Aida A. Nevárez-La Torre

Aida Nevárez-La Torre coordinates the Multilingual Education Programs at Fordham's Graduate School of Education. Specifically, she oversees five degree/certification programs including: TESOL MST and TESOL MSE; Childhood Bilingual MST; TESOL Advanced Certificate; and Bilingual Education Extensions.
Currently, Nevárez-La Torre is the Senior Editor of the Journal of Multilingual Education Research. She has served as a research proposal reviewer in Luxembourg for the University of Luxembourg, and as a Dissertation Reader for the University of Pretoria in South Africa. In addition, Nevárez-La Torre is a reviewer for the National Screening Committee of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
Ed.D., Harvard University
M.S., State University of New York at Albany
B.A., University of Puerto RicoMultilingual Education
Multilingual Literacy
Teacher InquiryNevárez-La Torre, A.A. (2014). Necessary Ideological Shifts in Teaching Language. Cuaderno de Investigación. Centro de Investigaciones Educativas, Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Nevárez-La Torre, A.A. (2012). Transiency in Urban Schools: Challenges and Opportunities in Educating ELLs with a Migrant Background. Education and Urban Society, 4(4), pp. 3-34.
Book Chapters
Nevárez-La Torre, A.A. (2010). Learning on the Move: Migrant Workers in Adult Education. In M. Alfred, Learning for Economic Self-Sufficiency Among Low-Income and Low-Literate Adults. NC: Information Age Publishing.
Nevárez- La Torre, A. A., Sanford-De Shields, J., Soundy, C., Leonard, J., & Woyshner, C. (2007). Faculty Perspectives on Integrating Linguistic Diversity Issues into a Teacher Education Program. In M. Brisk (Ed.) Language, Culture and Community in Teacher Education New Jersey: Lawrence Earlbaum Publishers.
Nevárez- La Torre, A. A., (2010). The Power of Learning From Inquiry: Teacher Research as a Professional Development Tool in Multilingual Schools. North Carolina: Information Age Publishers.
- Bilingual Curriculum Materials - Content Area (CTGE5851)
- ESL/Bilingual Curriculum Development - Reading and Language Arts (CTGE5852)
- Second Language Acquisition and Assessment (CTGE5842)
- Teaching English Literacy to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (CTGE5846)
Courses Created (Ph.D. Level)
- Global Perspectives: Language, Culture, and Equity (CLGE6240)
- Developed and Directed
- Multilingualism in Schooling and Learning: Contemporary Perspectives; Summer Institute 2011
- Multilingual Literacy: Exploring Literacy, Language, and Culture in Multiple Contexts (CLGE7240)
Awarded the Gladys Correa Memorial Award in 2014 for scholarly contributions to enhance the research knowledge base in Bilingual Education.
Awarded Research Sabbatical: Multilingual Literacy in Schools - Fall 2014
Under her leadership, the TESOL program at Fordham Graduate School of Education was awarded National Recognition from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs and the TESOL International Professional Organization.