Gerald M. Cattaro

Jerry Cattaro


Professor of Education
Executive Director, The Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-Based Education, Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy

113 West 60th Street, Room 1024C

Office hours: Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m.

Professor Cattaro is currently the Executive Director of The Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-Based Education, and former chair of the Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy, in the Graduate School of Education at Fordham University.

Appointed by Pope Francis as a consultor on the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, Cattaro serves on the editorial boards of Education and Urban Society, International Journal of Educational Reform and the Governing Board of Journal of Catholic Education. He writes, teaches, speaks, and conducts research nationally and internationally, on governance issues associated with faith-based schools, executive leadership of faith- based schools, non-public school policy, and international faith-based education. Cattaro also currently serves on numerous national and international committees and boards, including The Pontifical Foundation of Scholas founded by Pope Francis, the Scientific Council of Advanced Studies at the University of Santa Maria Assunta, and as a chair of the steering committee of the World Congress of Catholic Education. He is a permanent observer for the Office of Catholic Education at the United Nations, and is the only American to sit on the Council of European Catholic Education.

Cattaro has made presentations at the United Nations' UNESCO in Paris and at the Vatican, plus at universities on all five continents, and to professional organizations such as the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), and the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). He made recent keynote presentations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Australian Catholic University, and the University of Strasbourg.

In addition, Professor Cattaro has served as a mentor to doctoral candidates for more than 60 Ph.D. educational leadership dissertations. His former students reside on every continent, among them bishops, university and college presidents, deans, superintendents of schools, and school principals. Cattaro's latest upcoming book, on the 50th anniversary of Gravissium Educationes, is also being revised for other publications, including diocesan educational leadership studies for NCEA and articles in Education Catholic, a publication of the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education.

Previously, Cattaro was a Catholic school administrator for nearly 20 years, and earned his Ed.D. at Teachers’ College at Columbia University in New York City. 

  • Editorial Board

    Education and Urban Society

    International Journal of Education Reform

    Governing Board

    Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice

    Invited International and University Presentations

    Cattaro, G. M. (2012, November). School Leadership. London, UK: Southwark Headteacher’s Annual Conference

    Cattaro, G. M. (2012, June). Education for School Leadership. Merelia, Mexico: Universidad Marista Valladolid

    Cattaro G. M. (2009, July) At the Origins of the Global Village: Challenging Educational Leaders to Explore the Complexity of Our World. Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade Catolica Portugesa

    Cattaro, G. M. (2008, July) Pedogogy of Paul. Pontifical University Bilicum: Rome, Italy

    Cattaro, G. M. (2007, July) Integrity Educational Leadership: A view from the Southern Hemisphere. Buenos Aires: Pontifical University of Argentina

    Cattaro, G. M., (2006, January). Refounding Catholic Education: Facoltá Teologidell'Italia Meridionale, Naples, Italy

    Cattaro, G. M. (2005, July). Refounding: Challenge for Catholic Educators. Milan, Italy

    Cattaro, G. M. (2005, January). Matters of Difference: Socio- Economic Government programs and Catholic Schools in the US. Nijmegen, Netherlands

    Cattaro, G. M., (2004, October). Leading toward Identity: Constructing Purpose and Accountability in Catholic Schools St. John’s University

    Cattaro, G. M., (2004, February). Intentionality: Catholic Identity of Catholic Schools. St. Peter’s College, Wexford Ireland

    Cattaro, G. M., (2003, October) In the Service of Catholic Schools Conversations Beginning and Continuing

    Cattaro, G. M., (2003, January). Maintaining the ethos of religious schools through staff development. Catholic University of the Netherlands, Nijmegen, Netherlands

    Cattaro, G. M., (2002, November). Catholic school leadership: Organizational intentionality. Glenstal Abbey, Murroe Co. Limerick, Ireland

    Cattaro, G. M., (2002, July). Art a treasury for catholic educators. Instituto Oblate Dell’ Assunzione, Florence, Italy

