Annie George-Puskar


Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Teaching

Annie George-Puskar completed her Ph.D. in educational psychology with a specialization in early childhood intervention leadership from the University of Connecticut's Neag School of Education. George-Puskar began her career in early childhood intervention during her undergraduate studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and continued it through her post-graduate certification in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at Penn State University. Her areas of focus are early childhood transitions into preschool (particularly for young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families), developing leadership across all levels of early childhood systems, and using data-based decision-making instruction for personnel preparation. 

George-Puskar currently runs a research lab that is studying the transition practices of preschool teachers in New York City in collaboration with the New York City Early Childhood Research Network and various early childhood agencies in New York City.  George-Puskar has published her work in various journals and has presented at multiple national and international conferences. She has been quoted and interviewed for both local and national media outlets on early childhood development, teacher preparation, and educational leadership in schools.

George-Puskar is an editorial board member for Education Research Quarterly Infants and Young Children, Young Exceptional Children, and Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. George-Puskar is a Dame of Magistral Grace in the Order of Malta and serves as the co-chair (with her husband) for the Auxiliary in Connecticut. She is the mom to 3 young children and serves as an advisory board member to her childrens' school.

  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Special Education (Early Childhood Leadership) - University of Connecticut (2018)

    Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis, Penn State University (2011)

    M.A. in Psychology, The Catholic University of America (2010)

    B.A. in Psychology, The Catholic University of America (2009)


    George-Puskar, A., Beavers, E., Bruns, D., & Lindner, C. (2024). Process of self-leadership: Establishing yourself as leader no matter your role. International Journal of Leadership and Education Policy, 20(1). doi:10.22230/ijepl.2024v20n1a1315  

    Pansé-Barone, C., George-Puskar, A., Bensaid, B.J. (2024) Enhancing relational family-centered practices in early intervention preparation. Journal of Special Education Preparation, 4(1), 48-56.

    Laser, A., Acar, S., Brown, K., Doody, K.R., Green, K.B., Chapman, L.A., Rollins, L.H., George-Puskar, A., Gonzalea, M., Moldavan, A. M., Doody, K.R., Fulcher-Rood, K., Schuetze, P., Jackson, K., Mills, B., Dennis, L.R., Cole, T., Farquharson, K., Macy, M. (2024). Meaningful and engaging learning experiences in early childhood special education preparation programs. Journal of Special Education Preparation, 4(1), 68-84.  

    George-Puskar, A., & Gandhi, J. (2023). Technical Report: Early Childhood Educators' Perspectives on Child and Family Transitions into Preschool in NYC. New York City Early Childhood Research Network: Professional Development Institute

    Moldavan, A.M., Gonzalez, M., & George-Puskar, A. (2023). Framing Mathematical Competence and Behavior of a Black Male in a Kindergarten Classroom. Retrieved from American Educational Research Association (AERA) Online Paper Repository. Chicago, IL.

    Gonzalez, M., Moldavan, A.M., & George-Puskar, A. (2022). Forging mathematics and special education partnerships to strengthen instruction and interdisciplinary research. Connections, 32(1).

    Gonzalez., M., Moldavan, A.M., & George-Puskar, A. (2022).  Leveraging a case to disrupt the over-identification of Black males in mathematics special education. In A.E. Lischka et al., Proceedings of the forty-forth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Middle Tennessee State University, p. 556- 557. 10.51272/pmena.44.2022

    Pansé-Barone, C., George-Puskar, A., & Ziegler, L. (2021). Personnel Preparation in Engaging Families: A Systematic Literature Review. Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, TX.

