Christine Toner

Adjunct Faculty
Phone: 212-636-6600
Office: Lincoln Center Room 726

  • MSW Hunter College 1994

    Post Graduate certificate in Clinical Work with children, adolescents and adults Hunter College 1997

  • Generalist Practice I and II

    Advanced Assessment and Diagnosis I and II

    Clinical Practice II

    Clinical Seminar

  • Christine Toner, is a seasoned clinician who has been an adjunct since 2003. Ms. Toner’s clinical practice spans a variety of settings including: hospital based mental health clinics, community based organizations, child welfare agencies, substance abuse programs and court programs.

    She currently consults with child welfare agencies, community corrections, corrections, substance abuse programs and juvenile justice programs throughout the U.S. on a variety of evidenced-based practices, including Motivational Interviewing (MI) as she is a member of MINT.