GRE And the Future

A Letter from the Acting Dean, Summer 2024

June 7th, 2024

Dear GRE Community,

As I promised in my mid-winter missive, I want to bring you up to date on our period of transition. 

During the spring semester, small clusters of GRE (Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education) and GSE (Graduate School of Education) faculty met to discuss possibilities for GRE faculty and degree programs integrating into GSE as an individual division within its graduate school. I am pleased to report that these discussions went very well. In the upcoming fall semester, the process of possible integration will continue through established university protocols, e.g., consultations with both GRE and GSE faculty councils, then the university faculty senate, and ultimately to the provost, president, and Board of Trustees. Assuming all goes well, January 2025 will begin the practical, yet partial, integration of GRE faculty and degrees into a division of GSE. This integration likely will run through the spring and summer of the 2025 semesters; however, as usual, in May of 2025, GRE will host its own graduation diploma ceremony, likely our last. 

As you might imagine, there are many elements to the integration, which explains the lengthy time frame I’ve presented above. Please keep all GRE faculty, staff, and students in your prayers as we progress through this transition. Next fall semester, I’ll update you again on the progress of the process.


Francis X. McAloon, S.J.

GRE Acting Dean