Robert Niewiadomski


Assistant Clinical Professor
Division of Curriculum and Teaching

113 West 60th Street
Room 1103 - D

Office hours vary by term; please E-Mail to schedule an appointment.

Robert Niewiadomski, Ph.D., is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of Curriculum and Teaching at Fordham University's Graduate School of Education. He coordinates the Master of Science in Teaching Childhood Education program and advises students in both childhood and multilingual education programs. A Teach For America alumnus, Dr. Niewiadomski has over a decade of experience in New York City public schools, building on his earlier work teaching and coordinating English programs for adult learners from predominantly immigrant communities.

  • Ph.D. Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction, Fordham University

    Ed.D. Instructional Leadership, Hunter College, CUNY

    M.S.T. TESOL, Fordham University

    B.A. Philosophy, Columbia University

  • Robert Niewiadomski's research interests focus on the intersection of multilingualism, raciolinguistics, and queer studies and their impact on individuals and society from a critical theory perspective. He investigates how linguistic repertoires and identity markers intersect to create injustices and privileges within communities.


  • Educating Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners: Pre K-12 (CTGE 5420)

    Historical, Philosophical, and Multicultural Foundations of American Education (UEGE 5102)

    Jr Field Exp Sem I (CTGE 4204)

    Jr Field Exp Sem II (CTGE 4205)

    Learning Content Through Language in Multilingual Classrooms (CTGE 5845)

    Literacy Across the Curriculum in Inclusive Classrooms (CTGE 5548)

    Multilingual Oracy and Literacy (CTGE 5852)

    Second Language Acquisition and Assessment (CTGE 5842)

    Sophomore Field Exp Sem I (CTGE 4202)

    Sophomore Field Exp Sem II (CTGE 4203)

    Sr Field Exp Sem I (CTGE 4206)

    Sr Field Exp Sem II (CTGE 4207)

    Teaching English Oracy and Literacy to Speakers of Other Languages (CTGE 5846)

    Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children (CTGE 5247)

    Children's Literature in a Multicultural Society (CTGE 5245)