Information for Fordham Graduate Students/Faculty

The center also serves as a resource for Fordham graduate students and faculty.

Please review the information below to learn more about the materials that are available and opportunities for involvement in center activities.

  • Students and faculty members at Fordham are welcome to view and borrow assessment materials at the Hagin Center. To do so, please send an email to In your email, please include: (1) the specific name of the test you require; and (2) your availability to come pick up or review the test kits at the Hagin Center.

    If you require a test kit for a certain class you are taking this semester, your professor and a Hagin Center graduate assistant should be coordinating together. You will receive updates about your designated pick-up times from your professor and Hagin Center staff members.

  • The center provides intensive, per-semester practicum experiences for students enrolled in the Integration of Assessment Techniques course (PSGE 7429).

    The practicum experience includes completion of two psychoeducational evaluations that include report writing, attending group supervision, school observations, and conducting parent/client feedback. To apply for a practicum position at the Hagin Center, please email and

  • The Hagin School Consultation Center at Fordham University offers an assessment-focused externship, providing training and supervision in all aspects of psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluation. Externs will have the opportunity to extend their personal assessment skills as well as to develop skills in supervision of less advanced trainees (i.e., practicum students).

    This externship is offered as a full academic year (September–May) externship, with two (2) days per week on site (16 hrs.). Additional hours may also be available during the summer session (June–July) as an extension to the externship. 

    The externs are expected to supervise two (2) graduate trainees on two (2) psychoeducational/neuropsychological assessments, each semester. This entails providing in vivo supervision of test administration and family intake and feedback, external school observations, individual support with test scoring, interpretation, case conceptualization, and report writing. The externs are also expected to conduct at least one (1) comprehensive psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation on their own each semester.

    The externs receive intensive supervision, both in individual and small group formats, on a weekly basis. Externs meet with a licensed senior supervisor, for a minimum of two (2) hours per week. In addition, there is weekly small group supervision with all externs and senior supervisors.

    Minimum level of readiness required for applicants:

    • Foundation level training in the major comprehensive cognitive and achievement batteries, including: WJ IV COG; WISC V; WAIS; WJ IV ACH; WIAT-4.
    • Foundation level training in the most commonly used behavior and social-emotional measures, including: BASC-3, HTP, Sentence Completion, TAT.
    • Strong writing skills.
    • Strong interpersonal skills.
    • Knowledge of CHC theory of intelligence and cross-battery assessment.
    • Familiarity with some of the neuropsychological batteries/tests (e.g., BRIEF-2, NEPSY II, D-KEFS).

    Externship Application Submission and Materials:

    • Please submit your application via
    • Include an official transcript.
    • Include two (2) comprehensive psychoeducational reports.
    • Include two (2) letters of recommendations.

    If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Angie Sjoquist, Ph.D., at