Restorative Community Participant Reflections

In restorative communities, individuals discover the power of connection. They experience a trusting, safe space where they have a voice and role, and they find belonging nested in the folds of the congregation, as well as with the broader community.

Participants’ reflections on their experiences in the program highlight the meaningful connection and shared humanity they encounter in restorative communities:

Program Family Experience

"When I first came here....l had an ocean....l was continents away from people. [But in this program] we became not only friends....we became family. We were hesitant to tell our stories....but as time went on we became more trusting of each other....we respected each other, which was very big.

Community Development of Social Bonds

"Regardless of our moods, once we sat down and started was amazing. Through the hell that we came out of, it's a blessing to have that connection. People hold on to their angry place. But once you are here, you are able to let go. Once you come through this door.... expect a change. No matter what."

Mentor Bonds for Trust and Possibilities

"I have seen tears shed in here from men, as well as the mentors. That is powerful… For [the mentors] to embrace their brothers and sisters is an incredible thing...the mentors have allowed their personal biases to be swept to the side and that is powerful."

Life Story Bonds

"I got a great deal of support with the group itself after I said my story. I was reluctant to express too much because I didn't want them to see me in a different way. But it was nothing of what I expected. It was a blessing. The support that I got from my peers, the support that I got from the staff, it was overwhelming, it was incredible… it’s intense and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

Overall Experience

"Whether it was telling my story, listening to someone else's story, whether it was reading one of the prayers and feeling like they were talking to me. Whether it was just having dinner, whether it was someone saving my dinner, it was just like everything fell into place every day that I came. I always felt spiritual and at peace when I left here."