    Bruder, M.B., Baril, E., & George-Puskar, A. (2015). Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills. In S.A. Raver., & D.C. Childress (Eds.) Family-Centered Early Intervention (pp. 136-166). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

    ​​Reichow, B., George-Puskar, A., Lutz, T., Smith, I.C., & Volkmar, F.R. (2015). Brief report: A systematic review of Rett syndrome in males. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2519-1


    Bruns, D., George-Puskar, A., Beavers, E. (2024, September). Develop, nurture, and coach: Deconstructing key skills in a leader. 1-hour session, Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

    Pansè-Barone, C. & George-Puskar, A. (2024, September). Online preservice training: Strategies for family-professional partnerships. 1-hour session, Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

    George-Puskar, A., Moldavan, A., & Gonzalez, M. (2024, April). Disrupting Preservice Teachers’ Biases: Leveraging Case-Based Instruction to Explore Counternarratives in Early Childhood Special Education. Paper Acceptance and Presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA). Round Table Session: Disrupting the Status Quo: Equity and Inclusion in Early Childhood. Philadelphia, PA.

    Ding, Y., Bucceri, B.*, & George-Puskar, A. (2024, February). Parents' Experiences of Having Children with Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper Presentation, National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conventions, New Orleans, LA.  

    George-Puskar, A., Moldavan, A., & Gonzalez, M. (2023, November). Using case-studies in teacher preparation to disrupt racial bias in mathematics and early childhood special education. National Association of the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, 90-minute session, Nashville, TN.

    Bruns, D., George-Puskar, A., Beavers, E., Lindner, C.* (2023, November). Building, supporting and sustaining leadership: Considerations and strategies for professionals working with young children. National Association of the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, 90-minute session, Nashville, TN.

    Shanahan, E.* & George-Puskar, A. (2023, November). Parental involvement and separation anxiety during transitions into NYC preschools. National Association of the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, poster session, Nashville, TN.

    Moldavan, A., George-Puskar, A., Gonzalez, M. (2023, November). Disrupting preservice teachers’ racial biases with counternarratives: A self-study of teacher educators’ practice. National Association of the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, 90-minute session, Nashville, TN.

    Shanahan, E.*, George-Puskar, A., Vannoni, M.* (2023, November). Identifying Teacher Use of Preschool Transition-Related Practices to Support Children and Families. 32nd Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research. St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY.

    Shanahan, E.*, Vannoni, M.*, & George-Puskar, A. (2023, August). Parental involvement and separation anxiety during transition in NYC Preschools. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Poster Session, Washington, D.C.

    Shanahan, E.* & George-Puskar, A. (2023, May). Parental Involvement and Separation Anxiety During Transition into NYC Preschools. Doctoral Student Research Celebration, Fordham University, New York, NY. 

    Lindner, C.* & George-Puskar, A. (2023, May). The Process of Self-Leadership: Establishing Yourself as Leader No Matter Your Role. Doctoral Student Research Celebration, Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Gonzalez, M., Moldavan, A.M., & George-Puskar, A. (2023, April). Black male mathematical competence or disruptive behavior? Noticing racial special education disparities in early childhood. Paper Acceptance and Presentation. American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

    George-Puskar, A., Gandhi, J., Acharya, N.*, Shanahan, E.*, Vannoni, M.*, & Quan, S.* (2023, March). Transition: Preschool to Kindergarten, Panel Session (Facilitated by Megan Purcell). Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Louisville, KY.

    George-Puskar, A., Gonzalez, M., & Moldavan, A.M. (2023, March). Using case-studies to explore racial bias in teacher candidates. Poster Session, Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Louisville, KY.

    Gonzalez, M., Moldavan, A.M., George-Puskar, A. (2023, March). Using case-studies in teacher preparation to explore racial bias in mathematics and early childhood special education. 1-hour session. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

    Shanahan, E.*, George-Puskar, A., Vannoni, M.,*& Acharya, N.*. (February, 2023). Overcoming child and family barriers in preschool transitions in NYC. Poster Session, National Association of School Psychology Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

    George-Puskar, A., Moldavan, A.M., & Gonzalez, M. (2022, November). Using case-studies in teacher preparation to explore racial bias in mathematics and early childhood special education. 1.5 hour session. National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.

    Gandhi, J., George-Puskar, A. & Shanahan, E.* (2022, November). Family Barriers to the Transition into Preschool: Teacher Reports and Strategies. 1.5 hour session. National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.

