PIPELINE for Youth Health Fellowship Program

fists and arms raised into the air

What is the PIPELINE for Youth Health Fellowship Program?

The Fordham GSS Prioritizing Integrated Care, Prevention, and Equity: Leading Interprofessional, New York City-based Efforts (PIPELINE) for Youth Health fellowship program is a program of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Behavioral Health Workforce, Education, and Training (BHWET) program. This program offers specialized training to Graduate School of Social Service advanced year Master of Social Work (MSW) students enrolled in the on-campus program at the Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. Students selected for this competitive fellowship program will participate in specialized training and receive a $10,000 stipend.

What are the goals of PIPELINE for Youth Health?

The overarching goal of PIPELINE for Youth Health is to create a sustainable pipeline of racially and ethnically diverse behavioral health social work practitioners who are equipped with the skills needed to work with youth across the entire continuum of care (prevention and intervention), and practice effectively on interprofessional teams in integrated care settings. This competitive fellowship program aims to train and expand the youth behavioral health workforce through integrated settings. As trainees, students gain rich experiences working collaboratively while learning about integrated behavioral health care with a particular focus on prevention, integrated care, and health equity, with a particular focus on youth residing in high need/high demand areas in the NYC metropolitan area.

Program Requirements

GSS Advanced year MSW students accepted to the PIPELINE for Youth Health program receive specialized training through required specialized coursework (inclusive of field/internship), seminars, and workshops. The curriculum is grounded in the social determinants of health (SDOH) and incorporates principles of both family-centered and trauma-informed care. In addition to evidence-based prevention and intervention and models of integrated care and interprofessional practice, training content will also cover care delivery modalities that include tele-behavioral health, health and digital health literacy, and technology integration tools for individual and population health monitoring. PIPELINE for Youth Health Fellows complete their advanced year field/internship requirements at placements that allow them to develop their skills in behavioral health integration and interprofessional team-based care delivery.

Read more in the news about the PIPELINE for Youth Health Fellowship Program.

Funding: This project is supported by the Health Services Resources Administration (HRSA) Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) program (PI: Ross). Award Number: 1 M01HP41967-01-00