum for following fall-spring. Consult advisor, Externship Guidelines, and Director of Field-Based Experience and Accountability.)
(Submit application for comps eligibility by deadline and attend mandatory comps orientation – contact program's Coordinator of Comprehensive Exams.)
Summer Session I (0 credits)
- Clinical Doctoral Comprehensive Exam (0 credits)
YEAR 4 (15 credits)
Fall (6 credits)
- Doctoral Research Comprehensive Manuscript (0 credit)
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology III: Psychodynamic
- Clinical Supervision and Consultation in Counseling Psychology
NOTE: Be mindful of Doctoral Research Comp deadlines.
(Informal preparation of your dissertation proposal.)
Spring (12 credits)
- Advanced Developmental Psychology
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology IV: Integrative
- Practicum in Supervision in Counseling Psychology
- Dissertation Seminar (Aim to submit dissertation prospectus for approval very early in the semester, defend proposal & obtain IRB approval.) (3 credits)
Summer Sessions I & II
(Begin to prepare for predoctoral internship application process.)
YEAR 5 (Internship Application & Dissertation - 6 credits)
Fall Semester (3 credits)
PSGE 8999 Dissertation Seminar (3 credits)
PSGE 7530 Counseling Psychology Externship (0 credit) (optional)
PSGE 7660 Minimal Research Competencies
Spring Semester (3 credits)
PSGE 8999 Dissertation Seminar (3 credits)
PSGE 7531 Counseling Psychology Externship (0 credit) (optional)
(Analyze data; submit drafts to committee for review, revision.)
YEAR 6 (Full-Time, Full-Year Internship at approved site)
Fall Semester
PSGE 8999 Dissertation Seminar (3 credits if needed)
PSGE 7667 Internship in Counseling Psychology I (0 credit)
(Aim to obtain committee approval to submit for PES Chair review and approval to schedule oral defense; defend dissertation; submit for format review.)
Spring Semester (0 credit)
PSGE 7668 Internship in Counseling Psychology II (0 credit)
(Apply for August degree conferral if all requirements including dissertation format review will be met.)
Summer Session (0 credit)
PSGE 7669 Internship in Counseling Psychology III (0 credit)
(Must defend dissertation proposal prior to applying for internship, proposal, obtain IRB approval, and begin data collection.)
(Submit applications via APPIC for predoctoral internship; prepare well in advance of first application deadline to draft application and personal statement for review/approval by program advisor, and request recommendation letters.) Fordham University Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student Handbook (2020) 47
[Updated as of 10/12/2020 by J.
Sample Course Sequence for Students with a Master's Degree in Counseling (63-75 credits)
NOTE: Students must have completed prerequisite courses in Counseling Process, Counseling Pre-Practicum, Counseling Theories, Groups, Careers, Assessment in Counseling, and a Master’s level Field Experience prior to beginning the Doctoral Practicum. Students must also demonstrate that they have taken a graduate-level course comparable to Counseling Program Development and Evaluation. See course descriptions in the GSE Bulletin for all prerequisites and corequisites.
YEAR 1 (21 - 30 credits)
Fall (9-12 credits)
- Social and Ethical Responsibility in Counseling Psychology
- Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services
- Quantitative Research Methods I
- General Psychopathology
- Personality Assessment
Spring (12 credits)
- Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services
- Intelligence Assessment: Child/Adult
- Quantitative Research Methods II
- Neurobiological Bases of Behavior
- Psychology of Cognition and Effect
- Permanent Matriculation (0 credits; register in semester when have satisfactorily completed 12-15 credits for faculty review of progress)
- Research Apprenticeship (0 credit)
- Ideally, IRB approved for research apprenticeship by end of the semester
- Submit applications to externship sites for doctoral practicum for following fall-spring
- Consult advisor, externship guidelines, and Director of Field-Based Experience and Accountability
Summer Session I (0-6 credits)
- Multicultural Issues in Professional Psychology
- History & Systems of Psychology
YEAR 2 (21-27 credits)
Fall (12 credits)
- Research Apprenticeship (IRB must be approved) (0 credit)
- Qualitative and Single Case Design Research Methods I
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology I: Humanistic
- Social Psychology
- Psychometric Theory
Spring (9 credits)
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology II: Cognitive/Behavioral
- Qualitative and Single Case Design Research Methods II
- Psychology of Career Development
- Research Apprenticeship (0 credit)
- Study must be submitted by the deadline
- Submit applications to externship sites for doctoral practicum for following fall-spring
- Consult advisor, externship guidelines, and Director of Field-Based Experience and Accountability
- Submit application for comps eligibility by deadline and attend mandatory comps orientation; contact Program Coordinator of Comprehensive Exams
Summer Session I (0-6 credits)
- Clinical Doctoral Comprehensive Exam
- History & Systems of Psychology
- Multicultural Issues in Professional Psychology
YEAR 3 (12 credits)
Fall (6 credits)
- Doctoral Research Comprehensive Manuscript*
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology III: Psychodynamic
- Clinical Supervision and Consultation in Counseling Psychology - Informal preparation of your dissertation proposal
*Be mindful of Doctoral Research Comprehensive deadlines
Spring (9 credits)
- Advanced Developmental Psychology
- Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology IV: Integrative
- Practicum in Supervision in Counseling Psychology
- Dissertation Seminar - Aim to submit dissertation prospectus for approval very early in the semester, defend proposal, obtain IRB approval. Begin to prepare for predoctoral internship application process.
Summer I & II
Begin data collection, research internships, work on internship essays.
YEAR 4 (6 credits; Internship Application & Dissertation)
Fall (3 credits)
- Dissertation Seminar (3 credits)
- Counseling Psychology Externship (0 credits) (optional)
- Submit applications via APPIC for a predoctoral internship; prepare well in advance of the first application deadline to draft application and personal statement for review/approval by program advisor; and request recommendation letters.
Spring (3 credits)
- Dissertation Seminar (3 credits)
- Counseling Psychology Externship (0 credits) (optional) - Analyze data; submit drafts to committee for review & revision.
YEAR 5 (Full-time, full-year internship at the approved site)
Fall (0-3 credits)
- Dissertation Seminar (if needed, 3 credits)
- Internship in Counseling Psychology I (0 credits)
- Minimal Research Competencies (0 credits) - Aim to obtain committee approval to submit for PES Chair review and approval to schedule oral defense; defend a dissertation; submit for format review.
- Internship in Counseling Psychology II (0 credits)
- Internship in Counseling Psychology III (0 credits) - Apply for August degree conferral if all requirements including dissertation format review are met.