    Cattaro, G. M., (2001, August). Top Learnings: Identity and Mission of Catholic Schools; A conversation between two Cultures. Maynooth University, Maynooth Ireland

    Cattaro, G. M., (2001, June). Search for Leadership: Catholic School Leadership Programs. University San Francisco, San Francisco CA

    Cattaro, G. M., (February, 2001). Identity nixus: At what cost religious identity? Catholic University of the Netherlands, Nijmegen, Netherlands

    Cattaro, G. M., (1999, January). State aid to religiously affiliated schools in the united States. Catholic University of the Netherlands, Nijmegen, Netherlands

    Cattaro, G. M., (1998, March). Staff development: The manna for refounding catholic schools. Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, Rome Italy

  • 2021

    Dere, J. (2021). Effective church engagement with young adults: an organizational case study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Fernandes, V. (2021). Ignatian identity of school educators in a multicultural society of india: a comparative study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Dhani, A. (2021). From the heart of catholic higher education: non-catholic faculty perception of Catholic identity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Bravo, M. (2020). Una comunidad catolica: U.S. hispanic popular Catholicism among college students at a Catholic university [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY. (2021)

    Chatman. D. (2020). Historical educational policy study on school closures and school choice during the Bloomberg administration [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY. (2021)

    Brown, M. (2020). De facto leadership: African American Baptist adult clergy children’s commitment to ministry programs [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    De Santis Brown, G. (2020). Mission effectiveness and institutional environment: Influence of Catholic mission on undergraduate core curriculum programs [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Adutwum, C. (2020). Perceptions of Catholic school superintendents on same-sex issues in Catholic schools: A national study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Olofinkua, V. (2020). Academic staff’s job satisfaction and motivation in Catholic universities in Nigeria [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Serpe, V. (2020). Latino families in N-12 Catholic education: A study of customer satisfaction [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Conception, A. (2019). Title IX and sexual assault and misconduct prevention and response at two Catholic universities [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    DiFato, A. (2019). Relationship of social media use and fundraising in Jesuit secondary schools: What data suggest [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Nodolski, K. (2019). Catholic identity in higher education institutions as advanced by presidents and chief mission officers [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Udoh, M. (2019). Principals' leadership style and student achievement in Catholic schools: Mediating effect of faculty trust [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Holt, P. (2018). Translating Ignatian values into a virtual space: In Jesuit universities and colleges [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Johnson, W. (2018). Perceptions of effective Jesuit college and university governing boards: Characteristics, behaviors, and relationships to mission [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Moloney, B. (2018). The mission of mercy: Catholic high schools, school presidents, and Pope Francis [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York.


