Rachelle Green

Rachelle Green from GRE

Rachelle Green is an Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Education. She holds a Ph.D. in Religion from Emory University’s Person, Community, and Religious Life program. In her doctoral program, Green directed the Certificate in Theological Studies Program, a theological education program for women in prison. She also served a two-year term as the Assistant Director of the Youth Theological Initiative, a theological education program for high school juniors and seniors.

Green’s current research brings together liberationist theologies, social ethics, and critical pedagogies to deepen and enrich our theologies and practices of teaching and learning with populations on the margins of academic discourse. Her recent project considers the good of theological education among women in prison and consider more broader questions about the purposes and futures of theological education for the transformation of the world.

“Jesuit pedagogy is deeply committed to social justice and to pushing the boundaries of what we mean by religious education, which is why I was drawn to Fordham,” she said.

“I’m thrilled about continuing the work on criminal justice, religion, and education so that we can begin to think differently about what theological education looks like both for the church and for the broader community—especially the spaces we forget to think about.”

Green is a licensed minister in the National Baptist Convention, USA and comes to theological scholarship after a career in business management and strategic marketing where she focused on the needs of women and families of color.

View Rachelle Green's CV.

  • PhD, Emory University Religious Education & Practical Theology, 2019
    Dissertation: Learning to Live: Social Death, Redemptive Practices, and Theological Education in a Women’s Prison

    Areas of Study:  Religious Education and Pedagogy, Classical and Contemporary Theologies of Sin and Grace, Theories of Social Justice and Contemporary Christian Ethics
    Concentration: Study of Religious Practices

    M.Div., Emory University Candler School of Theology, 2014
    Certificates in Religious Education and Women, Theology, and Ministry

    M.A., Regent University School of Divinity, 2011           
    Concentration in Practical Theology

    B.A., Kent State University, College of Business, 2004
    Major in Business Administration and Marketing; Minor in Spanish

  • Dr. Green’s interdisciplinary interests bring together liberationist theologies, social ethics, and critical pedagogies to research theologies and philosophies of education for populations on the margins of academic discourse. Her current research in practical theology explores the significance of religious and theological education among women incarcerated in US prisons.

  • “Remember Your Graduation: Reflections on the Significance of Theological Education from a Prison Theological Educator,” Theological Education, vol. 51, no. 2 (2018), 93-103.

  • Theology of Ministry
    Research Methods and Resources in Religious Education
    Imagination: Ministry and Religious Education
    Moral Education and Development
    Religious Education and Human Development

Contact Information

441 East Fordham Road
Keating Hall 303
Bronx, NY 10458
