Shannon M. McAlister

McAlister from GRE

Shannon McAlister is an Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality. She holds a Ph.D. in Theology from The Catholic University of America, and currently serves as the Vice President for the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality. Her current research focuses on the history of feminine-gendered language for God within the works of the Fathers, saints, and Doctors of the Church in the Latin West.

View Dr. McAlister's CV.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Systematic Theology, The Catholic University of America, May 12, 2012.

    Areas of Concentration:  Theology of God; Spirituality; Moral Theology and Ethics

    Dissertation:  A “Father” Who Conceives and Gives Birth: Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on Whether God the Father May Be Called a “Mother”

    Director:  Regis Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap., Ph.D.

    Readers:  Joshua Benson, Ph.D. and Susan Wessel, Ph.D.

    Master of Arts, Historical and Systematic Theology, The Catholic University of America, January 31, 2008.

    Summer Patristic Studies Program, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2007.

    Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts (Great Books Curriculum), Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California, 2000.

    Languages:  Reading knowledge in Latin, French, German, and Ancient Greek (including Attic).

  • My current research focuses on uncovering the history of feminine-gendered language for God within the works of the Fathers, saints, and Doctors of the Church in the Latin West.

  • God the Mother? God the Daughter?: The Medieval Question, under contract with University of
    Notre Dame Press.

    “Christ as the Woman Seeking Her Lost Coin: Luke 15:8-10 and Divine Sophia in the Latin West,” forthcoming in Theological Studies.

    “From Whose Womb Did the Ice Come Forth?: Augustine of Hippo, Gregory the Great, and Thomas Aquinas on Job 38:29,” forthcoming in Irish Theological Quarterly.

    "Born of the Father: Psalm 109:3 and the Divine Womb in Latin Nicene Theology," Worship 91 (May 2017): 204-223. 

    Review of The Thirst of God: Contemplating God's Love with Three Women Mystics, by Wendy Farley. Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 17, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 136-38.

  • Contemporary Christian Spirituality

    Women Mystics

    Theology of the Human Person

    Sacramental Spirituality

    Theology of Spiritual Direction

    Special Topics: Spirituality

    Theology of the Human Person—online

    Contemporary Christian Spirituality—online

    History of Christian Spirituality I—online

    Theology of Spiritual Direction—online

Contact Information

441 East Fordham Road
Keating Hall 303
Bronx, NY 10458