    Cavanaugh, J. (2017). Who am I to judge? [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Cuthbert, K. C. (2017). Black male superintendents in New York State: Voices from the field [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Jones, J. (2017). The potential for school-to-school networks to foster school improvement efforts [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Kang, H. P. (2017). Cross-racial and cross-cultural leadership experiences of first generation immigrant Korean American United Methodist clergywomen [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    McNamara, L. B. (2017). Transition of leadership in Catholic elementary schools with its perceived effect on Catholic identity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Lovric, I. (2015). The president/principal model of school leadership in Catholic schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Mateucci, R. (2015). Mission integrity: a case study of Pontifical Catholic University entrusted to Marist Institute [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    O’Brien, J. (2015). Tale of two cities, UK and USA vocational school leaders: Perceptions and experiences [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Davis, H. (2014). Leadership of Pope Leo XIII [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Di Mizio, J. (2014). A study of science teachers’ perception of religion [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Azhakath, M. (2013). Teresian leadership: A historical analysis [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Beale, N. (2013). Catholic Generation X school leaders: Their impact on the Catholic identity of the Catholic school [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Gospodarzec, K. (2013). The perceptions of youth ministers' leadership role in the Catholic regional church [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Imhangbe, O. (2013). Impact of principal leadership on Catholic high school students’ achievement in Edo Sate, Nigeria [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Bature, A. (2012). The role of faith-based education of peace and justice in ethno-religious conflict driven Tarabastate, Nigeria [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Domfeh-Boateg, J. (2011). An inquiry into the selection and spiritual formation of Catholic public school lay principals in Ghana [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Yonnes, J. (2010). Leadership perspective of Catholic school principals in Lebanon: A case of Mount Lebanon [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Acheampong, L. (2009). An inquiry into the leadership experiences of African American women principals in Catholic schools [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    D’Amore, L. (2009). The feminization of Catholic higher education in historically male institutions [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    DeFeo, J. A. (2009). Old wine in new skin: Ignatian pedagogy, compatible with and contributing to Jesuit higher education [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Okochi, A. A. (2009). The clergy and Catholic educational leadership in Nigeria: The case of Awka diocese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Petriccone, R. (2009). A descriptive study of lay presidents of American Catholic colleges and universities [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Stefano, Del Bove (2008). Education as a path to love: A leadership perception of Benedict XVI’s challenge to Catholic education [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Mussi, J. M. (2008). Does mission matter? Exploring the relationship between the Jesuit mission of higher education and the new student affairs professional [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Obasi, P. (2008). Service learning as building adolescents’ relationships to their community: An exploratory case study of Catholic academy [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Umamchukwu, J. (2008). The clergy and Catholic educational leadership in Nigeria: The case of Awka Diocese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Calvi, S.J. (2007). Searching for the democratic ideal: A theoretical study of the history, spirituality, and ethics in the United States educational system [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Magnaye, F. C.M. (2007). The mission office in Catholic higher education: Response to identity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Nnjiofor, P. (2007). Implementing universal basic education in Nigeria: Examining the challenges facing Catholic schools [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Owusu-Addo, A. (2007). The establishment of the Catholic University-College of Ghana: Refounding identity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Lynch, P. (2006). From mandated services to mandated curriculum: Institutional isomorphism and the Catholic schools of three New York State (Arch) Diocese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Samjumi, Z. (2006). Re-engaging Catholic education in a dominant Muslim society: A case for the Diocese of Yola [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Smith, K. J. (2006). Enduring presence, evolving paradigm: Presidents’ perceptions of the “Nativity” model of inner-city Catholic education: A national study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    O’Brien, M., O.P. (2004). Charism Dominican colleges and universities in the United States [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Ezoke, A. (2003). Leadership formation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    Kizito, F., S J. (2003). Training of Neophyte principals in North West Nigeria [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Chembolaros, V., O.P. (2002). Catholic school leadership Archdiocese of Denver: The pivotal years [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Chung, C., S.V.D. (2001). Leading patients: Leadership styles in hospital ministry [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Ferrara, S. (2000). How lay principals in Xaverian brothers sponsored schools implement the Charism of Xaverian brothers [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Orapankal, A., Rev. (1999). The Roman Catholic Church in a leadership paradox: A case study of an Angami parish in Nagaland India [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    Schlitte, S. (1998). Roots and wings: The practice of white principals of Catholic African American elementary schools [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.


    O’Connor, J.J. (1997). The financial impact of the leadership development initiative on urban elementary schools in the archdiocese of New York [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Fordham University, New York, NY.

    • Catholic Identity and Mission
    • Critical Issues in Administration and Supervision
    • Doctoral Residency Seminar
    • Field Research in Administration and Supervision
    • Fundamentals of Education Administration and Management
    • Fundamentals of Educational Supervision
    • History of Education
    • Perspectives on Leadership
    • Philosophy of Education
    • School Finance
    • Seminar in Organizational Theory
    • Strategic Planning/Change
  • Ed.D., Educational Administration, 1987
    Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

    Ed.M., Educational Administration, 1983
    Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

    M.S.Ed., PD Educational Administration and Supervision, 1978
    Pace University, New York, NY

    M.S.Ed., Foundations of Education, 1976
    City College, CUNY, New York, NY

    B.A. History, Education, 1973
    Merrimack College, North Andover, MA

  • Catholic Schools
    Executive School Leadership
    Globalization and Education
    Organizational Change
    Organizational Leadership

  • Books/Monographs

    Terranova, M & Cattaro, G. (2016). Snapshot 206: Demographic Study of New York Superintendency. Albany: New York State Council of Superintendents.