    George-Puskar, A., Panse-Barone, C. & Acharya, N.* (2022, November). Preschool Transition Practices: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Poster Session. National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.

    Moldavan, A.M., Gonzalez, M., & George-Puskar, A. (2022, November). Leveraging a case-study to disrupt over-identification and representation of black males in math and special education. Poster Session. Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.

    Shanahan, E.*, Vannioni, M.*, Acharya, N.*, George-Puskar, A. (2022, October). The Preschool Transition NYC: Overcoming child and family barriers in preschool transitions in NYC. Poster Session. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Uniondale, NY.

    George-Puskar, A., Beavers, E., & Bruns, D. (2022, September). Perceptions of yourself as a Leader and others' perceptions of you as a leader. 3-hour Preconference Workshop. Division for Early Childhood & International Society on Early Intervention Joint Conference, Chicago, IL.

    George-Puskar, A. Moldavan, A.M., & Gonzalez, M. (2022, September). Using case-studies in teacher preparation to explore racial bias in mathematics and early childhood special education. 1-hour session. Division for Early Childhood & International Society on Early Intervention Joint Conference, Chicago, IL.

    George-Puskar, A., Panse-Barone, C., & Acharya, N.* (2022, September). Scoping Review of the Literature: Teacher Practices in Preschool Transitions. Poster Session. Division for Early Childhood & International Society on Early Intervention Joint Conference, Chicago, IL.

    Quan, S.* & George-Puskar, A. (2022, May). Early Childhood Transitions in New York City: A Quantitative Analysis. Fordham University Doctoral Student Research Day, New York, NY.

    Shanahan, E.*, Acharya, N.*, Vannoni, M.*, & George-Puskar, A. (2022, May). Early Childhood Transitions in New York City: A Qualitative Analysis. Fordham University Doctoral Student Research Day, New York, NY.

    Acharya, N.* & George-Puskar, A. (2022, February). Increasing student engagement through data-sharing of student work completion percentages. Teacher Slam Session, Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference,  Virtual.

    George-Puskar, A., Gandhi, J., & Acharya, N.* (2021, November). Supporting the Transition into Preschool for Children with IEPs: Teacher Reports and Experiences. 1-hour session, National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Virtual.

    Pansé-Barone, C., George-Puskar, A., Zeigler, L. (2021, November). Preservice Preparation Instruction and Curricula to Increase Family-Professional Collaboration for Special Educators: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. 1-hour session, Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas. 

    George-Puskar, A., Beavers, E., Wiegand, S., Hankins, S., Binakonsky, B., & Sopko, K.M. (2021, September). Building Leadership Through Self-Reflection: Inspiring Change with Action. 3-hour Pre-Conference Workshop, Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Virtual.

    George-Puskar, A. (2021, January). The Transition for Children with ASD and DD in Early Childhood: A Systematic Review. Poster Session, Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Virtual.

    George-Puskar, A., Bruder, M.B., Childress, D., & Nicols, S. (2019, October). The State of Service Coordination Across the Country. Panel Presentation, Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

    George-Puskar, A. & Bruder, M.B. (2019, October). Judgements of Service Coordinator Practices and Transition-Related Outcomes for Children and Families. Poster Session, Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

    Freyre-Calish, G., George-Puskar, A., Howe, E., Panse, C., & Bruder, M.B. (2019, October). Lessons Learned: Implementing an Interdisciplinary Training for Early Intervention Professionals. Poster Session, Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

  • CTGE7532: Design, Implementation & Dissemination of Research

    CTGE 6192: Research in Teaching

    CTGE 5421: Planning and Instruction for Young Children with Disabilities

    CTGE 5411: Perspectives and Issues in Early Childhood Special Education

    CTGE 5233: Early Learning through Play

    CTGE 5155: Foundations for Special Education

    PSGE 6417: Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

    PSGE 5316: Psychology of Child Development and Learning