GSE Application Status and Review
Applications are reviewed only when they are complete, meaning the applicant has submitted their online application, paid their $80 application fee, and GSE admissions has received all required supplemental materials (e.g. transcripts, test scores, etc.).
Once an application is complete, it is sent to the program faculty review committees. Faculty, not the Admissions Office, reviews applications at GSE.
Applications for some programs will only be sent for review on the application deadline date, regardless of when the completed application is submitted. For other programs, the application is reviewed once it is complete, regardless of the deadline. Please contact the Admissions Office at with specific questions about application review timelines.
Not Sure If We Received Your Supplemental Materials?
You may track the receipt of your supplemental materials via our online application system after you submit an application. We cannot attach or track supplemental materials without a corresponding application.
Application Status
You may check the status of your application via our online system.