    Cattaro, G. M., & McDonald, D. (2015). DEALS: National Study of Catholic Superintendency. Washington DC: NCEA Publications.

    Cattaro, G.M. & Russo, C.J. (Eds.) (2015). Gravissimum Educationis: Golden Opportunities in American Catholic Education 50 Years After Vatican II. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

    Cattaro, G. M., & McDonald, D. (2010). DEALS: National Study of Catholic Superintendency. Washington DC: NCEA Publications.

    Russo, C., Massucci, J., & Cattaro, G. (2009). The Law of Special education and non–public. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

    Terranova, M & Cattaro, G. (2009). Snapshot 2009: Demographic Study of New York Superintendency. Albany: New York State Council of Superintendents.

    Terranova, M., & Cattaro, G. (2007). Snapshot VI: Demographic Study of New York Superintendency. Albany: New York State Council of Superintendents.

    Cattaro, G. M., Mc Donald, D. (2006) DEALS: National Study of Catholic School Superintendency. Washington, D.C: NCEA Publications.

    Rogers, T., Cattaro, G. (2004). Snapshot V: Demographic Study of New York Superintendency: Albany: New York State Council of Superintendents.

    Russo, C., Massucci, J., & Cattaro, G. (2002). Special Education and Catholic Schools. Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association.

    Hedely, C., Bernhardt, R., Cattaro, G., Svolopoulos, V. (Eds.). (1998). Curriculum leadership: Rethinking schools for the 21st century. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.


    Cattaro, G. (March 30, 2015). Celebrate, revitalize and reawaken! Declaration on Christian education: Gravissimum Educationes. School Boards NCEA.

    Cattaro, G. (2014). Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for new teaching approach. Momentum, 45, 36-38.

    Russo, C., & Cattaro, G. (2009). Faith based charter schools: An idea whose time is unlikely to come. Religion and Education, 36(1), 72-94.

    Cattaro, G. (2007). Education: A path to love. Momentum, 49, 56-58.

    Cattaro, G. (2007). Leading toward identity: School leadership. Today’s Catholic Teacher, 36(1), 28-31.

    Russo, C. Cattaro G. (2006) Catholic Schools In Fenwhick English (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration, (pp.263-265) Thousand Oaks CA. SAGE

    Cattaro, G.M. (2005). School Business Officials as Stewards. School Business Affairs, Vol. 71, No. 7, 28-31.

    Timothy J. Ilg, Joseph D. Massucci, Gerald M. Cattaro (2004) Brown at 50: The Dream is Still Alive in Urban Catholic Schools, Education and Urban Society, 36(3) - 05/20/04

    Cattaro, G. M. (2003) Operational paradoxes: Vouches and catholic elementary schools. Catholic Education: Journal of Inquiry and Practice.

    Cattaro, G. (2002) Education and Urban Society: 35(1), 100-110

    Russo, C.J., Massucci, JD, Cattaro, G.M., & Osborne, A.G. (2002). Catholic schools and the law of students with disabilities: An overview. Today’s Catholic Teacher: 36(1), 28-31.

    Cattaro, G (2002) Immigration and pluralism in urban catholic schools. Education and Urban Society: 34 (2), 199-211

    Cattaro, G. Fale, E. Zeller (2001) Response to superintendents crisis. Long Island Education Review: 1 (3), 10-15

    Cattaro, G. , Fale, E. ,Zeller, E. Cooper, B., (2001) Superintendents candidate crisis from the view point of new york state school boards. Long Island Education Review: 1(2), 29-36